Still Don't Know a Thing - Rant

in #freewrite7 years ago

sound check.jpg

This is a freewrite to the prompt: sound check

Find the prompt here.

Still Don't Know a Thing

There are times when I am just not sure if I am of sound mind. I need to check if it is me, or if it is the rest of the world.
Maybe not the whole rest of the world, but things are going on every single day which make my mouth drop and I just don't know what to do, what to say, where to run to hide.
There are 2 ways to go about it and 2 is a very flexible number and it could easily be 200 ways. We shall see.
One way is to never listen to the radio, keep the TV off - which off is my preferred state for the Tv. My husband's preferred state is to have it on. Curse 24-hour programming. I like the good old days when at 4 pm a children's program started and then at 6 the news and by 11 it was all over.
Even better the days before a TV even entered the house.
Of course, by now, it could be said that the computers and even more so the phones have taken over the role the TV used to play in the house and maybe, that is even worse. Before at least the family was sitting together watching the thing, now, of course, everyone is in their own world
And I am guilty of it. That is for sure. There are things to do, to look up, to find out. We so easily can do that now with the phone and the internet at the ready. But that is not what I was talking about even though it is one solution: To just stay home.
Don't listen to the outside world and do your own thing.
That is valid and can lead to a certain peace of mind. But it also allows the neighbor who has a completely different philosophy to rise to power and then mandate what I can or cannot do in my little paradise.
The other option is to be dedicated fully to public life, run for office, fight for things - and still get rolled over by the powers to be.
So, I came ups with at least two solutions which aren't any and still don't know a thing.


Join us for the daily 5 - Minute Freewrite. Check my profile for a new prompt every day.


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


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I share these sentiments and long for a simpler past. I, too, remember when the television went off and there was quiet in the house. I would prefer no television on, too. I remember when not everybody was buried face down in their phone and when people could have real conversations without somebody stopping to check their phone every two minutes because they got a beep. Beep beep beep let's shut all the s*** off! Good rant!

thank you for that!! We missed you yesterday. all good though.

I think we can all agree that the world is - sometimes at least - a horrid place. Or at least it sometimes feels to be.
Be it because we hear/read about the sad news on the TV or the internet, be it because some people are downright scumbags and heartless idiots, be it whatever.
I believe what we all need is something to escape. Escape the media, escape all that is bad, escape from other people, ... Escape the world.
And on that note, @mariannewest, I thank you for these 5 minute daily challenges. For 5 minutes, there's not a single worry looming over me. Only me, a blank paper, and a world I have created (or am yet to create) in my mind.
And yes. My escape is writing. And long walks. And the gym. Come to think of it, I've got plenty. ^.^

Whatever it is for you, stick to it. We all need a break from the weight of our problems sometimes. Even if only for just 5 minutes.

I am glad that you have so many ways to escape the world. I do too - and writing is one of them. But I do have a big dilemma trying to decide how deep I want to be involved in politics at this time. I feel that I must and I feel that it doesn't make a difference.
We shall see.
Freewriting is a wonderful thing :)

You could always try, and if it doesn't suit you as you anticipated it would... stop. ^^

Oh, I have lol

i think free writing is must for every person if he wants to get success as a writer in any plateform no matter online or offline.
Thanks for the informative post

Agreed!! I hope you are writing with us - a new prompt every day lol

Oh @mariannewest this is so relevant to me right now. I try to refrain from TV most of the time & do not watch the news which has become easier since we have no cable. I was out the other day when someone warned me to be careful "at my age" (LOL) because there is a major 'flu epidemic' here and people are flooding the ER and people are dying. I said, "Oh, I did not know I should be afraid because I never watch the news." My hubby got a good giggle from my response. Signed, clueless and newsless in So Cal ;) <3 Cheryl

you crack me up!! I think we are all clueless to some extend :)

The right answer is not always easy to find but I have found many answers when just typing my thoughts out. :)

and that is what the freewrite is all about lol

Brilliant. This is why I love my record player. You put on a record and let the music guide your own imagination. It is timeless and you can't just go and skip a song you don't like. I teach ICT and I am guilty of using so much technology. That is why I never get any data.

I like to go to the sea and just chill. Those are the waves I like to hear.

I hear you - going to the beach and listening to the ocean is the best!!

It's really hard to tell if your own mind is sound or not, and I don't trust doctors either, so it is probably best to leave the matter up to your trusted friends. Wait here and let me get a straight jacket so that we can talk. 🤡

😂 🤣 rolling on the floor - wait. Sane people don't do that! I am sitting primly in a chair smiling slightly!


I saw my wife in that same pose this evening, should I be worried? 😮

no, come closer........... :)

ohhhhhh I am just where you are at too!!

crazy times!!

Writing is good that....carry one and stay with it...vey nice that is

Free writing is the good skill every people.

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