Five minute free write - scream

in #freewrite6 years ago


Creating a world is an interesting thing.

Using the prompts I'm attempting to explore an event from a bunch of different angles. With the five minute timer, it's more of a glimpse, but as a writer it's forcing me to consider different things that I've never thought of before. Learning points of views, how to connect events, how to build the energy with words and whipsaw the reader around a number of scenes to create a fuller's kind cool

I'm on a short timer myself this morning. In about 15 minutes I'll be heading off to Vegas for the weekend for hopefully a little bit of fun in the sun with friends. A brief break from the soul-suck of Los Angeles. The universe still feels it necessary to grind it's heel...but that's not stopping me from moving forward.

So, without any more ramblings...

Her finger was poised above the switch

Ready to change the future of mankind, when a dull rumble and a sudden sharp snap of the metal around her shook the ship. Alarms began to blare and the control room blazed red. Frantic yells barely audiable above the klaxons and ringing.

Over the intercom they could hear screaming. Somewhere far back on the ship something had happened. But what? Hundreds of meters back, something was wrong. Her eyes searched the boards in front of her trying to find answers.

The smoke was thick even though the bomb had been small.

A charge, placed just right, had almost disabled the drive. People all around the chief engineer were scattering to their emergency stations.

No klaxons or bells hollared here, ony sharp colored lights. The volume on everything was dropping as air quickly vented outside cutting off the voices of those in the process of dying. Breathing was getting harder and harder but he couldn't leave his station. Only a couple of arm lengths away sat salvation but to leave this post, right now, could spell the doom of them all.

Moments stretched into hours

As his fingers glazed over the board. Matching energies, floating variables, making sure the balance was not distrupted. At this key moment, things were still possible. They could still get it to work.

For those of you who may not have read the other parts of this story

I recommend you do, to get the whole picture as it's been painted so far. Or, at least read them if this little excerpt interested you. No pressure ;)

I'm continuing the theme of self-sacrifice for the greater good. It's a theme I think we need more of in the world nowadays. To pull away from the cult of self and think of the bigger picture. Social media has become obsessed with the glorification of self...self promoting, self branding, selfies, the proliferation of 'experts' and 'opinion makers.' We spend less and less time thinking about others and more and more about how to get people to look at us, want us, want to buy the things we do...I think you get the picture.

Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of amazing things that social media

And the celebration of self, are doing for society. A resurgence of body image positive messaging, people who never had a voice before now speaking up, information and perspectives that had never been seen before are now freely, there's so much good. But, we need to be careful to prevent what's happening from going to much further. The Kardashian affect...well, you can see the negatives. And, if you can't, I'm really worried for you.

My own timer is about up and I need to head out shortly. So, I hope you enjoyed this quick piece. If you like to write become a part of @mariannewest's Five minute free write and join a group of truly awesome people :)

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Lol, it is! Wish I'd brought another sweater.

I have a fondness for sci-fi and space stuff I must confess :-) I think you are right, helps to break from that self-focused mindset, to see the greater world outside of us. There can be so much more to life.

Yeah, it really helps to begin to try and imagine another kind of world, break out of the self-imposed unconscious ruts. Doing all this writing is finally getting my imagination running again :)

How on earth do you manage to come up with such a great story in such a short amount of time? Have a great trip, I'd love to read a blog post about your Weekend in Vegas!

Hehe, gonna make me blush. Been a busy month of writing...think that makes it easier. The more I write, the easier it gets. It's not like I'm starting from scratch for this one either. The seed of this started I think 2 writes back. And I have another parallel story in my head for the samurai thing, Burning Blade. Eager to put some more words out about him, hehe :) We'll see how the trip goes. I know there's gonna be some drinking. Just have to remember to bring my camera.

I tried to move to LA once. I lasted three weeks. The facade that people put up was to much for me. In the words of my wife I'm just a "Country Bumpkin." I don't know how people are able to pretend 24/7. I couldn't manage it. Your a brave man indeed. Or perhaps the greatest of actors. :) Either way Kudos to you, enjoy your much deserved time away.

It's a beautiful story. I'm interested to see where it goes.

Thanks for dropping by! Yeah, it's a shit-show here when it comes to people. I've met some amazing ones, and some real scum of the earth. Most people sit somewhere in between. I could never put up that second face, just not worth it when life is so short.

Just posted the next part of the story, hehe. The Saga Continues...really need to build that world up some more through non-five minute writes, hehe.

Thanks for coming by and reading! :)

I hope that you have a great time with your friends and are able to unwind!
Everyone staying their course despite their fear, holding steady in order to save others, well done!
One of the great themes within my favorite sci-fi stories has been the purpose of the greater good. The idea of traveling to other worlds and meeting other races brings out the hope of the best out of humanity.

The greater good...such a foreign concept I feel to so many people. But not that much of a surprise with so many just trying to get by. And, it's only going to get worse. The U.S. is now posted to head into another major recession...experts are saying like a 70% chance of it. Woohoo! sigh

Be well :)

Today your prompts are being delivered by a young, spindly legged Gerenuk who has recently moved to the town of Freewrite. (We handed him the bag, told him it was tradition that each new resident upheld, then went to luau!)

Freewrite Day 129 - Fingernail

I hope you are having fun!!

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