Five minute free write - Gardening

in #freewrite6 years ago

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Another morning, another Five minute free write hosted by the lovely @mariannewest.

Today's prompt was GARDENING. It didn't take me too long to think of a concept to fill the time. I've been following the same paths for a minute so I decided to pull from some earlier inspiration. From back when I first starting writing here on Steemit, from one of my early friends here, @snook. If you've read any of her writing, you might have an idea of where this is going :)

Without further ado...

The sun was beating down on her back

The thin cotton shirt and wide brimmed hat doing little to protect her from the heat. Sweat dripped from her brow and her arms were tired as she used the small shovel to ready the dirt in front of her for the small green sprouts that sat in a tray next to her.

She loved this kind of work. Ever since she had retired, it was the one thing that brought a smile to her face. The feeling of playing with the earth, using it to grow things, that satisfaction of watching her dinner grow.

It was the cycle of life she believed.

From the dirt they came and the dirt they would go. Everything else was just the fun time in between. She looked up, shading her eyes from the blazing globe in the sky.

Brilliant azure blue with wisps of white. It was beautiful.

Suddenly she was pushed face first into the dirt.

Crushing the small plant she had just placed inside it. A nasty growl and a viselike grip on her back drew a scream from her lips. Snapping teeth bit at her neck as she struggled to release herself.

Pure terror wracked her body as her hand found the shovel she had just been using. Pitifully small, it could still help her. Not thinking she grabbed the tool and drove it into the leg of her attacker with all her might.

Not a sound. No yelp of pain. No release of pressure. Her face was pushed deeper into the dirt as her attackers teeth finally found purchase in her neck.

'From the dirt we come, and where we shall end,' was her last thought.

The zombie apocalypse had begun.

Yep, zombies :)

Gotta love them. A great way to send any day-in-the-life story into something so much crazier. That's kind of the mood I'm in. Turning things on their tail, providing unexpected twists, doing something different. Got a lot of things to do today so no waxing deep and poetic...for now.

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and yes!! I'm screaming that for all of steemit to hear!!!

Love you so much my friend and SO SO happy you finally found the zombies in your life!! hugs

Lol. 'Dem zombies making a comeback in my worlds :) hugs

Great story.
Beautiful writing and loved the way you wrapped it up:

'From the dirt we come, and where we shall end,' was her last thought.

Kudos :-)

Thanks! It was weird how it circled back to that, hehe. Figured it was my philosophical moment for the morning. :)

Lol. Quite Philosophical. U are welcome.

Zombies… blech

The moment you stop expecting them, they get you :P

I was just thinking to do a Zombie story, then I saw this. Weird.

This is great.

That's because I'm telepathic. :) Or, great minds think alike?

Let's go with great minds .......

Yes....great minds...
And, are you sure that's what you want to eat for lunch?

Yep, zombies :)
Gotta love them. That you do.

Perfect way to twist a story with a lovely grandma planting some tomatoes, right?

Having it be her son would add to the macabre. ;-)

I like where you're going with that, lol. Wait, should I be laughing?

I like how you've managed to use the prompt...very clever!

Hehe. Was almost tempted to weave it into one of my stories, but, variation is the spice of life :)

Zombies always were a pain in the neck ;-) (I know, I went there lol) A very interesting aspect of a Zombie outbreak, to see from a different aspect.

I hear the comedy drums in the back of my head...and I did laugh :) Switching perspectives is pretty fun :) Most people wouldn't use a grandma as a victim, but I figured, why not? More shocking and all that, hehe.

Smashing the boundaries of the expected is always the best skill of a writer :-)

YASSSS! So I'm not the only morbid gardener? That is awesome. LOVED this!!!

Also, I’m here to deliver the prompt of the day! Freewrite #133 Daily Prompt


Morbid? Only if you're the living :P It's time for a dawning of a new age! :)

Hahaha, true... who knew? Great story!

Just dropping by to let you know that your post caught my eye this week and you're featured in my Friday Favorites post! Thank you for posting quality content :)


Awww, thanks @byn for the love and for stopping by :) Just trying to show people the world and put some smiles on their faces :)

Oh my goodness! How did this beautiful gardening story become is zombie attack?? The strawberries drew me in and now the blood is spurting all over that beautiful garden! Very scary! I'm going to be watching for zombies next time I pick up a trowel!

Oh no!!! Now I am not going to have a peaceful time in the garden!! Dang zombies

Lol. Don't worry, Zombies that attack in the garden are only in my universe :)

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