The many flavors of Carl 2 in 1 FUNDRAISER POST and (probably NSFW) Comedy Open Mic round 27 entry

in #fundraiser6 years ago (edited)

So many flavors...

We have spicy Carl :)

NOT to be confused with "Hot Carl". That is a different thing entirely LOL

Carl sarong smaller.jpg
Spicy Carl is not exactly sure what he is doing with his mouth

My photographer instructed me to lift my chin up more and open my mouth slightly. This modeling stuff is harder than it looks!

Wait haven't we already seen your banana once this week?

Well yes, it is true, but there is an old saying that two bananas in the hand is better than one in the... wait that isn't quite how it goes. But you get the point, right? Or the tip as it were ;)

Believe it or not, there was even some popular clamor for more banana pics.

@d-vine & @stellabelle clearly are connoisseurs

But what's all this about a fundraiser then?!?

Step right up, ladles and jelly beans...

to the "Get @llfarms to SteemFest" fundraiser sideshow tent! See the bearded man perform feats of modeling! Can't handle the beef? Get out the kitchen!

100% of ALL author post rewards from this post (I will match the SP portion with liquid Steem) will be donated to @llfarms toward Justine's trip to SteemFest! This includes @comedyopenmic prize money (if any).

@llfarms is awesome and totally deserves your support in her quest to attend SteemFest entirely funded by Steem! Watch her video and you will see why :)

I pointed my finger. That is how you can tell I am a classy bitch.

Spiffy GIFy Shimmy

carl shimmy gif.gif
Wurk it :) If you look carefully you can see the incredibly rare Carl attempt at a duck face during the course of this GIF masterpiece


Carl flex gif.gif

carl flex smaller.jpg

I hear angels calling...

Angels Calling.jpg
Oh what you didn't think I was going to go fully monty?

Carl Sunbeam.jpg
Seriously, how do models keep from cracking up the ENTIRE TIME?!?

Cameo by Yeti the Dog

carl shades 7 yeti.jpg
Yeti I am not 100% sure that is appropriate. But then I remembered what the rest of this post was like and I am going to let the tongue slide this time LOL

Butt seriously...

I know this has been a firmly tongue-in-cheeks post up to this point, but I do hope the underlying body positive message comes through. There is not a single part of my body that could possibly be described as skinny. According to the extremely widely used BMI (Body Mass Index), at 5'7" and 215 pounds I am squarely in the "obese" category. I am also an active and physically fit 38 year old man and I am not at all ashamed of how my body looks. I love my body. It hauls me up mountains and climbs me up trees and dives me to the bottom of the swimming hole. It carries my two sons when they are tired. It is a good body. And thorough*

Bodies come in all different shapes and sizes...

Love your body, people!

It is the only one you have.

Much love - Carl

carl sarong 3 smaller.jpg

I nominate...

@artisticscreech because I bet he could write an amazing Comedy Open Mic entry; and I nominate @hiddenblade because she is a badass

Also mad props to my beautiful photographer and wife @dillemma for not only putting up with my shenanigans, but actually encouraging and enabling them <3

*Bonus points if you can tell me what the heck that non sequitur of a reference is from LOL


Can you do a calendar spread to raise money for curation? :)

I really don't need any encouragement LOL Actually this entire photo shoot came about because I floated the idea of a "Men of Curie" calendar in the curator lounge... you are in, right? ;)

I would buy this. They all need to be in the water with sunlight thought and wearing sarongs and flowers

OR they could be themed in different ways but still with water and light and softness lol
I wonder who else would be brave enough?? Half the people dont show their face... I bet @buttcoins would do it but his wife would have to allow it lol

we are working on it :)

Yes!!! This!! 100% this ... come on Carl, this is the true goal here.. get your ass naked and save curation 🙌🏼

Putting this here for transparency :)

Plus I sent over SBD prize money from Comedy Open Mic a few days ago but I forgot to screencap that before it disappeared from my recent transactions. All funds paid from this fundraiser post plus a donation. You rock @llfarms!

Ha! Classic carl is now a steemit art form!

Hahah, that was a lot of fun though!

It needs to become a tradition monthly where is waldo....aaaah @carlgnash

Hahaha I love how the sarong was removed... Didn't you feel a bit awkward tho? Undressing Carl?

I already undressed @carlgnash with my mind countless times!

Ok, I might have felt a little bit awkward

It's okay darling, I don't bite... hard... okay that is a lie LOL

This is so awesome! Nice strategic leaf placement. Thanks for undressing me but leaving me some dignity at same time LOL This is cracking me up :) :joy: <3

Need the finger scene as well, but pointing towards.. well you know what. :D

Creation of Carl.jpg

Is this what you mean by the 'finger scene'?
Sorry Carl, I had to do it!



OMG!!! Wow! Great work!

on further reflection this is my favorite part of the entire post. You killed it :) I love how well you matched my skin tones into the painting. And the sarong.

Because you are art. :P

OMG hahahahahaha this is on fire!

y tu eres la aproxima, si?

siiii lo intentare! :)

jiji donde lo esta ???!?!

soon soon! XD

This is now thing :D tuen carl into a painting :D

ah aha ha that is a great idea! Or a terrible idea. One of those LOL

hahhahahahaha hilarious! Well done!

ERMAGERD wow. Divine!!! Also this seems scandalous. What exactly are those ladies doing to me?!?

What happens in the pond stays in the pond!!! ;)

ooo i think you're being groomed lol

This is so hilarious!! And magical.. you look like a Disney princess.
True, love your body! Hahaha!
And dannngg I actually planned on making another entry for COM but I just couldn't pick the energy. Now I am pressured!!! LOL Thanks for thinking I am badass ;)

Well hot damn Carl!! You are quite the model, I am super impressed.. and the duck lips are Kardashian level!! Tell your wife she freaking rocks for her contribution here. 😍

Love the positive message as well and agree 100% .. love your body people!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

You are too kind to include me in this, and I don’t even know how to express my gratitude for the thought that went into it. 🤗 Hilarious but sweet all the same.

I think I’ve gotten over being tagged everytime someone wants to post a photo of their hot bod... 🤔 I’m starting to enjoy it a bit.... maybe it will become a thing on the platform... Hey, gonna post a shirtless photo? Make sure you tag LL!

"Hey, gonna post a shirtless photo? Make sure you tag LL!" should be your blog footer, no?

this is funny as heck and for all that you say you are overweight (according to BMI - screw them) dude you got it goin on! oh and the yellow spandex - lol!

it's about time the ladies got some spicy photos to gawk as i'm quite tired of looking at all the perfect boobs and butt twerking I normally see in the chat channels.

your message is righteous as is the cause! LL farms I hope this bags the ticket! thanks for the giggles :)

Oh to be clear, I didn't say I was overweight :) I said, according to the BMI, I am obese. I am obviously not obese LOL My point was that bodies come in all shapes and sizes. A one size fits all approach for health or beauty is ridiculous. But thanks for the vote of confidence! And the other kind of vote as well, of course - this one is for a great cause. Much love

EDIT the other bit you say is actually important as well I think - positive, healthy examples of normal male sexuality are few and far between. Images like this are a needed counterbalance to the sort of perfect boob and butt twerking memery you are talking about. I am happy to objectify myself for a good cause. And also, of course, because I am a total exhibitionist LOL

totally agree. BMI says I should be 130 pounds, which in my reckoning means I would be a twig with no boobs or butt, and to get there I would need to exercise and never eat. as I love eating and have no time for exercise, that is obviously not happening ... I wonder what percent of americans actually fits into their outdated parameter? shrugs

You got a chuckle out of me gnasher. Next time twirls and barrels rolls please. <3

Hey nice thanks for stopping by @sammosk :) I will work on my moves for next time LOL

what. did. i. just. see.

A: A piece of art
B: A piece of work
C: A piece of _______ (fill in the blank)


Hey you are partially to blame for this dude the whole photoshoot idea sprang up as a fundraiser for @llfarm's Steem powered trip to SteemFest

You sir, are my spirit animal for this week. <3 <3 <3

Oh what? Sweet!!! Engaging spirit protection now :)

I am truly inspired! Carl :]

hahahah I'm going to agree in the fact that bathing naked in the river is a must from time to time... And joke apart, I have pictures in your exact pose "about to crack) hmm I think I was dressed in that one... but see? not that easy!! we´re all posers! hahah You look all peaceful and think... my back is breaking!! :)
But I can say I do enjoy nature... and also the naked barefoot kind hahaha

pd. that pareo is a teaser LOL

yes! And the true skill of the model of course is to not let any of that strain or ridiculousness of the pose come through in the face. I am terrible at it, I was grinning like an idiot most of the time :) For instance, I couldn't get a single shot of me trying to kick up water without huge grin LOL
Carl Splash.jpg

Hahaha true
Now you will understand LOL
Similar situation

Pd: you have better legs
Pd 2 I just laughed at myself now, yeah probably was not so serene. I cant do that now, i have a disjointed shoulder lol but not due to posing awkwardly lol

That is a great shot :) Having beautiful flowing hair makes that pose work a little better I think LOL

I think yours was a braver one lol, but you made me laugh at myself (it is a good thing). Here fighting my pc for the first time premiering a videoclip on blockchain filmed these last months. Proves that playing harp in the fields looks easy until you return home with butt ache and a few ticks lol should be up tonight if i do not smash my pc into pieces

It is all too real and I love it!


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