What is Steem/Stemit's biggest issue? What are your suggestions to solve it? - The Daily Steem Poll [A Question for the Community]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fun8 years ago

What is the Daily Steem Poll?

The "Daily Steem Poll" is an initiative to collect input from the community on various topics. Details about the project can be found in the introductory post here.

How to participate in the Daily Steem Poll:

Participating in the Daily Steem Poll is easy! Just share your thoughts on today's question in the comments below. Everyone who contributes to the discussion will be part of the reward pool for the post, as described in the payout section below!

Extra bonus for suggesting questions:

You can also suggest potential topics/questions to be used for future posts. For any topics that are selected, 20% of the SBD payout from that post will go to the person who suggested the idea! Please add suggestions for new topics in the comments below!

The SBD author payout from this post will be split as follows:

  • 20% will be paid to the person who thought of the idea for the post
  • 30% will be used to boost/promote future Daily Steem Poll posts
  • 50% will be divided equally among every user that contributed to the conversation in a meaningful way
    (Any comment that contributes to the discussion will be counted as participation.)

The Daily Steem Poll Archive:

The archive of Daily Steem Poll topics can be found here!

Today's selected author:

Today's question is from me :)
I will be adding my 20% to the 50% that goes to whoever participates in today's discussion.

The Daily Steem Poll Question for the day is:

What is Steem/Stemit's biggest issue? What are your suggestions to solve it?

[Image courtesy of Pixabay]


I think the very act of up-voting content is not very well explained and therefore new members don't use their votes.

I have seen discussions where people were thinking they were spending their steem power when they vote, even a few post trying to help explain the process that confused voting power with steem power.

I propose a new header with votes last 24 hour and voting power remaining meter or gauge..

Would also like to see that included in the daily payout reports, it's surprising how some of the best rewarded posters here are the least active up-voters :)

One serious issue is that the Steem network currently has essentially no revenue. Everybody is acting all panicky about the market cap of STEEM dropping, but all of these author rewards are effectively being paid out of the market cap - because that's the only source of capital. All along, I've been saying that the game will change when advertisers find a good way to do their work on Steem; if advertising expenditures can be channeled into Steem Power, then the network will finally be on something like good financial footing.

Steemit needs a homepage for newbies explaining how to use the site and answering FAQ. It should be on the dropdown menu like the whitepaper is.

The main tool of a blogging platform is its editor. We need an improved editor on the site itself, plus a small editor for comments as well.

I also think the "Welcome to the Blockchain" screen that is displayed to non-logged-in visitors should go. I mean it was ok 4-5 months ago, when it was more like a placeholder for something that will be more appropriate in the future, now it must change.

I know I didn't say anything radical here, but small things make the difference.

Out of the $ 0.28 SBD payout:

  • 0.01 was set aside to promote future Daily Steem Poll posts.
  • 0.27 was divided equally among everyone who participated.


Thanks for your contributions!

For Steemit: I think Steemit.com should hire a full-time communications pro - at least for the next few months. Having a single go-to person who could be relied upon to respond to questions from the Steemit community, investors, news/media, etc. would make it far easier to smoothly transition out of BETA and into a fully realized social network that feels accessible and transparent to mainstream users.

For Steem: The kinds of new applications made possible by harnessing the Steem blockchain's potential are extremely exciting. This potential has already inspired a bunch of developers (it has even inspired me to begin serious work on a navigation app and a collaborative projects micropayments app, and I'm a total amateur: ). Although everything in life is a gamble, it would be great for developers to have clarified exactly:

  • what is definitely not going to change, and
  • what could possibly change if people raise a ruckus about it

Education for new users about STEEM and the SteemIt community.

Lack of knowledge and understanding creates confusion and frustration.

There have been several educational projects started by esteemed members of the SteemIt community. There projects need to be supported and encouraged by the community. The SteemIt developers need to add a "Help" button or "Overview" button to the interface that lists the various educational materials like "What is STEEM", "Creating Quality Posts", "Using Tags", etc.

An official communicator, regulatory changes, alterations, or any task that requires a comunicaion, When you give one vote to a follower go included with comemtario, that makes more team activity among people, constructive criticism, an official manual training, a world teacher standards and use. thanks for asking. excellent post congratulations

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