Warm on the RangesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas where
it is 104 degrees today but that's okay because the next few days are
supposed to get to 108. It won't be too bad if we have a stiff breeze,
just feel like a blast furnace.

No problemo though. I just had one of our Road Runners cross right
in front of my office window on the patio but he was gone before I
could get a shot, he was in the yard earlier, dashing around:

I know these ain't the best photos, they're hard to catch up close to
the house. I just need more zoom on my telephotos.
No article today, I'm exhausted. Only a few hours sleep. Nothing
to do with Steemit. Just a small injury to Jack late at night but he's
fine now.
jack (1).jpg

I do have a joke for ya'll.

you might be a redneck if:

you went into debt for this tatoo to impress your girlfriend!

redneck tatoo.jpg

if anyone would like to get this tatoo please let me know!

top 3 photos are mine obviously, I have no idea where the tatoo
photo came from, I've seen it all over the internet and facebook.
it freaks me out a little bit everytime I see it actually.

thanks for stopping by folks, God bless you all!
-jonboy Texas
the gentleman redneck



Sorry to hear about Jack, my friend. I do hope he is all back to his regular self soon. 108...wow...I was in Vegas at 117 once, but not for long. Hope you survive it!

P.S. I don't even understand that tat....Weird...but then again, the whole tatooing business, in general, is weird to me.

ahaha..well the heat doesn't bother us, we've had steadily increasing temperatures so it's easy to get used to. like that frog in the water that gets slowly heated!
you don't like that tattoo? man what's your problem dude? haha! it's almost like an optical illusion it's so weird isn't it? it's freaky.
oh and Jack, he's fine and healed. we prayed for the cut last night and today he ain't even limping.

I love my mountain weather, this week has been exceptional for July, low 80s to upper 60's at night. We usually get a few days each year around 100 but not too many. I remember camping in Texas as a kid in 100+ weather. It was HOT, but got a little better once you were drenched with sweat, as long as you stayed hydrated.
Jack is a beautiful animal, hope all is well, and you get some sleep tonight.
I don't personally get tattoo's like that, but to each his own I guess.

howdy @coinsandchains! man, your temperatures are sounding pretty darn good about now! I dream of 60 degree weather. But up there in the mountains doesn't it get awful cold in the winter and do you ever get snowed in?
Jack is a great dog and is doing great, we prayed over his injured foot last night and today he's running around without a limp. do you have any dogs?

We do get some snow, we don't get a lot, but occasionally do get snowed in. Well, it gets cold but rarely below 0, which is not that bad considering what some places get.
We do have a dog she's a 17 year old ridgeback-pit mix. We had to put the other dog down last month, she was an 18 year old Golden retriever. It about killed my wife and youngest daughter(16 yo), probably harder on the daughter.

howdy today @coinsandchains! so sorry to hear about your family dog and family member, Golden retrievers are the best. When I did a post on hero dogs I kept running into the same scenario of it almost always being a Golden Retriever!
you're a Christian aren't you? sorry I wanted to be sure, I rechecked your profile and it doesn't say, not that is needs to say anything about that but sometimes people put that out there, maybe to warn others! lol.
anyway I wanted to say something but needed to check on that point first. hope everything is set to grow in your consulting business! like ready for a rocket ride take off!

Well my friend, I am in fact a Christian. Just not a real good one, but I try.

That's been a few months and I'm not good at it but I fill in for the pastor occasionally. That's part of that jack of all trades, lol.
I think I get another try on the 29th so please pray for that.

It's rather funny, they know the pastor is not there so no one shows up.

haha! that's an amazing phenomenon when no one shows up for the guest pastor, that always gets me irritated because it's not supporting the replacement nor the church. but anyway, I think this was pretty darn good man! you seemed so relaxed and natural, I don't have time right now to listen to it but I will, I listened to the first 7 or 8 minutes.

but that's a wonderful surprise to know this about you! you're quite multi-talented.
well what I wanted to say about dogs because you said that you guys had lost a family
dog recently..is that I have heard so many testimonies of people dying and going to heaven
only to be sent back because it wasn't there time, right? I'm sure you've heard those like I
have for years and they are always amazing.

But in the last few years I've heard several that have had that happen to them but when they
were in heaven they also saw their pet dogs that had died! and the last man, I remember him asking the Angel
that was with him about that, saying I thought dogs couldn't go to heaven because they don't have
spirits. And the Angel said no, they DO have spirits, they just have a different type of spirit.

and I thought that was so cool, it's controversial to some because it's not spelled out in the Bible
but I believe it and think it's just one more way that God shows how much He loves us. So I thought
this might give some comfort to the family to know this. I have heard enough of these very credible
testimonies now that I truly believe it.

Thank you for that @janton, it is appreciated. BTW I'm not a pastor, I can barely preach, I think of myself as more of a teacher. You want one even better I'm the worship leader as well. I'm not going to share any of those, our recording equipment is not the greatest and the sound on the is aweful.

Also on no one showing up. I pretty much expect it, we have a pretty dynamic pastor. I saw a meme video someone made of him, that was pretty awesome. I'll see if I can find it.

I've been seeing you everywhere Janton. Your engagement level is unbelievabl. Keep it up

I agree with that as well, and I always enjoy my conversations with @janton. As my grandpaw from Texas would say. Sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar.

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I agree! He’s made the week’s 30 most comments and commented on!

howdy @empress-eremmy! thank you Ma'am I've been trying to get around, I've seen you all over as well so I'm not the only one who's active!
you know what though? almost everyday I see a new poster and go look and they'll have like 30 commenters and i won't recognize a single one so that's how big the platform is with whole other "worlds" out there that we don't know about.
sorry this is so late, I was about to reply early in the afternoon and got sidetracked. thank you Ma'am! bytheway you have the most noble looking profile image on Steemit! it's pure class.

Better keep Jack cool in that hot Texas weather. According to Drudge yesterday... you guys are sucking up a lot of power trying to keep cool. It rains here every day sometimes all day. I mowed a portion of the yard today and it was nearly 18 inches tall after just 2 Weeks. Stay cool and watch yourself cause the heat will kick your butt faster than anything. Take care. 🐓🐓

yes Ma'am but isn't it the humidity that wipes you out? it does me, makes me real slow. the dry heat I can handle. but any kind when it gets over 100 you gotta make sure you have enough electrolytes that's for sure.

we use very little power even when it's super hot like it was today at 108, if it wasn't for Jack we probably wouldn't even use the air but we feel so bad for him that we take a part of the house and keep it 86 or 87 and thats good enough for him.

your grass was 18 inches tall because you haven't been able to get to it because of the rain I assume? are you going to be able to get the rest or is it raining tomorrow?

This is Friday and we once again are experiencing the rain. It’s a weird phenomenon, here but it rains quite a bit over the I-75 corridor. We live about 3 miles from it , which is about equal distance from each coast line. It seems to be where the ocean and gulf breezes meet. How is Jack doing? 🐓🐓

howdy again there @mother2chicks! so it sounds like Friday is rain day? what about your lawn and 18 inch tall grass? might have to rent a Bush hog by the time you get to it! well if you don't feel like working outside in the heat at least you have an excuse but that would get frustrating after awhile.

Jack is thriving and totally healed up, we prayed over his cut and laid hands on him, some people don't know you can do that with pets but you can, same healing anointing and God loves our pets also.(especially dogs!) lol. no just teasing if any cat lover reads this. you may be one oops. thanks mother2chicks God bless you and yours!

Sorry about Jack; what a beautiful creature!! And that tattoo is hideous! Who in their right mind would do that? :)

Sorry I missed your call out for help yesterday. Brian had a rough night so we just relaxed and stayed off of our computers! I'm around now if you still need something.

And hey, congratulations, my fellow steemitblogger :) That's awesome!!

hahaha! who would want a tattoo like that? that's why it was a redneck joke, only a redneck would get one like that! haha! Hideous describes it very well, good job, it's so interesting to read everyone's opinion about it, I think 2 people liked it and everyone else is totally repulsed!
No apologies necessary, this wasn't a crisis or anything, I just needed an experienced opinion from someone who is knowledgeable and wise.
I'll keep looking.
hahaha! got ya!
yeah everyone talks about s___ posts. that was my attempt at doing a post that doesn't take 2 or 3 hours to put together, was brain dead and short on time. but I think it worked. Jack is great, totally healed, we prayed and took authority over his cut and yesterday he was running around with no limp.

@janton, I'm so glad to hear that Jack is totally healed! And yes, you got me with that one haha

Here I thought I was all caught up, but realized I had just completed replying to comments from the 17th and still now have the 18th and today to do lol

good thing you're the world's fastest typist and world's fastest thinker!

haha you said it @janton 😅 I can actually type about 100+ words per minute. It helps when I get behind, which seems to be often lol

well..I'm envious. I'm a very slow typer then I gotta go back and correct my mistakes and miss some of those. do you work for sp? when I get behind I'll just hire you to catch up on my commenting. but you gotta be mean and give everyone a hard time!

haha you're one of a kind buddy, I could never replace you.

But, I'm going to let you in on one more secret and it will help you to get through your comments in half the time. I can't believe I'm doing this because you're already kicking butt in the leagues, but here it goes. Just goes to show you how selfless I really am :)

Check out this post I wrote about something called Fast Reply. I use it when I'm behind especially, which yes, is often, and it goes a million times faster than steemit does.

Geez. I can't believe I just gave you my last secret :)

haha! no I have already used it and sometimes I go back to it but I was surprised that it didn't speed me up very much. but I did like the slider on there. maybe I'm using it wrong.

Did you see a coyote go by with ACME rocket skates?

That tattoo freaks me out. I can only hope it is CGI.

howdy there @hhayweaver! good to see you here..lol! that's so funny about the coyote..these things really are so fast that I can see why Wiley never could catch them!
the tattoo freaks me out as well, I'm pretty sure it's real.
where abouts are you in PA? We used to live in Akron, Ohio.

I tend to like ink if it is well done, that one is not ;-)

oh howdy there @weetreebonsai! thanks for stopping by and commenting, I don't know anything about them as far as quality but this one was freaky, that's all I know. thanks again!

LOL I only know if they look good or not...

oh ok, me too. say, I can't figure out what your username means, that you grow Bonsai trees?

to sell or just as a hobby? I don't know anything about them, are they expensive?

I have done both. Yes some can be.

howdy back again @weetreebonsai! what does can be expensive mean?
I mean ballpark..hundreds?
I'm thinking it's more like an investment though because they last as long
as full size trees right?

Hi Janton. Not into tattoo's personally but that is a rather good one.

haha! thanks @cryptoandcoffee! most people think it is freaky including me. I think it's extremely well done but it freaks me out! thanks for commenting sir!

108!!! Satan will be calling....he'll want his weather back. It's been horribly hot there for quite a while. Too hot for me.

Jack's beautiful and you deserve a day off. Still a great post. How many of us get to see a road runner without you?

hahaha! well Road runners are kinda rare and we feel really blessed to have them here and it's my mission to inform the world that they really do exist and are real!
I'll have to take photos of the huge cracks in the lawn, they get as big as 6 or 8 inches across and go for 6 to 10 feet.
did you like that tatoo and is that something you would consider?

I'm not sure I understand the tattoo. Yeah, I'd like to see the cracks in the lawn. yeah. I've never seen that in the 3 states I've lived in.

Another beautiful bird to Your already beautiful collection.
Good to know jack is doing fine now.
the tattoo, Not so sure who would want it, I would want a photo of it in my corridor only to amaze guests with it

hahaha! that tattoo is something to see isn't it?
it freaks everyone out, that would be a great idea to make a picture or framed poster out of, good idea!

For me No tattoos on body just yet , so yes a frame of it displayed at the corridor , freak every one out before they come in and freak you out :D

hey, no tattoos yet?? that means you are getting them? I don't mind them I'm curious. some of them are really cool artwork. just not the one in my post please!

No tattoos yet and no tattoos ever I guess but the one You shared for sure for the corridor :D
I always want one but which won't digg in my skin , may be soon we will have some better technology to bring in some permanent sprays or stickers same as tattoos lol

yes sir, you would think that by now someone would have invented very high-tech methods by which tattoos could be applied.

Applied without digging skin and spreading blood out, a way which could be acceptable to everyone 👌

yes, something that is painless.
I still don't need one but you can get some.

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