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RE: Mohratard: The Character I Made for No Reason At All

in #funny6 years ago

I have to say, friend, I still hope you're feeling better soon, but I think I am going to miss the stuff you come up with while you're on that cold medicine.

Dreams are weird. Sometimes, rarely, I think my dreaming mind visits another world, where I am another person entirely. I have some real trouble remembering the details of these dreams; when I wake, I vividly remember meeting someone, and doing something, but I rarely remember much of who or what it was. Even so, I feel a real sense of emotional loss.

I can usually only recall a few unimportant details before the entire thing is forgotten forever. If I try to recall more, things that made sense at the time fail to connect with logic, and the entire memory just falls apart. I have met whole people who don't exist. I don't know their names, or what they look like, but I feel like if I saw them again, I'd know them immediately.

I wish I could say I've seen Mohratard before, but I think he's yours alone. You got me thinking of those dreams though... it's been a long time since I've had one.


I have those vivid ones as well. It's like living a second life. I know all about it but more often than not I meet a strange cast of characters. They say those people we see who we don't know are parts of ourselves, but there's no real way of proving that so I don't necessarily believe those experts.

The best way to remember is to remind yourself before you fall asleep. While you're dozing off, rather than thinking, just keep reminding yourself to remember the dreams. For some reason that works for me.

I'll try that, Mr. Himself. Thanks for the suggestion.

I've been thinking about trying to write down my dreams again. Not to post or anything, at least I don't think so, maybe once in a while... but I have been thinking about it ever since reading one of @therealpaul's posts a while ago. Maybe it's time.

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