My Entry to Contest - "What does TODAY (Dec. 26, 2019) Mean to ME? - 2.29" - Animation KLAUS 👍😁

in #freewrite5 years ago (edited)

Thursday - 26 December 2019.
What does today mean to me or shall I wait till New Year's Eve to post?
Nooo, I don't think so.

Today was a day out of bed for me with some basic cleaning up. Basic means it looks optical clean and I feel comfortable at my place.
We ate leftovers, no bread, no cooked dinner. I did not eat my orange but had some walnuts.


I watched the Spanish animation "Klaus" at the end of my day after I made the fire.

If the link doesn't work search google for this Netflix film or watch it if you have Netflix.

"Klaus," tells us how the story bout Santa Claus started. If we believe this one you can thank a son of a wealthy post company owner. He sends the spoiled young man to the end of the world to start a post office. His only option back to civilization (silk sheets, butler, etc) is when he collected, stamped, delivered 6000 letters. A hard task in a village in which history is built on revenge.
Plenty of humor in this film. You need to be 7+ years old to watch it. As an adult, you will have an eye for completely other things as a child. It was a relief to watch this film after what I saw yesterday.

It still amazes me how far we get with the bit firewood left (no money to buy any) although winter did not start yet.
I haven't set one foot outside. I am not in the mood. Tomorrow will be early enough and it will be our monthly shopping day.

I posted

  • Together we grow. I am so far the only one joining this ccc contest hosted by @team-ccc so I win. 😁 I posted it with steempeak.
  • This was Christmas. The day is over so we can all go back to normal (on to the next party).
  • My Dpoll of today. Dpoll 5: Does recommendation benefits?. I noticed the recommend your freewrite post was not online yet and made a poll out of it. Do people read what is recommended? Does it benefit the author or me if I do? I have strong doubts about it. The answers differ. I checked out some and those who say it benefits did not leave a comment on the three posts I recommended which says enough.
  • A freewrite. The prompt made me write this. Faking happiness the reason why so many of us being screwed up. I scheduled the post with @esteemapp. It worked but only one tag and I had to change the photos.

I wrote my #zapfic but that one will be posted tomorrow morning.

Before I fell asleep I had a look at the paper with all the achievements I once wrote.
Once is some years ago. Actually, it is always the same. Some smaller ones I achieved or partly achieved or are no longer important. If it comes to achievements you never know if you can make it. A lot can happen to you (dropping dead is one of them).
I guess money is all that matters in the end (my grandfather said all you need on a holiday is a toothbrush and your wallet). Money makes a world of difference if it comes to how people, doctors, companies, schools, insurances, car mechanics, and even Steemians treat you.

@davidke20 and @victoria-belle host an achievement contest.

He made me think about achievements again, was so kind as to translate what the text was about.

We are hosting a monthly achievement contest. If you would like to participate, simply layout your next year's target, then break it down to 12 months, make a post with #hasil2020 as your tag. Every 1st week of the month does a reflection of what you've achieved from the previous month, that way you'll be on track to achieve what you have planned for. The top 20 quality poster will receive 1 steem. Those who managed to grab my attention will be followed for upvote and receive 0.1steem tip on a daily basis. So, in a month, one person can earn from me maximum 4 steem.

My diary days...

I wrote over one hundred by now #forthechildren. The year is nearly over. Time for something new?

Diary Day #1 - Sept. 13, 2019
A day full of surprises

Diary Day #15 - Sept. 27, 2019
Finally Friday

Diary Day #29 - October 11, 2019
A bright Friday

Diary Day #43 - October 24, 2019
Editing on

Diary Day #57 - November 8, 2019
NaNoWriMo goes on.

Diary Day #64 - November 15, 2019
Lack of writing = writer's dip

Diary Day #78 - #WednesdayQuickie
Poverty (En) / Armut (En)

Diary Day #85 - December 7, 2019
An ordinary dizzy day.

Diary Day #99 - December 22, 2019
So it is nearly Christmas huh?

Diary Day #102 - December 25, 2019
This was Christmas.

What does today mean to you? 2:29
Use the title: "My Entry to Contest - "What does TODAY (Dec. 31, 2019) Mean to ME? - #ccc 2.29" (pick your date).
Hosted by @freedomshift
Deadline: Januar 1, 2020 at noon US CST.
Uses the Commentcoin tag

This is an Invitation to join #ccc for Guaranteed 👍 Daily Income 💵 and Payout 💸 for Newbies (2.0) 🐟 🐜 🐛 in #ccc 👣 and Follow 👣 the Honor Code 🏅 - the Creed (Conditions and Limits Inside)
the latest update <<< please click to read.


Today was a day out of bed for me with some basic cleaning up. Basic means it looks optical clean and I feel comfortable at my place.
We ate leftovers, no bread, no cooked dinner.

Hey kittykat
I am not going to be so bold as to ask you straight up how it is that your life has come to reflect mine. I can see you have stayed very active on steemit, i will do some reading.
I am glad you have been able to continue to post here, it helped me a lot. When the things that distracted me became difficult too I found tolerating the pain and fatigue was compounded by a decreased sense of self. I am going to aim to do these things again.

Last week when I was home with my preschooler and I needed to rest, we watch Klaus. I think we have watched ALL the netflix Christmas movies. Netflix, drawing, painting, minecraft.... these are the things he does with me. His grandmother is the one who does the active fun outdoors stuff.
I hope you have a road to recovery. x

@girlbeforemirror A road to recover is not there for me. I try to hold on and live as long as possible for my youngest two.

They have no grandparents only sisters living abroad.

I think many live our lives but they keeping up appearances. I do not see the need to do so. I want to leave a memory behind #forthechildren.

At times I think this is not how their lives should look like but they are happy, intelligent, have strong wills and will not grow up screwed up.

I wish you all the best and good things to kill time or pain, make you feel good. Watching films and writing helps me. It's just my slow connection that can be a real pain.


I am sorry you are suffering. There is so much I would like to say, and I will when my own brain is functioning better.
I told myself a few months back, if I can get back to doing some creative things and doing fun things with my kids I will be satisfied. I am working on that. Simple things are strategic.
Once again you have spoken on behalf of me, and I'm sure many others. Thank you.
Your posts regarding your day mirror mine very much. Except I think you do a great deal more than you give yourself credit for. Public transport, baking pie, writing, posting, working. You do a lot in spite of your pain and illness.

@girlbeforemirror There is no one else who can take it over from me. There are many days I cannot plus I do only 5%or less what I used to do.
It is what it is and what you are focusing on now is a great achievement. It is what gives the memories.

A warm embrace, positive vibes and love for you. 💕

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@commentcoin Thank you for the update. ❤️

🎁 Hi @wakeupkitty! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @davidke20!

@davidke20 wrote lately about: Melipoly Bee Friendly Honey Beverages At The Cultural Street! Feel free to follow @davidke20 if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

@tipu Thank you I already do. 💕

I also watch movies with joy erery day
but I haven't seen this movie Klaus.
I can google it if I have time

@cloudblade I hope you can find it. It is new on Netflix, perhaps if you are just you can see it elsewhere too. ❤️

Hey @wakeupkitty, here is a little bit of BEER from @cloudblade for you. Enjoy it!

@beerlover Thank you for the delivery. ❤️

Thanks for mentioning. Will be nice if we can see your plan, milestone and how you wish to achieve it 🙂 !tip

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Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for joining this contes and for being a great member. We gave you an upvote. A happy New Year @team-ccc.

Thank you.

Posted using Partiko Android

Aquí en Venezuela no tenemos esas épocas de frio extremo, solo en el estado Mérida que esta el pico Bolívar. Donde estoy en Barcelona, solo dos estaciones verano e invierno, pero no como lo pasan en otros países. Me imagino la necesidad de salir a buscar alimentos con ese frio. Aquí estamos pasando es escases de gasolina, es increíble en un país petrolero, las colas para reabastecer gasolina son larguísima, yo no quiero mover mucho el vehículo, solo en caso extremo, nada de salir a pasear para no gastar gasolina y tener para alguna emergencia. Veremos cómo se soluciona esto. Espero y ruego por tu salud, una recuperación pronto, las personas a veces en estas redes no sabemos de las dificultades que otros tienen.

Excelente el proyecto de propósitos y logros uno por cada mes a lograr el objetivo, bastante interesante y motivador.
Voy preparando mi participación.


Here in Venezuela we don't have those times of extreme cold, only in the state of Merida that is the Bolivar peak. Where I am in Barcelona, ​​only two seasons summer and winter, but not like what happens in other countries. I imagine the need to go out to look for food with that cold. Here we are going through a shortage of gasoline, it is incredible in an oil country, the lines to refuel gasoline are very long, I do not want to move the vehicle much, only in extreme cases, nothing to go for a walk to not spend gasoline and have an emergency. We will see how this is solved. I hope and pray for your health, a recovery soon, sometimes people in these networks do not know the difficulties others have.

Excellent the project of achievements and achievements one for each month to achieve the objective, quite interesting and motivating

I am preparing my participation

Espero su participación en el concurso de logros.
Por suerte no tienes inviernos fríos y no tienes poder. Si mi energía está baja, tampoco tengo agua.
¡Espero que no haga demasiado frío aquí y tu gobierno se vuelva prudente pronto!

I am looking forward to your participation to the achievement contest. Lucky you not having cold winters and no power. If my power is down I have no water either. I hope it will not be too cold here and your government will get wise soon!

Posted using Partiko Android

Saludos amiga. No sabes cuanto lamento leer las veces que escribes sobre tu salud. No quisiera que llegue un día y que ya no pueda leer tus escritos. Aunque nadie es dueño de su vida. Vives demasiado lejos para ofrecer ayuda. Solo están mis oraciones, están todas disponibles para ti, si con eso lograra restaurarte. Un fuerte abrazo.

@gertu No poseemos tiempo y eso es algo bueno. Ahora vivo muchos años más de lo esperado ... La razón por la que vine a publicar aquí fue para dejar mensajes a los niños. También hay mensajes para usted que puede volver a escribir. Todavía estoy allí aunque tengo algunos días malos ahora. Fijé objetivos para 2020, así que tengo que hacerlos primero. Gracias por tu froendship. Y oraciones. Eso significa mucho para mí. ¡Disfruta de tu día y felicidad y suerte para ti y tu hijo para 2020! 💕

We do not own time and that is a good thing. I live by now many years longer as expected..The reason I came publishing here was to leave messages for the children. There are messages for you too you can retead. I am still there although I have some bad days now. I set targets for 2020 so I have to make them first. Thank you for your froendship.and prayers. That means a lot to me. Enjoy your day and happiness and luck for you and your son for 2020! 💕

Que todos tengamos un mejor 2020, de lo esperado. Más oportunidades, mayor crecimiento, mejor interacción en la comunidad. Mucho entusiasmo en la comunidad. Amen.

May we all have a better 2020, than expected. More opportunities, greater growth, better interaction in the community. Much enthusiasm in the community. Amen.

@gertu We go for that and make it happen. 💕

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