Five minute free write - The Attic

in #freewrite6 years ago

Prague 28.jpg

Good morning fellow free writers!

Gonna keep this brief and to the point. Today's Five minute free write hosted by @mariannewest was an interesting challenge. It took me a bunch of starts before I was finally able to get through the five minutes non-stop and produce something I liked.

The challenge for THE ATTIC was not the concept, but the execution. Five minutes is not a lot of time to write. Not enough to put out enough words. But, then again, that's the fun of it. I didn't get as far as I wanted in the story, which I'm sure a lot of you who read my writes are used to. Lot's of cliffhangers and stuff, hehe. This one is no different. But, that's the fun part. Making you wonder where the story is about to go.

Maybe you wanna give a swing and continue the story? It could be kinda fun ;)

So, without further ado...

Mommy and daddy had told him

Never to go up there. Up there to the attic. It was the one place that was forbidden to him. The one place he could not go. In a house that was more tall than wide, it was the last place he had left to explore. But, he wasn't supposed to go there.

The house was quiet. Still. Parents hidden in their own room, sleeping. The walls and windows made their little sounds in the late night Fall wind. Nestled in between two other houses like a slice of wedding cake. Old brown paint shed itself from the exterior and a brilliant white door beckoned those who passed by.

But why would mommy and daddy say 'no' to this one place? He wondered as he crept down the darkened hallway. The little boys socked feet making not a sound of their own.

In his short memory there was only here where he wasn't supposed to let his curiosity run to. A steep stubby staircase at the end of one hallway was the entrance, just past the linens closet where mommy kept the towels and sheets.

It would be okay, he thought.

Just to look once. There wasn't even a doorway, just a dark path upwards. He reached for the rough wooden rail and put his left foot on the first stair.

A soft sigh from above. The darkness seemed to breath.

So...what's gonna happen to this young boy as his mommy and daddy sleep?

Will it be the revealing of a great mystery? Some new fun that his parents didn't feel he was ready for? Perhaps something sinister? Maybe there's a twist coming up? Maybe...well, lots of maybes :)

Hope everyone is having a fantastic day! Thanks for stopping by and reading my free write! Damn that Most Dangerous Writing App for swallowing at least a thousand words this morning...but, still my favorite way to write.

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Really most of the magical or terrifying could only be found in the attic . In many of the movies i've watched related to magic or spirits , people could find those type of stuff only in attic . Another good freewrite and a good end ;)

Thanks! Yeah, you never know. I had a few twists in mind, but didn't have the time to put any of the down, hehe.

That's the beauty of a freewrite , many thoughts run during that 5 minutes and the outcome we get would be different from what we thought.

Hehe, that's happened so many times. :)

Too bad we don't get to know more...or maybe that's the beauty of it - there's a world of possibilities. Great story.

Thanks! Yeah, there is...makes me want to do some more horror style stuff...but visual, like a short video or something... :)

Oh my I got the chills! I want to know more! I also think you stopped this part at just the right time! Maybe more with tomorrow's prompt??

We shall see. With the rising of a new sun, perhaps a new sun shall rise? lol

Plaid wasn't the best of prompts to torture a young child

Poor kid has it hard enough!

Attics always have that foreboding sense about them, even the most renovated ones can still maintain their menace ;-)

We have this strange, deep down aversion to basements and idea why. Maybe there's a scientific study out there somewhere? lol

It would certainly be interesting to read for sure ;-)

okay coming back to read this when I am not in a hurry....... beware my friend loll

You have worked very hard today and now it's time to relax your mind while doing today's 5-minute Freewrite prompt! Prompt: Plaid

hmm, nobody has taken you up on the challenge yet - but snook might be back lol

lol, she might.

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