Five minute free write - Fingernail

in #freewrite6 years ago


Gonna be honest and say I'm dealing with a bit of a hangover today

And writing in a very non-inspirational place. Out in Vegas for the weekend with some friends, but I'm not going to let that keep me from writing. I remember reading many years ago a book by one of my favorite authors, The Cat Who Walks Through Walls by Robert Heinlein.

The main character was this curmudgeon of a guy, the ideal Renaissance man, war hero, strong moral compass, just doing his own thing as a writer on a space platform. In the initial part of the story he's talking with the love interest/heroine, and the topic of writing comes up. About how once you start it becomes, well, a thing. Like gravity that brings your hands back to the paper. And there's no way to cure it. And if you try, you'd only go insane. I think I may have reached that point...

Hangovers suck.

But, about this story...some quick notes.

I'm once again continuing my space saga...I might have to name it so y'all can trace it for continuity. This time I decided to tell it from a completely different view point. I mean, everyone should have a chance to voice their opinions, right?

Hope you enjoy this segment :)

They had built it against the wishes of the world.

Millions had risen up to protest, their voices left unheard. How many resources had been used to put this monstrosity together? Resources that could have been better used on the surface. So many were starving, so many were dying, but instead they had wasted it all...on this.

It had taken time. But, so had the construction. Slowly, one by one some of them had gotten jobs, worked their way up, become trusted members of the project. It had been easy. Pretend a belief, smile at the right times, talk about the right things. Everyone had just seemed so eager.

But all of that had been a lie.

The scientists couldn't be right about something like this. There just wasn't enough proof. He'd heard the truth, from so many places, from so many people that he knew. It just couldn't be true. A planet that was alive? That level of lie just couldn't be swalled. Fake, that's what it was.

He'd never had that dream to see space. But, for the cause he would do what was necessary. He would make the sacrifices and make them willngly. All the way to the end. He would show them. They would have to listen to their voices now. With their gem scratched, sullied, brought back to earth. The voices unheard, laughing at the folly of this ship.

He stood, just a few feet from what he had to do. It was easy. A simple electric current applied to his fingernail. A complex compact explosive would take care of the rest. Earth would be saved from this folly.

The world we live in when it comes to discussing viewpoints, sucks. It really sucks. I cannot say that enough. We find ourselves in these echo chambers of epic proportions, walls strengthened by the companies that provide our social media channels drive to give us what we want. Whether it's good for us or not. I mean, who wants to hear facts, or an opinion, that contradicts ours, right?

Even in the face of sure doom

People trapped in these echo chambers will deny reality, no matter how fantastical it may seem. Just an FYI... I may or may no be starting to make a strong political statement through this sci-fi, hehe. But, I'll try and not slap you in the face too hard with it.

Apparently I need to head back to my room so that we can slide into a new one. We had an upgrade for yesterday, but not today.

Thanks for dropping by and reading!

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Great job! Even with a hangover! haha, Have fun in Vegas, where hangovers are second nature. Hair of the dog my friend. Hair of the dog.

Hehe, was tempted by hair of the dog. Buddy went that route. Tonight should be some more fun :)

Thanks for reading!

I wish I could write this well with a hangover.

Lovely flow to it with nice intellectual context.

Cool stuff
Anj :D

With enough practice ;) Thanks for your kind words about my writing! We shall see what tomorrow's writing brings, hehe.

Ha yes, I missed my hangover practice this weekend :P

You're welcome

Quite topical and relevant I should say :-) I love that kind of "near present" sci-fi where it's not the distant future but not so close to present time either. We can have a lot of fun exploring possible trends and outcomes.

Yeah, it could be our reality in 20 years if we try, and if we continue to mismanage our planet and people. Not sure about the living planet bit but... lol

Even with a hangover, you managed to keep a good style and put together an interesting chapter of the saga.

Here's the Monday prompt:

Hehe, thanks. Takes me a lot longer to get the right thoughts together with a hangover, but eventually they do come out somewhat coherent :)

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