in #fruitsandveggiesmonday6 years ago (edited)

Hellow Steemit Fellows 😉 and My Steemit Ladies😊

This is my contribution to the #fruitsandveggiesmonday by @lenasveganliving 😉 this week.

image Candied Kolang Kaling

Can you guess what is that emerald green things ☝😉. You'll find the answer at the end of this post😊 so, keep reading😃.

I bought these 3 kind of things from the travelling vegetable seller in front of my gate last week. People in My country love to cook some desserts and mix it for the big meals too. It were Bananas, purple sweet potatoes and zuikerpalm aka Gomuti Fruit aka Arenga Palm aka sugar palm nuts.

Purple Compote / Kolak Ungu

image the fermented immature fruits of Sugar Palm nuts needs a long process before we can buy this in the market

I am waiting some photos from a friend who has this trees at her neighbourhood, so I will write another spesificc story about this fruit. Let's jump into the desserts recipes I made.

image * I bought a comb of bananas, 500 grams Kolang Kaling and 1 kg purple sweet potatoes, and I grow pandan leaves at my garden*

200 grams Sugar Palm Fruits
Half a comb of Kepok Banana (6-7 small bananas)
150 grams Purple Sweet Potatoes
2 strands pandan leaf
65 ml coconut cream
400 ml water
100-150 grams sugar (you can skip if you like the natural flavour) and you can add fresh ginger and cinnamon bark if you like it a bit spicy.

image here is the process

How to make it?

  • Boils the sugar plam fruits with a strand of pandan leaf in 100 ml water for 3 minutes.
  • Peel the sweet potatoes and cut into dice shape 2x2 or less/bigger
  • Prepare a pan and boils 400 ml water then add the sweet potatoes with a strand of pandan leaf too for 5 minutes then add the boiled sugar palm fruits (without the water) into it.
  • Pour the coconut cream and mix it well
  • slice the bananas and then add into the compote, keep stir it to make sure that the cream not broken, cook it till the banana half cooked.
  • add the sugar, taste it.. you can add some vanilla essence if you want to. Turn off the heat.

Noted : you can served in hot or cold, depends on how you like it.

Fried Banana / Bada / Pisang Goreng

image Bada is how the Acehnese calls Pisang Goreng or Fried Banana, the common snacks for Indonesians

I still have half a comb of Bananas, so I knew that My Father in Law and My Hubby really loves my Fried Bananas. So .. They Got it!

All you need are;

7 Bananas (Kepok is the best)
50 grams White Rice Flours
A pinch of salt
A clove of shallot
Cooking oils
25 ml water

Slice the banana the way you like it😉 I like that fan look. Prepare the thick dough by mixing the flour, salt, sliced shallot and waters. Heat the cooking oils, dip the banana into the dough and then fry it till cooked or you can see its golden colour. Remove it from the cooking oils then dry it on the kitchen tissue and place it on the plate. Serve it Hot! That's the best way to enjoy the Fried Banana

Bada or Pisang Goreng aka Fried Banana is a common snacks here in Indonesia, we eat it with baked sticky rice in the morning and coffee, with tea and coffee while watching TV or spend the afternoon with friends and family. People combined the Fried Banana with many topping like milk, chocolate, cream, cheese, shredded coconut and fruits. It just optional choice, most people still love the original fried banana the key of to get the delicious fried banana is the banana itself and the dipped dough. Ready to use flours for banana are available in the market.

image Kimmy, My niece with special Fan Fried Banana from South Aceh😆 don't ask me to show you how to make this one... I have no idea😂

Candied Sugar Palm Fruits / Manisan Kolang Kaling

Allright.. remember that I bought 500 grams of Sugar Palm Fruits before and I only use 200 grams of it for the purple compote? Yeap... we can preserved it by turn it into the candied Sugar Palm Fruit and served it with many different kind of drinks or milk. I think the Filipinos has their special canned Kaong (other name of Kolang Kaling) and the base of how to make it almost the same😊

image this is how I prepared my candied kolang kaling

300 grams sugar palm fruits, boils it for 3 minutes then add 2 drops of pandan essence, mix it well and let it soaking for 2 hours.

Prepare 150 grams sugar cane and 100 ml water and cook it till thicken, then add the green coloured sugar palm (remove it from its soaking water) and cook it until the water reduced with small heat for 20 minutes. You need to stir it sometimes to prevent burnt out. You'll find it sticky now, turn off the heat and let it cool down before you keep it in the fridge and served it later.

People in My Country, Indonesia usually prepared this on Ied el Fitr or Ramadhan (the Fasting month and Celebration day at the end of the month) with Syrup and Ice cube. Sometimes we mix this for traditional porridge like Skuteng or Es Teler (special fruits cocktail with coconut milk and ice).

Hey Cici, what's happened to the rest of sweet potatoes? 😂😉 I steam it all, because it's my favourite way to eat the purple sweet potatoes😊 I have no time to prepare the baked purple rice😔, I forgot to buy the banana leaves.

Fact about Kolang Kaling and Purple Sweet Potatoes🍠🍌🌹

Both of these food are good for diet, rich in fiber and carbohydrate, it would make you felt so full after eating it. Sometimes we're mistakenly thought that Palmyra Palm Fruit or Toddy Fruits as Arenga Pinnata Fruits😯 because it looks almost similar, but you know it from the taste. Toddy Fruit is a bit similar to coconut's water taste, while Kolang Kaling is a bit bland. Though both Palm trees also produce sugar palm from its saps but the Arenga Pinnata is mostly known as multipurposes plant after coconut tree in the world. Well.. you can read more about it on the sources I added 👇👇👇 down here😉

  1. Arenga Pinnata
  2. Kolang Kaling
  3. Sweet Potatoes
  4. Palmyra Palm

image Tell me which one is your favourite?

Thank you @lenasveganliving for the #fruitsandveggiesmonday competition. Thank you for stopping by and Have a Happy Monday💐


Uhhmm tell me where do you hid that green thing? Why can't I find it anywhere? Come on... ask your sister to send that big fan bada to us 😉 I'd like to try it too.. Thank you for all these delicious foods you prepared for us

Lol.. you can find it in the fridge in the blue container😉 will make another compote tomorrow if you like it😊 I need the "tapai" and still have other beads.. I can make es teler if Jawir brings jackfruit tomorrow

hahaha you're too funny @dipoabasch :)

You two are so cute!!!

Thank you @lynncoyle1 ..he has so many other snacks to sneak at.. but still try to find my favourite's LOL

hahaha of course he does!!

Three fruits new to me! (Well, of course I know bananas, but not that kind!) And what wonderful desserts you made from them, also all new to me. You are tempting me more and more to come to your house for dinner!

You'd better come to my home at tea time or coffee break 😉 because this kind of dessert served at the afternoon before dinner 😂 we ate dessert before dinner and the supper time would be like this 👇


Then my best plan would be to come for tea and stay until dinner! And then do that again the next day! ;-)

I'll be glad to have you here 😂 we don't have to make everything by ourselves 😉 let's sit at the shop and watch all the foid sellers who passes by the street 😂😂😂 you'll gain more weight within a week

Gaining weight? That is a risk I am willing to take!
So, we sit in the shade and chat and let the food come to us? Lots of different things to taste and try? Fruits and sweets and crispy things? And some of your special coffee of course. You have described a perfect day!

Yeap.. Absolutely 😉 chicken porridge for breakfast.. gado2 rie bar with peanut sauce for lunch, or you can choose other menu from this lady for lunch


And then we wait for the vegetable seller to get some fruits or perhaps a walking fruit salad seller will passes by, then we ... all right😊 I'll make a post especially about the travelling food court in front of my gate for you 😂

Here we have nothing like this. Food for the public must be prepared in health department-approved kitchens, there are many laws about that and the workers who prepare it, very strict rules. For those who ignore the rules there are heavy penalties. And if someone gets sick from their food they can expect a lawsuit and lose all they own. But I have had the best tamales, home made and sold from a car, nothing like those from a store! And in other countries I've had the most wonderful street food.

So yes, please, make me jealous with the traveling food court in front of your gate! 8-D

that's the big different between our countries, but I think one day all the street food would dissapear from the street when everyone can order anything they want online or the rule is changed. we have a lot of choice here but according to my husband, 50% of the food sellers are different, they're coming from other region of this island, when they get old.. they went back to their village and other sellers will come.. but sometimes the taste is different. so.. if the taste is changed or not delicious as usual.. people will stop buying and they're not around anymore.

That does sound like a pretty perfect day @donna-metcalfe and @cicisaja :)

you can join us anytime @lynncoyle1, if all the food sellers going for vacation that day.. we still have many choices around just take a walk for a few minutes from my home :D

I was thinking the same thing, how fun it would be for a group of us to be with you having fun!

OMgoodness, this looks absolutely delicious..Fried bananas, I must have some, send them over FEDX, please!!!!

😂😂😂😂 find a fiilipino store or you can use any kind of banana to fried, you can use margarine instead of cooking oil.. and plantain will do all right 😉 if you don't have the white rice flour. Why don't take a winter break and head of to my country... I'll fry it for you anytime

You're not only surprising me with every post, but with every picture! Those candied sugar palm fruits are my favorite, they look so cool! Another great post @cicisaja, you teach me something new every week! :)

Aahh @jasmink 😊 what a Lovely comment as you are 😍 I think that emerald green colour really interesting, isn't it? FYI.. all these recipes is the simple things that everybody in my hometown knew how to do it 😊 i a fasting month every year... you'll find it almost everywhere around Indonesia. And I am so so happy that I can show something new to you 😊 thank you for your appreciation.

There truly is something mesmerizing about the emerald green color! These recipes may be simple, almost taken for granted there where you live, but for me they're something totally new and exciting. Isn't it great to see the differences, how things can be so different on the other side of the world? I love to read and hear more about different countries and cultures, and you're providing us with all this amazing info, I love it! 😊

I think it is because the different place has its own spesific plants and weather. I found it not to hard to look for some kind of fruits and veggies from your country, maybe because many expats also dwell in Indonesia and more things got imported from all over the world, but our special fruits not easy to export to your place.

And I love to share the unique fruits and recipe from my place on Steemit. Actually.. I've never posts anything like this before😊 I thought that other steemians from Indonesia already done that, but I'm glad I posted this right in time😊

It was the perfect timing, keep up the good work! 😊

Nice post you can do a lot of different cooking. I don't do a lot of that but makes me think to try to do something like it.

Thank you @stever82, sometimes I just hate to let everything gone to waste😊 so I use my experimental side to try anything possible.. at least it won't poisoning my family 😂

Ok, now I have to revisit green eggs and ham, cause I just saw a purple sweet potato. That is pretty cool. It would be awesome to see some side by side with the orange ones...

The orange one would add more colourful compote.. and Adding the brown sugar would turned it into a brown orange compote😂 The orange sweet potatoes are our favourite's .. steam it and sprinkle the coconut pulp.. I never get my portion if I put it all in front of my hubby and FIL while they're watching the football match😅

lol, they make good french fries too, with a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Here is my families favorite way to eat them.

Wheww... that's pretty cool to try @coinsandchains 😉 but.. let me tell you how to make different kind of sweet potatoes for your thanks giving.

Steam it up, mash it.. add some grated chedar cheese if you don't have the coconut's pulp well.. you can add a spoonfull brown sugar too.. shape it like ball then deep fry it for few minutes😉 you got the new sweet potatoes ball.. and you can cover it with cheese or choco paste if you like it... well.. sweet tooth is forbidden to eat this one 😆

Oh my gosh, this is all so interesting. I don’t know a single thing you’ve prepared… I’ve never seen a purple sweet potato; so awesome! The gel bead looking things, Bada, look like something I’ve gotten in my ice tea before. It was a special tea so don’t remember exactly what the beads were but they looked similar.

All of your work is fabulous @cicisaja and I can’t wait to get to your land where I, too, can try all of these exotic and wonderful looking dishes. Great entry :)

thank you for your comment @puravidaville, I almost missed it out.. it is looked like gel bead but it actually a fruits, and I think there's something similar to that beat in your tea.. it's nata de coco or solid coconut water :D it almost has similar taste but the sugar palm fruit a bit bland if you didn't candied it.

and I can't wait to read your post about your adventure in my country..

I look forward to sharing with you too :)

AS much I love all your recipes my Dear and I am very impressed by the sugar palm nuts, the only way I could accept your entry would be if you remove the recipe with cheese. I already upvoted and reblogged it, so I wish that you could. And please make sure you read the rules, thank you 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇

Thank you @lenasveganliving, the cheese on the fried banana recipe is only an optional😊 we don't sprinkle it on our fried banana, it just my creativity.

I'm so sorry for not understand the rules completely and I will do as you say😊 I forgot that cheese is not a vegan food.

I am happy to ear that and thank you for understanding my Dear 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇
1 Collage.jpg

Thank you @lenasveganliving .. I already received the rewards from you, hope that I can keep posting for the fruits and veggies monday. you know that I'm not a vegan, though almost everyday we have veggies and fruits on the table.

You are most welcome my Dear and we always love to see you on Monday 😊

What an awesome post @cicisaja! I learn so many new things from you!!! I just love how food can be so different around the world; all of this is brand new to me! I think your father-in-law and @dipoabasch are both very lucky!

I'm submitting this to c-squared too; great work @cicisaja :)

Thank you very much @lynncoyle1 😊 for the comments and c-square too. I think they are lucky because now they don't have to buy it when tgey want it 😂 they just tell me what they want.. and there's nothing I can't do to try my best.

Just like I want to know how quesadilas and saurkraut taste are.. you might want to know how the food from other countries too😊

Quesadillas are delicious!!! And I love sauerkraut too :)

You really take care of your men there <3

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