Love in the new world. - My entry for the freewritehouse literary contest.

in #freewritehouse5 years ago

The Contest:

Avin Morroset waited, enjoying his strong black Arabica from the oversized sipper. His tablet was propped at an angle for comfortable viewing. The screen showed only one line. "@AvinM: How r U 2day?" The table was big enough to accommodate the roll-out keyboard and it was far away enough from the serving counter that the danger of being jostled was minimum. For the past three months these online chats had become increasingly important, Merin22 his "net-girl" was the best thing that had happened to him. Recently he had suggested they meet but Merin22 had not agreed- she had not said "Never". That was a small consolation.

The ping from the tab brought his attention to the screen, he read the reply. Smiling as he typed.

@Merin22: OK. regular stuff. How was your meeting?

@AvinM: Very Well. The claim will be thrown away.

@Merin22: Well done! A fat bonus??

@AvinM: Yah! I want to splurge, how about we meet up. I can come to Chicago. Or?

@Merin22: Let's get this in the open! I am sure this will be the beginning of the end of our friendship But- I am 40 and a software flunky and I don't even own an apartment.

@AvinM: Ha!! I am thirty seven and an insurance lawyer in Montreal And I am part ( a fourth) Mohawk.

@Merin22: Happy Now??

Avin took a huge gulp of the coffee, draining it, and set the cup aside, thinking for a few moments.

@AvinM: You know my name - Avin Morroset. I like you enough to want more. Forty or Asian or struggling doesn't matter much.

@Merin22: I am sure this is the wrong direction Avin. I like you THAT is why I want to continue as is.

@AvinM: What are you afraid of? Short of a long criminal record- which you do not have- I still want to know you.

@Merin22: Marina Huzaim, 33 Junior Manager for Delta Tech.

@AvinM: You are Arab??

Avin was really surprised as images of guns and scarfs and headgear spun in his mind.

@Merin22: Worse. I am half Persian and half British. And I have burn marks on my face.

@AvinM: Burn marks??

@Merin22: Acid attack when I was eighteen, Escaped almost unharmed- almost.

Avin reached for his coffee only to find the cup empty. His mind was in a fudge but somehow he was not exactly turned off by anything she had told him. It was scary he realized. Why was he afraid? This could mean a lot of adjusting- socially...but not enough to change his heart.

@Merin22: I told u so.

@AvinM: Hey! I was just having coffee. Tell me more.

@Merin22: Why? U have already made a solid opinion- Muslim, Burn marked, immigrant, too different, too much trouble.

This accurate remark stung Avin.

@AvinM: Not right. And it matters less than u think.

@Merin22: U r not old and bald r U?

Avin sent her a few pics of himself. He was happy to. He was tall and blond and fit. A passable face, light brown eyes. The stubble, he thought, made him look more masculine. He still could not picture Merin22 in his mind. What the hell! he decided- I still want more. If I don't know her I will regret this.

@AvinM: So Chicago?

Three days later Avin had flown to Chicago and was waiting at the Plein Cafe and Eatery, he was a bit early but the coffee was great. The place was a long open space with tables near both walls and plenty of space. Avin sat halfway down near the windows, prominently facing the door. He was sure he would recognize Merin22 as she walked in. After ten minutes he was surprised when a tall brunette approached him, extending a hand. In his mind she was gorgeous. Not thin but in shape. Wavy hair escaping her floppy cap framing an unlined roundish face with a strong British nose, her lips were thin and colorless, what enticed Avin were the startlingly intense green eyes. She was wearing a long grey coat over a turtle neck and jeans.

The first thing Avin said was: "This is cheating." He had not yet moved to shake her hand. Marina laughed and slid into the seat opposite him, shaking her head. "Men."

"You did not have to lie about the burn marks. And you did not share a photo. I was thinking scarfs and all like Ilhan Omar."

Marina smiled, the small smile made Avin forget for a few moments what he had asked. "I had to make sure of your.. choices. From what you knew of me and not of how I looked. And Ilhan is Somali."

"You knew about me"

"Before you told me. I am a software geek." Avin could not help a loud chuckle. The laughter bloomed out, a result of release and joy, and he replied, still smiling, his eyes alight with exuberance.

"That is an unfair advantage."


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What a lovely story. We are often put off by appearances which at the end of the day should not be that important so I like his decision. I like that he went there even though he thought she might be marked and he would have to adjust socially. He followed his heart and did a good thing :) I have enjoyed reading your story :)

Thank you for sharing and congratulations on your curie vote!

Many Thanks. Makes me happy that you enjoyed my work. @freewritehouse is a talent magnet do visit the page for amazing and varied content ( Even better than this).
See u around.

Keep Steemin!

Hi sarez,

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That is some nice plot.

Online messaging has become a trend these days. With this medium, you are able to chat with random someone whom later you will realize that somehow, you already developed a certain fondness. You will start to feel that your day would not have been complete if you will not be able to hear from them. I might say that some are considering the looks or the image of the person but if you are into real authentic communication where the two of you are mutually connected, differences are set aside and bring you more close together day by day. After all, good communication is the key to a wonderful and lasting relationship.

I am proud of Avin because he did not let his inner fear succumb his fondness to Marina. Because of social media, we tend to get hooked with the stereotypes and I think it is unfair. We must learn how to judge a person for what he/she is rather than his/her color, ideals and culture. I live in a diverse society and with this, I was able to judge the persons around me better. No matter how different they are from me, as long as I understand them well, and they understand me as well, then there would not be a problem.

Kudos my friend. I just hope that Avin and Marina meet up will not just end there. Will you write a sequel about it?


Thanks @edencourage more people need to have your world view. openminded people are becoming rare, jingoism about color, nationality, religion and culture has colored the thinking of the majority.

Keep Steemin!

hi @sarez
despite the meetings on the internet are not a news, your way of writing has kept me glued to the end. I'm glad that for once someone showed up "ugly" instead of "handsome" and the other one went against appearances. Did you want to balance the reality?
Congratulations and thank you for sharing with us

Thanks for your wonderful comment. I am glad you liked this post. @freewritehouse is a talent magnet do visit the page for amazing and varied content.
See u around.

Keep Steemin!

thank you, sure I'll go see it!

@freewritehouse is a talent magnet - indeed! It drew you!

I love the surprise twist at the end - and it's not the twist of a knife blade in the heart (something I always hope to avoid when I read). Sweet!

Hey @carolkean. So good to hear from you. ( I follow you on goodreads though). It makes me glad that you enjoyed this story. Thank You for the great comment and see u around.

Its not just the piece you wrote, but the way you wrote. Mostly writes write in a way - then AvinM replied , then AvinM said, but you wrote in scripting style, I loved it, easy to read for readers :) good work :)

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