Coconut Curry Cauliflower Soup w/ Roasted Broccoli : Fruits and Veggies Monday

Hi Friends!

As the year heads for the finish line, the weeks seem to go by faster and faster. Can y’all believe it’s Thanksgiving again already? I am confident that all of my fruits and veggies peeps are rip roaring ret to go for the big food holiday. Can you imagine a thanksgiving table shared by all of us? That would be epic!

I suppose fruits and veggies Monday is as close as it’s going to get. Thank you @lenasveganliving for having all of us this year 😉 I already took a gander at some of the other dishes this week and decided to stick with the seemingly orchestrated theme: soup! Who doesn’t love soup? Did you hear that @plantstoplanks had all of her friends over for a soup swap? Genius!!! Well, this ones for you my friend :)


Coconut Curry Cauliflower Soup w/ Roasted Broccoli

This recipe was actually a stumbler (that means I stumbled upon it). I needed something fillling yet savory, and something that was good for our gut health. Yep, I said gut health!

As the holidays are quickly approaching I am on a mission to be the healthiest version of myself possible. I think this soup was a step in the right direction :)


6-8 Cups vegetable broth
1.5 Cup coconut milk (full fat)
1 lrg. Head of cauliflower (chopped)
3-4 garlic cloves (minced)
1 onion (chopped)
1/2 leek (chopped)
2 heads of broccoli (cut off stem)
1.5 Tsp curry powder
Sea salt and pepper to taste!


This is your start-up plus coconut milk! Begin by chopping your onions and heating them until semi translucent over medium high heat.


Next, chop your leeks and add those to the pot as well.


Cook for a minute then toss in your freshly minced garlic.


Stir everything while letting the garlic roast, careful not to burn it. Add about 1/4-1/2 Cup of vegetable broth, just enough to wet the bottom of your pot, and in goes the curry, salt and pepper.


Simmer for a few minutes while you prepare the cauliflower.


Mix the cauliflower in with all of the spice.


Add your vegetable broth and stir well. Bring the soup to a boil then simmer with the lid on for 10-12 minutes or until the cauliflower is fork tender.


Preheat your oven to 400F and line a baking sheet with foil. Toss the broccoli florets in a little olive oil, and a pinch of salt/pepper.


Roast those bad boys for 8-10 minutes careful not to over cook. You want a crunchy floret.


Pull them out of the oven and let them cool off to the side. Check your cauliflower with a fork and if they are tender enough let’s get to blending.


I waited 10 minutes with the soup off of the heat before adding it to my blender. You can do with that information what you will.

Add one spoon full at a time and blend until smooth.


I poured the blended soup in a big bowl while I worked my way through the pot (no, not the funny stuff) 🤷🏼‍♀️


Add all of the perfectly puréed(that’s all of the P’s I can think of @sivehead) soup back to your pot along with the coconut milk. Bring to a low simmer!


After 10 minutes in goes your broccoli and simmer for another 10.

Serve with freshly chopped leeks and a pinch of green onion. Our soup came with a mixed kale and romaine salad, tossed with walnuts in an Italian tahini homemade dressing, topped with sliced radish.


Bon appetit !

Thank you for stopping by my humble kitchen today and as always I am ready to drool while looking over everyone’s recipes 🤤.

Happy Monday & Pura Vida ✌️


Headed down to NJ to be with the kids for Thanksgiving. Have been on the computer since early this morning as my schedule will be very busy for the next few days. I have only had a cup of coffee so far and I should never have went to this post before eating.

I need to shut it down as my mouth is watering out of control as I type. I need food right now.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Haha… I know the feeling. The foodie community is no joke here. Thanks for stopping by @thebigsweed. We wish you guys a lovely Thanksgiving as well. Take some pictures of your plates. It screams food fight Friday (nudge, nudge).

Congrats taking Silver in the contest @puravidaville !
The soup looks delicious and a great way to get more broccoli into the body.

Thank you @byebyehamburgers. I love broccoli everything!

Oh my, that looks heavenly! I must try this one too. :)

Thanks @faeryboots! Let me know how it turns out :)

I loooove Curry! Yum, just reading this made me hungry! What a great soup, especially paired with broccoli! You knocked this one out of the kitchen my friendly kitchen elf! Lucky Mr. @dandays :)

Yes!!! I’ll take “Kitchen Elf”. Haha… thank you @birdsinparadise! Curry powder mixed with coconut milk is a great base for any soup. Thank you for the visit my friend and I’m looking forward to your thanksgiving dishes :)

I would have loved to have this at my soup party! Yummy! And absolutely a gut-friendly meal. That was definitely my thought with doing the party, as well. I figured it couldn't hurt to have us load up with all the good stuff to start out the week and get on a good trend for the holidays. Though I am sure I am not alone among my FAV peeps in that I have a few very healthy dishes on tap for Thanksgiving, as well.

I've got another recipe coming with your name on it that just came off the stove top. I need to remember not to rub my eyes for a week after chopping up some hot peppers...😂

Oohweee… I can’t wait to see what you’ve just cooked up. I hate the fire hands from cutting peppers. I once had Dandays cut the chili’s for me so I wouldn’t be on fire all night and he accidentally went pee shortly there after. Needless to say it was touch and go for a minute there. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Your dad’s soupy chili looked amazing! It’s really cool that he participates in your way of eating. Dad’s are the best! I have my eyes peeled for everyone’s thanksgiving dishes 🤤

Ouch! That's one I luckily haven't experienced yet!

My dad is pretty rad. He loves making stuff to share with me. He's not totally vegan himself, but it has been fun to see him embrace my evolution and get excited about cooking a whole lot more plant-based recipes himself. Both of my mamma's (mine and @dksart's) do a fantastic job of keeping me loaded up on fruits and veggies when we break bread with them, as well.

That’s fantastic! My grandma got in on some of my baking recipes but think that’s about it for now. If I make it my Mom will eat it, but she isn’t much for cooking for herself these days. As of late I’ve been on a no flour, light carb, zero sugar (sucrose, even fructose) diet for health reasons. That means no pumpkin pie this Thanksgiving and that makes me really sad but in a couple weeks I’ll come up with some kind of anti sugar dessert friendly treat. Maybe coconut almond something or other… 🤔. Here I go talking ears off again 🤷🏼‍♀️

Oh boy, I didn't realize you were on such a restricted diet at the moment. I hope whatever is off can be healed up and that won't have to be a forever change! That's a bummer about the pumpkin pie. I was debating if I have enough time to make one in addition to the two sides I'm bringing and my tempeh. Probably not, so I may not eat any either in that case since my mom is making apple pie. Maybe a coconut pumpkin chia pudding as a consolation??

I would eat a piece of every pie there was. Except berry pie because pumpkin and apple are so much better 😋.

No, not forever just for a few months until my body heals itself. I’m sure I’ll get pretty creative in that tone though. I do love my treats.

Looking forward to your thanksgiving dishes @plantstoplanks. I’m on my way to the grocery store now to fight my way through the isles and get all of our ingredients for the big day 😬

My kind of soup Sweetie; absolutely love it!!! And yes, I just finished reading @plantstoplanks soup swapping story; you would fit right in, lol. And guess what, I just made cauliflower soup last week and I am planning to post the recipe next week. I also agree that all of us shraing Thanksgiving table would be epic!!! I would really love that. Who knows, maybe someday 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇
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Ill hold onto that “maybe someday”. Yay… I’m looking forward to your cauliflower creation. Soup season brings people to together :) Thabks Lena for the kind words.

I like this soup, although I have not tasted it yet, it looks so delicious with great ingredients, especially I love broccoli!

Broccoli is my favorite. Thank you for checking it out @proanima. It’s always fun when you stumble upon a new recipe that turns out to be delicious.

This looks sooo delicious @puravidaville, I just love anything with cauli and curry, a great combo!

Thank you so much @lizelle. In my book if it’s coconut curry anything then it’s a winner :). Thanks for stopping by.

Soups never let you down, this coconut curry cauliflower broccoli soup sounds and looks amazing! I wonder how it would taste with a bit of nutritional yeast in it. 🤔 Perfect comforting dinner for the dark and cold evenings, great job my friend! 😋

There you are… awe thanks @jasmink! I’m sure some nutritional yeast would fit right in to this soup. I think curry and coconut are the best soup bases anyway so could pretty much add anything to it and believe it tastes good. It’s good to see you my friend!

I've only made lentil coconut curry but not coconut curry soup, so it'll definitely go to my list of things to try! Good to see you too! :)

The only difference is a little coconut milk. So yum! Lentil soup is one of my favorites too. How are the classes going? Usually towards the end of the year is when it would get hectic for me.

It's really hectic to be honest, even our professors admitted that they've basically created a time bomb for our class, lol. But soon it'll be Christmas break and time to breathe! :)

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! :)

That sounds about right for this time of year. Homestretch, then you can relax and enjoy all of the fruits of your labor.

It was great, thank you! Do you celebrate Thanksgiving? I realize with so many friends from so many different places on Steemit, that I am quite ignorant to how everybody else lives.

I'm glad to hear that! :) We don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but it seems like a wonderful holiday! Even if we don't celebrate Thanksgiving, Black Friday has arrived here. I think it's not as crazy as in the US (at least what I've seen on videos) but still it's a bit crazy.

No way, you celebrate Black Friday? Wow! I thought America was the only country who put a disgustingly high emphasis on consuming. I’m in no way saying any country is disgusting but I am thoroughly disappointed with the climate of my own country. I think people’s priorities are out of wack, unfortunately. So much marketing and advertising is thrown at us from every direction and Black Friday is the epitome of that percersion. Sorry for the rant…

It does get totally crazy here!

While I LOVE veggies, I am not crazy about cauliflower (I think the old fashioned thoroughly boiled cauliflower cheese put me off - yuck). But this looks delicious @puravidaville! Great photos

Thank you @buckaroo! I have a few taste aversions from when I was young too. I bet this soup would be just as good with a broccoli base :)

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