Vegan Macaroni Casserole 🍴

Hello, my dear dear friends!

It's #fruitsandveggiesmonday again, therefore, time for another recipe! I have to admit, this dish isn’t the most appealing by its looks, but don’t let it fool you! Everyone loves it, and I’m not exaggerating, as a matter of fact, I don’t know anyone who would dislike this dish! Usually macaroni casserole is prepared with macaronis (of course), ground beef, and milk-egg-mixture, but since this is a vegan version, we changed things up a little. And the result, it’s pretty good, I’d say!

I actually have a story from childhood about macaroni casserole. At one point when I was in primary school, my mom was struggling with creating new foods for the family to eat. Accordingly, she suggested that we could make a six-week menu, in which everyone would have a few wishes for each week. The idea was quite nice, us kids could have a chance to take part in deciding what to eat, and participate to the cooking process. However, the execution didn’t go that well. My twin sister absolutely adores macaroni casserole, so that was her every wish. When she was asked if she’d like to wish any other food for a change, it was a strict “no”, she only wanted macaroni casserole! In the end, the idea of the six-week menu was abandoned...

That’s was a nice memory from my childhood, but now let’s get to the recipe!


Vegan Macaroni Casserole


5 dl (2 cups) dry macaroni
2.5 dl (1 cup) dry soya mince
2 dl water
1 onion
2 tbsp soy sauce
0.6 dl (~¼ cup) vegetable oil + some oil for frying the onion
~ 7.5 dl (~ 3 cups) oat milk (easy recipe here)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
2 tsp paprika
½ tsp cayenne
½-1 dl (~¼-½ cup) breadcrumbs
a few tbsp nutritional yeast (optional)




• Chop the onion and fry it with a little bit of oil until translucent. Add the soya mince to the pan along with the water and soy sauce. Cook until all the liquid has absorbed.
• Cook the macaronis according to the package instructions, but I’d recommend leaving them a bit under, so that they won’t turn out all mushy later on! (My package said to cook them for 8 minutes, and I cooked them for 5)
• Mix the cooked pasta, the cooked soya mince, oil and all the spices in a casserole. Taste, and add spices if needed.
• Pour the oat milk into the casserole so that nearly all the macaronis are covered with milk.
• Sprinkle the breadcrumbs and nutritional yeast on top for some cheesy flavor.
• Bake at 200 °C (390 °F) for approx 30 minutes.
Serve with ketchup and a huge bowl of veggies!


Fruits And Veggies Monday is a contest organized by @lenasveganliving. Every Monday, people around the world are sharing delicious recipes, pictures of amazing gardens, anything they find valuable in veganism, food-related of course! There's a lot of love to share each Monday, so I highly recommend You to participate in #fruitsandveggiesmonday!

-Jasmin ❤


Looks very good @jasmink. I was a very picky eater when I was a kid. And one of my sons was also. I guess I deserved it :)

Thanks @steven-patrick! It can sometimes be challenging with a picky child, but usually they grow out of it. :)

Hi jasmink,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

Visit or join the Curie Discord community to learn more.

Wow, thank you so much, this means a lot to me! After this, I'll surely have a really great day! :)

It doesn't look bad at all when served on a plate and going by the recipe, it must taste really delicious.

I can imagine how much your sister loved Macaroni casserole. I bet she loves this twist to the traditional recipe.

Is she vegan too?

Thank you @audreybits! My sister is not vegan, at least yet. I'm working on it! 😉

You're welcome!!

Hopefully, she will join in very soon!

I hope so too! :)

Hello @jasmink, had never thought that vegan could looks so delicious ! Great the little bit cayenne and paprika gives it also a little punch :-)

Very good post with fantastic photos! So well deserved upvotes you get from @curie !

Haha, vegan food truly can look and taste amazing, believe me! Thanks a lot for your nice words @avizor! :)

Well Miss Jasmin, I don't know what you see in these photo's that did not look appealing. It looked awesome to me, and that's coming from a non-vegetarian. I'm scoping out some recipes for my daughter, who is vegetarian, that the rest of the family won't complain about too much. I'm with your sister I could probably eat just about any pasta dish like this all the time and be perfectly happy.
It's a great post with some great pictures as well.

Thank you @coinsandchain, all those compliments, it was really nice to read your comment! It's wonderful to see that you're supporting your daughter with the decision to become a vegetarian. Even if the rest of the family doesn't want to give up on meat, it's always a good idea to expand the dinner options with some new and different recipes. If you prepare something similar to this for your family, tell me how they liked it!

Will do @jasmink. It can be difficult when trying to eat out or when visiting with friends or relatives. Of course it's that way with just about every family I suppose.

It surely can be a difficult when visiting relatives or friends, a few times I've ended up eating nothing but bread and green salad, haha. But that's not the end of the world! And usually people are really understanding! Eating out is much easier, there are more and more vegetarian and vegan options out there.

Hiya! My foodie steemian!

You get an upvote from SteemKitchen!👍

This was given by hand and not by a bot.
You have received this as motivation from us, so you can keep going on with your great dishes.

---Thanks for your vegan recipe, by the way, you got some fantastic photos---

We are looking forward to see you soon on our discord server ,
so we can exchange fresh new recipes and delicious meals with each other 🌮🍔🍩.

With friendly regards, your curator of today @avizor


Thank you, this really gave me motivation! I'll have to check out your discord, I'm not that familiarized with discord yet, but now I'll have to get myself involved!
Thank you! :)

Super easy :-) just Klick The Link and select a username. That’s it :-) you don’t need it to install if you don’t like, it’s instant ready to be used .... 😀✌️

That's seems so great, thanks for letting me know about it! :)

You curate for steem kitchen?... you are like on every post I click on, I'm talking everywhere.

Hey :-) i am one of the curators ...

Here you can see the selection what has been curated, about 15 post in last 3 days. So not everything. We curate only the good ones 👌😀. Where people had invested time end effort or great ideas.

But you are also hearty welcome in our discord if you like. The link is above. 😀

Thanks for the invite @avizor, but my food photography is very lacking in presentation.

Then we should exchange ideas, so that your and my photography in the future will be better :-)

Well, the next one I do I will try to get it in front of you guys for some idea.

Although I like sweets a lot, I am not one to shy away from good food. This looks yummy even without any meat. And I have to disagree with you, it is appealing.

Thanks for the oat milk recipe. I was quite intrigued by that and now I know how to make one. What else do you use oat milk for?

This was a really nice comment to read, thank you @cinnamonmints!

I'm really glad you found it interesting to make your own oat milk! Oat milk can be used basically for anything as a replacement of regular milk. I often use it to make oatmeal, in baking and in smoothies! If you make it yourself, I especially recommend you to try it in smoothies, it works really nicely! :)

This looks really delicious @jasmink. Thank you for sharing with us the recipe and the photos! You made me salivate :D

Thank you @marblely, that's one of the best compliments you can possibly give! :)

Exactly! 😋

Very delicious! And also a great story :)

Thanks @kremena.shtereva, glad you liked it! :)

This type of recipe takes me right back to my own childhood, as well! My mom made a version of this more weeks than not, though it was also non-vegan and sometimes came partially from a box. Thank goodness for healthier versions now! Looks like a bowl of pure comfort!

It's crazy how many memories a childhood recipe can bring back! Lately, I've been feeling that I need some good old "traditional" food from my childhood, and this was perfect for the purpose! But I totally agree with you, fortunately there are healthier options available now, since some of our childhood favorites aren't exactly the epitomes of health!

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