Netflix: Episode 12, The Old Steemians Home: The Waiting

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

Hi Everyone!

The Old Steemians Home story was started by none other than @omra-sky you can find the original story here: The Old Steemians Home. It's a must read!!

Talented @brisby the wrote part two and made us all laugh! You can find that here: An Old Steemians Home Christmas Eve Again a must read!

This is my tiny tribute to The Old Steemians Home storyline and I also knocked out two #freewrite writing prompts in the making! Hahahaha

I hope you enjoy!


The Waiting

The morning had started like any other but now the whole room was full. was sitting on a chair scrolling through his phone looking for photos for what? He didn't know......yet.

@snook was distressed she had a building to do but she couldn't go on until she knew. @simgirl had fixed her sock and just wanted to rock but again she was as still as a mouse.

Even @brisby was quite, a thing unheard of, while a squirrel was in the window.

@F3nix had come out of his basement holding his brush just waiting for something to paint.

Poor @marcoriccardi was in the corner on his yoga mat muttering to himself. He too had things to do but couldn't move.

The air was still as all watched the lady that tugged at their heart laying on the sofa hand over her face that refused to say a word. Not one word today had come from her mouth and the crew was starting to worry. What would they do?

@Jeezzle was in the corner pacing. Around and around he went. He had things to do, was a very busy man tho no one knew just why.

Then all of a sudden the door flung open on this foggy morning time. First came @whatisnew on feet soft as fog, he wound himself around the tablet and looked back toward the door with an impatient glace.

The door had remained open, the fog rolling in .........but no one had yet to started out softly the noise everyone heard. Footsteps that shook the ground.

When in through the door The Captain @deaconlee appeared with a hearty laugh and HUGE Hello! He has finally come home from the sea.

Still, no one spoke, waiting still.

The clock struck 10 and The Lady @mariannewest rose up from the couch with care. She checked her bag full of scary things and pulled out this day..............Nothing!

The shock of all was a groan in the room, even Marco had stopped mumbling.

When low and behold The lady pick up a pillow and raised it above her head.

She quickly took out her phone and proceeded to send the missive: Day 68: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: pillow

All scrabbled to their writing places breathing much easier now that they new for one more day their world would go on.


I hope you have had a chuckle or two! This was so much fun writing.

I did go over my 5 minutes or ten minutes as I used two but not much longer.

Come join us if you dare!

Happy Writing!

*all images are mine

If you care to read more of my freewrite please click on the links below:

Flash! Day 66 #freewrite
The Bus~ Day 65 Freewrite Prompt: toilet
Snook reads #Freewrite Day 64: Pill
A Snook Heartfelt Ramble ~


I am so glad that you recognized that I outrank this motley crew. 😎

Ha ha ha, that was great @snook, now as soon as I locate my pipe and slippers I'll navigate a new course for this bold adventure. 😜

HA! :D I'm so happy you liked it!!!!!!!!!!!!

and can not wait for your installment!! DARE! has been thrown down Captian!

Love it! Before you know it, we'll have pumped out a full season! (And I'm not always talkative. Plotting is quiet work...😈)

..I wonder what twisted marvels will give birth to @brisby 's evil mind 😮

I got scared reading this comment lolll :D

me too!! what has @brisby on her mind???? 😳

I think that @brisby may seem a quiet and caring person but she can reserve some surprises..who knows :-P

@snook you exceeded yourself.. I loved how you characterize some of them..Captain Deacon hahah 😂

<bows before f3nix> Thank YOU kind Sir. I'm waiting for Maro to get back and tell me he doesn't mumble LOLL

Oh cmon.. I'm just sincere dear friend :-) I?m waiting for @marcoriccardi too, i miss his clever and fun comments. Oh became part of one of my stories, the temptation of including you all as proud members of the Old Steemians Home was too big!

yes, I'm not good taking compliments.......something I need to work on :D so your job is to tell me straight when I'm being a Poooo! :D

and I LOVED your story and am honored to be in it!

Soooooo funny. Really - for reals - laughing out loud!! And the gif is perfect!!!

I have been trying to upload my latest DTube for the past 4 hours - nothing :(

I really appreciate all the visiting and encouraging you are doing with our new writers. It is always sad for me if I am the only one responding or reading their efforts. thank you so much!!

yeah, I load mine at night if I can and that seems to work better but there are downsides to that too........

and your welcome but I so love to read what people come up with! just been very busy here so running out of time every day :( wish I could see more than I do.

you and me both......

yeah I REALLY don't know how YOU do it!!!!!!!!!!!! I really hope you are making some decent money from this!

Not at this point. The payouts are pretty low. but I got the delegations because of this and it will grow with time.
To tell you the truth, I went through a phase of not feeling very good and got a break from my regular duties and gave myself permission to not do many things I usually do and threw myself into this world of Steemit and crypto.
I think it helped me to see new possibilities and the payouts will grow with time. In the meantime, I get to be a better blogger and I think we have a great community going. We shall see where that leads us...

I think YOU have built a wonderful thing.

It's funny after reading this comment I was thinking back to how I came to be here with the freewriters......
and it all came back to the EcoTrain chat LOLL that I got into just so I could speak to my son.......and keep an eye on him lolll not that he needs it. I need to know he is safe and well........

From there you were commenting in there and so I followed you as I had not known many people here..........

and the rest is?????????? not history YET! LOLLLL

Hugs You have a gift, follow your dreams and know many people are so very , very grateful to you for starting this.

Yes!! We never know how we connect. I totally forgot about the slack group. Is it still going? it seemed every time i went not much was happening...

Thank you so much! I do think we have a great thing going!!

I love the grooooooooooooooot :D Great story. It made me laugh :D

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D when I get home today I have lot's of sims to play :D Hope you are having a great day!

Great job @Snook. I couldn't wait to find out what we were waiting for. 😂These are a lot of fun to write, aren't they? It's impossible to do in 5 minutes.

They REALLY are!!!!! I was chuckling the whole time I was writing!!! :D I hope I did you proud! and yeah, 5 minutes is not quite enough time but it gives you a great start :D

Now off to work on OUR ........what did @f3nix call it?.........Asylum?......errrrr house! LOLLL

It's all good as long as it has a decent basement.

I promise it will LOLLL

HaHa! This was a fun read! I was getting worried when @mariannewest wasn't talking; so not her to not tell us a prompt. LOL! "on feet soft as fog"....perfect! Love it! Thanks for including us! : ) :) Meow!

welcome!!! and I'm so happy you liked it :D :D and so true about @mariannewest LOLL

Thank you @snook, I totally missed my debut! It's a pity I can't upvote this story anymore, but you nailed it!
aaaand...yes, I sometimes sit in the corner in a yoga pose and do mumble a lot! LOL!

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! You just made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Love it!!! :D and SO happy you like how you turned out!!

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