Mohratard: The Character I Made for No Reason At All

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself strikes again...

Whatever that means.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Mohratard.jpeg


I'll be honest. There's a reason.

Allow me to explain.

Mohratard is what happens when you combine sleep deprivation with cold medication, then, pass out for about ten hours or so.

While passed out, I entered this strange land. A land of things better left unsaid.

Except for Mohratard. We can say that.

I met him beside a mountain. It wasn't a very big mountain. It was more like a thing made of plastic and some tape. That silver tape. Duct tape. Not duck tape.

The closer I got to this mountain, the smaller the mountain became. I don't know how that makes sense but just bear with me here, it happened, and that's that.

The mountain would get smaller and Mohratard would get bigger. I don't know why. I didn't write this shit, my brain did.

Finally, I got close enough and became curious so I attempted to speak to Mohratard.

"Hi there. What's up with your eyes," I asked all nonchalantly as if things like Mohratard are normal and there's no need to be concerned.

He didn't say anything though. He just stared at me with that dumb look on his face.

Now, that's my artist's rendition of Mohratard. I'd say it's quite accurate combined with a bit of my art style. In the land of things better left unsaid, his little antenna things were moving around and sometimes poking him in the eyes. That didn't seem to matter though. He just stood there with that dumb look on his face. I just stood there giving him my best dumb look and said nothing. I think that part of the dream lasted about five hours. It's hard to know for sure though.

Then he suddenly says, "Mohratard." I think that's how you spell it.

I was confused so I said, "Mohratard?"

Then he responded with, "Mohratard."

That went on for quite awhile. Many, many dream hours.


Eventually I woke up.

I don't know why these things have to happen to me. I ask other people what they dream about and they say, "Chicks and sex and money and flying."

I get this Mohratard shit.

What's up with that?

I don't know either...

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"I'm finally starting to feel a bit better today... so that's good."
[email protected]

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
(Click the link for previous posts!)


As always I love your post. Also to let you account was hacked and my 663 SBD was stolen along with my steem tokens. Be prepared. Apparently someone is using Steemit and directing you to i have gone from tears to anger and in between. Well That is how my day started. Hope all is better for you. Troy.


I always hover my mouse over links before I click. In the chrome browser and I assume many others, the address should show up somewhere. If it says something like instead of, leave it alone, don't click it, it's probably a scam.

Sorry to hear about that @enjoywithtroy. Have you changed your keys? Is your account secure now?

It is secure now yes. I do not know how to get back my SBD and Steem tokens. I will be doing post on my experience. It is a hell of a way to learn a lesson. Apparently this person (s) -good-kama and gig.witnesses are using blocktrades to redeem last I heard. I wish I had a way to have what I earned back.. Very sad. Thanks for caring my friend.

I sent you 10 SBD. Just take it. Nobody deserves to be robbed like that.

Thank you so much I did receive it. God bless my dear friend.

Is it strange that the first thing I thought of was that this character looks like this guy:

At least you have the excuse of being on cough medicine. My mind is just koo-koo for cocoa puffs on its own.

Holy crap! I forgot about that guy. Was I actually dreaming about that stupid Ants movie! Wtf brain! I thought we hated that movie!

Last dream I had I was trying to return a Little Pet Shop toy to a pawn shop because it was missing a hamster cage. lol. Gotta love dreams you can get a humorous story out of. Mohratard looks like a little boy who got into his mom's closet to try on her clothes and make-up. Like someone else commented the eyes really do have an optical illusion effect. If you stare at them long enough they kind of move.

Dreams are nuts and I love when I remember them. These things I see would drive any sane person mad. The people are never actually people for some reason. I go to another dimension. When I do see people, I pay special attention because they always seem to be trying to tell me something.

As for Mohratard's eyes, yes, they should mess with our eyes. It's because one is slightly bigger and the color difference. Lots of fun to stare at. That's what Mohratard was doing in my sleep. Just standing there trippin' me out.

Do you remember the exact combination of drugs to duplicate the experience? I'm interested in hearing about the next stage in your relationship with Mohratard. Are we talking dream or nightmare here?

Tylenol Cold and Flu. The box with the day and night stuff. Take two of the night ones, then two of the day ones a little later so they start fighting inside your body. Coffee, cigarettes. Stay awake for as long as you can before you begin though.

What a great idea for a @steemit blog, a daily spilling of the dream beans!!!

Would that eventually dox you, or help you discover the meaning of life, or ....

I agree. Great idea! Let's encourage everyone to spill their guts so we can judge them accordingly! Great song too.


When I was a kid, I had Saturday morning cartoons. Now that I'm a grown ass man, I get to watch cartoons every night!

Flying and other naked stuff are cool to see in dreams.
But after observing your ghost paintings I regularly fight with hordes of monsters and ghosts.
Now I'm pretty sure what the next dream will be about...

Peanut butter sandwiches?

I'm sure that Mohratard will be there. Maybe a couple other tard species will be wandering around throwing peanut sandwiches at me.

Mohratard's lens game is strong.
Search that name in Google and yours is the top result among 2 others! 😂
Good to know you're feeling better! :D
PS: Love the length and content of this article; it's just perfect.

There's only one fricking Mohratard in the entire world. I did that.. somehow.

Getting better. Hopefully my mind starts working while I'm awake soon. Still a bit out of it, but whatever, I can handle it, I can handle anything. That's why they call me The Handler.... whatever that means.

Perfect amount of goodness you say? Fantastic! Thanks.

Yessir The Handler!
PS: Will upvote your comment once my VP recharges, looks like I gotta take a "break" too!

I have to say, friend, I still hope you're feeling better soon, but I think I am going to miss the stuff you come up with while you're on that cold medicine.

Dreams are weird. Sometimes, rarely, I think my dreaming mind visits another world, where I am another person entirely. I have some real trouble remembering the details of these dreams; when I wake, I vividly remember meeting someone, and doing something, but I rarely remember much of who or what it was. Even so, I feel a real sense of emotional loss.

I can usually only recall a few unimportant details before the entire thing is forgotten forever. If I try to recall more, things that made sense at the time fail to connect with logic, and the entire memory just falls apart. I have met whole people who don't exist. I don't know their names, or what they look like, but I feel like if I saw them again, I'd know them immediately.

I wish I could say I've seen Mohratard before, but I think he's yours alone. You got me thinking of those dreams though... it's been a long time since I've had one.

I have those vivid ones as well. It's like living a second life. I know all about it but more often than not I meet a strange cast of characters. They say those people we see who we don't know are parts of ourselves, but there's no real way of proving that so I don't necessarily believe those experts.

The best way to remember is to remind yourself before you fall asleep. While you're dozing off, rather than thinking, just keep reminding yourself to remember the dreams. For some reason that works for me.

I'll try that, Mr. Himself. Thanks for the suggestion.

I've been thinking about trying to write down my dreams again. Not to post or anything, at least I don't think so, maybe once in a while... but I have been thinking about it ever since reading one of @therealpaul's posts a while ago. Maybe it's time.

Mohratard looks a little bit scared to me! You know that some people say that every dream has a meaning, I don't know what that dream means!!!

I don't know what it means either, so I googled it. Start there.

I googled it, your post shows up first haha. Unconsciously you must know what it means, think think and recall XD. I sound like a psychic now lol, what is wrong with me!!!

I don't know what it means. My brain gave me word or a name that's never been used before in the history of all languages I guess. I didn't realize that until after I published this and googled it myself. Maybe I met someone or something from another world. I don't know! It sounds like MORE-atard, but the h is needed to make it sound as I heard it. Mohr-atard. Mohratard. So weird. I'm used to seeing strange things, but I don't often remember hearing strange things. ... I'll be okay. It was just a dream.

I see, maybe it will make sense in the future!!! For now let's just say it was just a dream!!!

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