Posted freewrite Prompt

in #freewrite5 years ago (edited)

I found myself in Johnson City, Tennessee and was looking to do a little hunting and fishing.

I was out in the country hitting the high spots on this little dirt road and "uh oh" blue lights in my rearview.

The officer, a Johnson City policeman strolled up to my car and after asking for my license and registration said "what you doing round these parts boy and why are you going so #@%& fast?" His thumbs were in his belt loops and he rocked back and forth on his heels.

I tried to explain why to no avail when I mentioned hunting and fishing he said,

"there's a sign right there" and he pointed to it. "Sign says POSTED, NO TRESPASSING, NO HUNTING,NO FISHING".

He went on to point out another sign that indicated the posted speed limit was 15 miles per hour slower than what I had been travelling.

I understand the speeding part as I was speeding but hadn't even dropped a hook in the water, took my gun out of the car or stepped a foot on the ground.

"That boy" he drawled "is intent on all 4 accounts and being lippy isn't going to help".

That's how I ended up in the Johnson City Jail.

The judge posted a date to appear in court.

The newspaper posted my picture in the "breaking the law" section.

AND I had to call my mother to drive to Tennessee and pick me up.

She posted my bail.

PoliceLights Prw.jpg

So @mariannewest here is my freewrite I just posted regarding my trip to Tennessee.

@mariannewest (freewrite queen)


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That's a great story! Worst part had to have been calling your mother, hahahaha.
I imagine it was the officer's land in the first place, or he wouldn't have been out there waiting for the likes of you to break four laws.

It was fiction.I forgot to tag it as such.

It's not needed. I kind of assume freewrites are fiction, even though mine are often not. So you are new around these parts?

I think my start date was March 28, 2019 so I am a newbie.

Your stories are great. Characters I can sink my teeth into and taste real good, story lines that go somewhere interesting. I wonder why I just read one of yours today? I been slipping on the reading.
Nice to know you.

I need to look into reading more of your writings. What big compliment on my characters. Thanks!!

Watch out for that @carolkean (pronounced kane). She's a temptress that one. Has me writing way more than is good for me.

That @carolkean is a good egg. I love the way she uses language to tell a story.

When is writing not good for a person?

Oh my gosh, well it isn't Sheriff J.W. Pepper.

Had to look J.W Pepper up. Lol

Now you should know who I'm referring to.
The famous Louisiana Sheriff and I wouldn't know how he ended up working in Tennessee.

Great use of the prompt @naltedtirt.

Thank you. I overused it a little haha. Going to go read yours

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Thanks so much!! What a surprise.

Short but really funny, and you really made extra pronounced use of the POSTED prompt XD Good work, @naltedtirt :D

Thank you. I appreciate you stopping by and taking a look.

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