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RE: Coconut Curry Cauliflower Soup w/ Roasted Broccoli : Fruits and Veggies Monday

No way, you celebrate Black Friday? Wow! I thought America was the only country who put a disgustingly high emphasis on consuming. I’m in no way saying any country is disgusting but I am thoroughly disappointed with the climate of my own country. I think people’s priorities are out of wack, unfortunately. So much marketing and advertising is thrown at us from every direction and Black Friday is the epitome of that percersion. Sorry for the rant…

It does get totally crazy here!


I have to agree with you on that. I just hope that more people would realize how crazy it is to spend a lot of money on "good deals" on Black Friday, when mostly the things they're buying are completely unnecessary... However, it's good to see the opposite side, people who are "celebrating" Buy Nothing Day on Black Friday. At least in Finland it's gradually gaining popularity. :)

Yes, I’m all about celebrating “buy nothing” day! Haha… next up is Christmas and we tend to go overboard there too. Dandays and I celebrate in a different way other than giving gifts. I wonder what Christmas will be like in Costa Rica. Will there be lights everywhere, Christmas trees, stockings full, or will it be completely different? We can’t wait to find out :)

People always say that kids love Christmas because of the gifts but it's so much more. I remember as a kid, yes it was nice to receive gifts but I think I enjoyed the atmosphere even more. It was nice to spend the holiday with all my relatives, play board games etc. :)

Afterwards, you'll have to tell how Christmas is in Costa Rica, now I'm curious too!

I’ve always loved the Christmas lights and the Christmas movies. Our favorite is “Its A Wonderful Life”. It’s a must see if you’ve never watched it. Yep, I think the magic is in those two things and then all of our hearts become inspired to create the food, the family time, the music… it has it’s beautiful side, that’s for sure.

I will definitely post something about our first Christmas in Costa Rica. How fun :)

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