Fine Line Between Sarcasm and Funny - Comedy Open Mic Round # 11 (Official Entry)

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

Fine Line Between Sarcasm and Funny



Perhaps there is a funny bone somewhere in me. Shallow Hal anyone?

Disclaimer: I do NOT support tail docking , whereby it human or animal

I didn’t expect my post on the Case of the Disappearing Cookie to receive any chuckles, but some kind souls stopped by to give their organic upvote support. Thank you everyone, I appreciate us sharing the same sense of humor.

For those that did not read my post, I disqualified myself from the #comedyopenmic for research purposes. I am now poor in SBD earnings since I threw everything I’ve earned in my 112 days on here into that post. Was it worth it? Eh, let’s just say I’m nowhere near the $380+ payout earnings of the trending cookie post. I’m also nowhere in the ballpark of the $800+ post with the contest logo, a link, and a “follow” statement that the community deemed to be of valuable content. So many criteria to factor in for “payout success”, such as length of time here on Steemit, your circle of friends, person’s self-vote worth, alt-accounts…you get the drift.

Since my SBD worth is lack-luster at the moment, I am going to conform to rules! (No choice really). Organic growth, here we go! It’s actually another good post for research purposes. I'm pulling in the community aspect of Steemit by using all the tags that could possibly result in an upvote on this post. The organic way, of course. I really did zap any funny bone in me on my cookie post, so this one is simply a valiant effort.

Alas, it wouldn't be deemed funny if the post is not full of memes and giphys, so you will have a galore of them below.

The Sarcastic Spectrum of the Totem Pole


In my opinion, writing a humorous post (not simply posting a meme or giphy) is challenging because there is a fine line between sarcasm and funny. Here is sarcasm.

Check out the hashtag #funny and see how many Trending posts with payouts in the value of $150+ with a simple meme or giphy. The @transparencybot stopped by many of them, but there is only so much Mr. Bot can do. How about the individuals NOT using bidbots but one single self-vote or an upvote from an alt account could push them there? Especially if that upvote is worth $100+.

The Sorta Funny Spectrum of the Totem Pole

The best compliment given to me by an ex-boss were these five words: You are good at BS'ing!



At the time, my job role was working with CEO, COO, and CFOs in health systems around the country so they could implement a drug pricing program that gave the indigent access to prescribed medications. The sad truth is, there are many people in this country that have to decide between buying groceries or drugs. One patient wrote us a letter telling us just that, thanking us for now having to pay less than $5 for a drug that used to cost her $100.

So working with the heads of health systems do require some BS on my part. Some "placating" is involved because the program is not ready to be implemented now as many would prefer. Frustrations are expressed when there are speed bumps.



A thoughtfully-written email is required most times. I had no idea those thoughtfully-written emails were deemed BS! She did say it with a big grin and chuckle so I guess it was a compliment.



What I enjoyed most in my prison time there (it was a stressful job) were the charming C-suites with their southern accents from states like TX, WV, and Mississippi --love how that rolls off the tongue. Being called a doll or young lady gave me many smiles.



Where Am I Now?

I work for a non-profit organization (slim earnings right off the bat) and still helping people but I do so in other ways now. My profession transitioned from project management to IT. As mentioned in another post, I mainly work with interfacing two systems so they can communicate with one another.

A little bit like this:


Do I Like Where I am Now?

I’ve been here for several years. Let’s just say we are undergoing departmental changes. They want to get rid of a full-time consultant’s position and dump the workload my way.

My workload will likely grow from this (those docs on my desk are not work-related, note the titles on Steemit whitepaper, bluepaper and SMT Tokens. My stacks do look like that!):


To this:



How Do I Feel About That?

Here is a screenshot of my daily DD activities. Note the timestamp. I think I’m supposed to be in the office by 8:30 AM 🙄.


I do try to add in a day of oatmeal to ease my guilty conscience of having those delectable bacon bits.

So why do they keep me around?

Believe it or not, I have exceptional work ethics. I’m not a morning person, especially not since I discovered Steemit, but always stay late to finish my work. Plus, I am good at my job. I do have an analytical mindset. I dig into issues and try to understand how things work if I care enough about the subject. Many answers are easily obtained (ahem decentralization blockchain where data is available to the public). Just a matter of if I care enough to look or not.

Most importantly, the company doesn’t want to shell out more money for someone else because that is what it takes to handle the daily activities and projects tossed my way.

So they keep me around.


Dear Redfishes and Minnows:

If you've made it this far, be sure to stop by and read about the $0.02 sbd DUST threshold. Learn why your upvote is deemed dust if your upvote worth is not at $0.02/$0.03. Use your upvotes wisely!

My Two Cents for Your Thoughts - Anything Less and YOU won't get PAID!

alt text

Thank you for stopping by! Have a BEE-ATIFIC day!


Images are original unless sourced. Beeyou image by@seaslim

Entry to #comedyopenmic, Round 11
Contest Rules for anyone who would like to join in the fun.

Nominations: @doomsdaychassis (get it over with!), @smylie2005 & I did nominate @palikari123 from my unofficial entry.


Hi @beeyou,

Please do not use upvote bots on your #comedyopenmic entries. You 1st entry 3 days ago would have easily qualified for top10, but using bit-bots you have eliminated your entry from winning the prizes.

You're a good writer, please read the rules so we can reward you with recognition and prizes too:

Hi @dj123. I appreciate you stopping by. 🙂

To be honest, I hadn’t planned on entering the contest with my cookie post. It really was for my own research purpose, and since someone nominated me, I didn’t feel right not mentioning the contest. I do agree about not using the bidbots for the contest since that is a rule.

That’s very kind of you to say I would have made it to the top10 (and for reading my post). Lol, I’m really not a comedic writer. It was my first attempt and I think I ran out of whatever funny juices flowing through me that day. Will likely go back to my serious posts on Steemit or my silly photography or music posts. It’s challenging finding time to write. I love reading the entries though! They are funny!

Very nice of you to say those kind words!

Very funny and creative post - you definitely have a lot of talent !

Appreciate you stopping by Judge @dandesign86! After stopping by your post, your compliment means a lot. 🙂

My pleasure :)

perfectly normal beeyou, good original comedy takes time to recharge!

That's why we limit the competition to 2 entry each week.

honestly got nothing against the bot, you can continue to use for your regular post,

the purpose of botfree is to allow people champion to encourage winners to get more followers and natural curation or even pile on, it's way more valuble to you than investing 5-50SBD to upvote, truth is bots don't make your post less or more funny but good post with low vote does encourage savy Steemians to upvote and once financially committed to rewarding you they keep following for some psychological buyin reason, that is what we are trying to nurture in this community

also save your COM entry bot free many OCD curators and Curie curators prowl our wonderful community tag #comedyopenmic to look for post to give $60-$100 love too but they must be small, so no bots.

income and rep wise exactly the same if you use your SBD on your other non-funny post, hope you know this too :)

@diebitch @buttcoins please Curie this ASAP!

Aww @dj123. You are awfully nice. Thanks for the helpful advices. Appreciate all the tips. I’m actually enjoying the COM community a lot. I never thought of myself or my writing style as funny. The COM community has really shown their support and that means a lot 😊. Everyone I’ve met so far in COM are super nice and encouraging.

I’ve never tried using the ocd-resteem tag for OCD since my posts are never really good, just fun posts to write. Plus, the more thought-out posts are on topics on Steemit and I don’t think curators look for those material.

As for Curie, unfortunately, this Beeyou account is a team acct so I disqualified myself from Curie support as well! One would think I’m not a team player since I seem to be intentionally disqualifying myself from all community support.

I share this acct with two friends, but they’re busy in real life and haven’t been on so it’s only me on here right now. Still, we are a team acct and excluded from Curie support.

Very sweet of you for showing your support. I really do appreciate it.

we've seen OCD wins without OCD tag, we've also seen accounts from multiple users and accounts from single user with multiple win Curie

just change your description to say, this was a friends shared account, but now poor beeyou is kept going by just me.... that should make it fair

but...unfortunately, Curie curators are mostly not super savy like use COMers who can train to read net behavior upvote, we can see your $114 post is only worth $10+ as $100 is really your own money, so it's little to no profit and should qualify, but they will see it as you earn too much and might make a pass on your post due to your high recent perceived earning, that's why it's better to have 20 post all $5 bot each that 1 post $100 bot.... exactly the same benefit to you, but doesn't unnecessarily penalized your post due to skew perception of success....really if you used bot for 80% of your earning from rep 50 to 60..... then really the only income you retain is like Rep 53-54 net income (Rep is a also a reflection of logarithmic earning accumulation), the main winners are the bots sadly for low bid under $100 SBD (to get $210 Upvote).

Come on over to discord and come say hello to everyone, let's make you a joker amongst us in COM Discord!

Just stay out of anything goes


or at least close your eyes when you go inside, just incase

Interesting way of thinking of things. Changing the group account description is a good idea. Yes, the guys have left me on my own for now. Perhaps I should write a post on guys/ girls. Will see if any creative juices start flowing again but I think the well is dry right now.

Thanks for the Discord invite. I’ll try to stop by tonight. I was forewarned about you raunchy funny folks in there though. May have to close my eyes or take @doomsdaychassis’s recommendation to stay away from the anything goes channel.

Go check out the Winner's post for Round 11, it just came out and we only upvote with the @comedyopenmic account later so everyone can also earn some curation:

Thanks @dj123. I stopped by. You guys are too generous with us folks. I do love the community support COM is showing. 🙂

Oh I think you will be okay. If you have put up with me for this long you will be fine. There are a couple other girls in there. @diebitch and a few others. You will just have to deal with being associated with us rapscallions

Holy fucking comments, Batman.

I just came to congratulate you, and then got caught in this stream. I had to break free, because who has that kind of time?

Anyhow, congrats on the win, and I'm happy to see you here!

I do get a lot of comments. 🙂

Thanks for stopping by. Yes, it is so hard to find time for much anymore, sometimes Steemit has to go to the back burner. The peeps in the community are really cool. I like them. Only wish I had more time to write and join in the fun. Congrats on your win too. I’ll have to check the funny posts this next round.

@beeyou as much they seems funny they also has a message which a seeker can found

Yes, a lot of the funny posts do tell a message. Thanks for stopping by!

@beeyou thanks for respond, i am glad to get it.Follow me too @ahsanbukhari it will give courage to my work.

I am going to do it but you will absolutely not want to read it. Not PG - 13 at all. Those guys have set a bad example in the Anything Goes discord room. Don't say I didn't warn ya.

Get it over already. This is my last funny post. All serious business from here-on-out (if I have time to write). I have not joined the Discord room..will consider your comment fair warning if I decide to fall down that rabbit hole.

good choice on that. I have reconsidered and may not make what I was planing. I am just totally spent after today. I am all out of giddy up.

You should wait for the next round then since it’s so close to the end of this round. Write something funny about your car racing. Or perhaps you and your father in law in the pits, back to back against the other wanna be gladiators. Plenty of topics for you.

Too late. I turned off steem auto so your name would not be on it


I got almost all the way done and then I got thinking maybe make a ---vote for me as witness ----- parody video for one of the contests. I think that could be entertaining.

I finally got around to reading your 'cookie post' and this one! Two tabs opened on my computer all day, and it is now 3 am and I'm discovering that you do have a funny bone @beeyou ;) Writing comedy is not easy for sure, and it's something I've never really gotten a handle on. I can be quippy occasionally, but that's about it!

So did you throw in all your sbd to see what your return would be? Did I get that right? :)

Hey Lynn. I know we haven’t talked in a few days. Thanks for taking the time to read my posts at 3am. I know it’s hard some days. My Steemit time is usually at night and that means staying up late and having a crappy day at work the next day. Whyever did we discover Steemit!! Joking aside, for the friendship of course. We’re far from being rich.

I actually don’t want to write a post sometimes since I know I would never get back to comments. So I try to catch up with what I can before shooting out my next post, even with that, I still can’t catch up. I definitely can’t make my rounds anymore. Gina is piling up.

Never thought of myself as a comedic writer but some think I have a funny bone in me. Hehe. Only so much funny in me though. Life is so crazy at the moment. Keeps me busy and off Steemit.

Yes, I figured since I wouldn’t have time to write much, throw all my SBD into the cookie post and see where I land. It would take more than 50sbd to get anywhere near the cookie post payout. I think she pays close to $100 per photo session and she makes one photo session post a day. That’s 300+ per post. Just wanted to see where I would stand in comparison.

Of course, I don’t have that professional camera, lens and stagings . Perhaps I’ll invest in a better camera gear and see where that lands me? Lol, that’s my sarcastic side writing here. Let me stop.

I hope you and Brian are well and that his burning mouth pain lessened. It’s a beautiful weekend here for us. I might try to get some fresh air with the kiddos this weekend. Too bad the beaches are so far.

No worries about "not talking" for a few days! I feel like we are at that spot of old friends who may not speak for weeks, but when they do, it's all good. Just so you know, my feelings are near impossible to hurt :)

I'm not sure how you keep up as much as you do! I don't have a full time job, but truthfully, Brian makes up for that (that sounds sarcastic and whiny, but it's not meant that way...maybe a little lol), but I certainly don't have little kids (again..Brian...just kidding there) and I still can't everything done on steemit. My problem is that I've gotten myself involved in too much. I'm now judging thedarkhorse's weekly pay it forward curation contest where each entry showcases 3 steemians. I have to read the entry and the 3 featured. This week there were near 30 entries. Getting kind of crazy, but I'm not sure where to go with it all. Hey, I know, do you want to be a judge too? lol

hahaha yes, in fact, it's a new cameral that will bring you huge post payouts. Just wondering, have you ever figured out what all those little buttons do on the one you have? haha

Poor Brian's mouth is still bad, his body hurts more today than ever, and I think he's ready to pull the plug on the whole mess. Truthfully, I hate pain and I can't imagine how he's put up with it all this long. He obviously really love me:)

Glad you got some sun this weekend! I haven't been to the beach in a few weeks now I think. That is the biggest shame of all!

And I'm giving you an out need to respond to this comment. Gimme a smiley face if I at least made you smile somewhere in this diatribe and we'll call it quits! :)

Isn’t it funny that we’ve only known each other on here for 5-6 months but we really do feel like old friends. I think it has to do with the beauty of the written language. You get to know people on a deeper level by reading their stories and comments. At least that’s what it feels like to me.

As for keeping up, I can’t. I’ve had to simply shut Discord down most days. I’m sure I’ve lost followers but my “true” supporters won’t mind if I respond a week late or not at all. Life is busy and I just can’t add on to the exhaustion.

My world is no where what you are currently going through with Brian. Emotional exhaustion is equally as draining as physical exhaustion. Brian definitely loves you. Nothing I can say to add on to that because you already know in your heart. Sending lots of hugs both your ways. You’re getting a swarm of hugs from your friends on here.

To be honest, what free time I have on here, I spend it looking at photography or comedy posts nowadays. It’s nice to be reminded of the beauty in life and funny posts bring that little spark back to the soul. It’s either laugh or cry and a good laugh does the soul good!

No thank you on the judging offer (I know you were half kidding). I can’t be a good steemian when I’m not in the mindset to help others. I just want to laugh away and forget the busy world at the moment.

Nope, no idea what all the camera button are used day I will learn and be a Steemit millionaire with my posts. Then this sugarwhale can give a nice upvote to you! 😂

Take a step back from it all or you will burn out.

haha @beeyou, you are funny :) Yes, I agree, the written word does wonders for getting to know people. No wonder marriages lasted longer when letter writing was a part of a courtship, as opposed to our version of it with lame texts to hook-up ;)

I got smart and introduced the idea of another judge in the contest (it was actually foxyspirit's idea when I was hitting her up to be one haha). She suggested writing a post, so I simplified and hit up Discord. We found one, so now there's four of us which basically cuts the workload in half. I'm ok with that

Re: comedy...every chance I get to watch tv or netflix, it's always a comedy for me. Brian loves his thrillers etc, but I say I've got enough stress in my real life, I don't need it in my escapist life as well ;) Nothing like a good laugh to energize the soule!

I'll hold you to your sugarwhale upvote and if I get there before you, you'll be my first sugary upvote :)

And don't worry, whenever I'm feeling the least bit stressed, I shut my laptop and walk away! We had lunch at the beach today...I'm doing a post later about it (probably haha), but nothing like the ocean to rejuvenate you as well!

Youre freakin hilarious not funny at all, doll! Ill try to come up with something... hell, if you found time, I better get my shit together!

Definite agree with me not being funny at all. 😉 Come join the fun. They really are a good and fun bunch of people. Something about original content though, so be sure to either use a meme or giphy that you created or add your own text to a free photo to create your own meme (if you’re going for a prize). I didn’t have time to do that and don’t even know how. Just keep that in mind. I still entered for fun though and the community still showed their support.

Start writing away! Or Dtube yourself if you prefer stage comedy. 🙂

Yeaaa, I have no clue on making giphys or memes! And Im not too sure I count as being funny but you know Ill give it a shot! Ill have to go back and look at what the rules are for entering. It would be nice if life could get out the way so I can get some extra Steemit time! ;)

Perhaps making memes or giphy isn’t a big deal afterall. I won 2 sbd for my lucky door entry so they didn’t ding it against me but they do like original content.

The community is very supportive and actually a bunch of good folks. I have to make time to join their Discord room.

They try to upvote from the acct for the entries. Give it a shot!

Yes, if only life stop getting in the way so we can make a couple cents on Steemit!

I forgot all about being stressed like that. Sounds like something I couldn't handle but you are tough and knows how to play the game so I think you can handle that.

Do you order the same food and drink every day? :D

A post worth of 112 days? Hmm. Oh well. Maybe try again after the next 112 days :)

Sarcasm is the new funny these days. I used to be "good" at it but "lost" the "steam." Probably because I have distanced myself from people and have not been involved for a long time with sarcastic people.

Living a stressfree life is definitely the best way to live life. Strands of hair were scattered everywhere in my house when I had my PM job. Kid you not. I actually had my boss and COO reach out to me to see if I was interested in joining them in their new business opportunities. I had to say no because I can’t imagine having that kind of stress again.

Same coffee choice daily but I rotate between unhealthy bacon bits or a muffin or donut if I want to go all out crazy. Thus the one oatmeal a week rule I try to stick with. 😊

Not sure if my earnings in another 112 days will get me to the same cookie payout. Will have to shell out much more $ and have powerful whale support.

What are you doing showing your support to this sarcastic, yet charming bee? I might start being a bad influence. 😎

Well, since I haven't read your introduce myself post, this was a nice introduction of yourself to me. You sound stressed at the thought of your workplace restructuring process...who can blame you as they usually really suck, even though they keep telling you how awesome it will be. One thing that definitely stands out from your post, is that you sound like a very committed young lady.... awwwww what a doll:)

My my @palikari123, perhaps you are from the states and a Southerm charmer afterall. All this time I’m thinking you’re on your beautiful Greek island surrounded by the sparkling blue ocean. Only Southern men call me a doll and young lady. 🙂

The restructuring has all the bosses on “boss mode” so some days are busier than others. I continue to chug along because there is only so much I can do. Plus, coffee and music helps get me through day. Will see how it fares out over the next weeks.

The link to the intro post (for the group) is at the top of our blog in case you are ever curious. Nothing personal in there. 🙂

Ahhh...never noticed that link to the intro post. Well you were right all along. I am not from the US. Proof; Decentralise, realise, compromise. Flavour, behaviour, saviour etc etc. Now that you have it all worked out, please keep it to yourself:)

How about a song, to help you get through the restructuring process! Since you mentioned an Island somewhere, let's go with this one.

Yes I did notice all the sss and added u vowel. 🙂

The song is a nice dream of a simple life somewhere on a tropical island. I can’t imagine myself doing those simple activities though. My parents lived that life and worked hard to give me the chance to live a better one here in the states. So I think I’m just a little too spoiled and definitely won’t be able to live without my daily high end coffee. Perhaps Steemit will make me rich and I can enjoy the simple life on a rooftop typing away? 😉

I love how he walks into the sunset at the end. That would make a wonderful photo shot , if I’m lucky it doesn’t come out blurry.

Maybe you can get yourself that helicopter!

Let’s go all out and say personal jet. That’s even better!

Ask and you shall receive.

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