FreeWriteHouse Party Day 38: Of Wood, Ice & Chickens

in #freewrite6 years ago



When family meet, we inevitably start talking about the past. The way it was. How differently we did things. During Hari Raya (Eid Mubarak) in Singapore, 3 generations sat down and stories of today gravitated towards yesteryears. All of us trying to outdo the other with our memories and the things we used to do.

I remember watching my Dad chop wood every evening. My brother and I would stack them up for use. We cooked over a wood fire stove. It was a big cement block with two groves to place the wood and the pots go over them. My husband D shared his memories of helping his big family cook for weddings. Stacking bricks strategically to hold the huge pots and pans (cooking for hundreds), then burning wood under. Because the pots are so big, to ensure everything gets cooked, some burning charcoal is placed on the lid as well. They recently cooked for a cousin, and it was massive and yes some still do this today.

Then came the kerosene stove. This was much smaller and mobile. So much so, Mum used to bring it for picnics at the waterfalls. While we played in the water, she'd whip up a simple meal of coconut rice and gravy for lunch.

We didn't have a fridge til I was almost an adult. Food was cooked just enough so there are no left overs. And if did have any, we'd heat it up last thing before we go to sleep, and first thing when we woke up in the hopes it will keep til lunch. It didn't always work.

Then D tells me that for the weddings, they prevented ice from melting by keeping it in a hole in the sand. Blocks of ice would be delivered, which are placed in the sand with sawdust over. And when they needed to serve, they used a hammer and a chisel to break it into smaller pieces, wash off the sawdust and serve with drink.

All the dirty plates were stacked in a basket. And like a production line, the basked is lowered into a pot of hot water and soap, then dipped into clean hot water and then again. Then the plates are sent out again for the next batch of guests.

We hardly ate out. Eating out was a treat. Everything was made from scratch. Dad used to come home and pound rice or wheat to make flour for breakfast the next day. To eat chicken, we stepped out into the backyard and tried to catch one. It wasn't easy but it was a lot of fun tricking the chicken. *I once saw my Mum slaughter the chicken and totally flipped and called 911. I got into a lot of trouble as it was considered pranking.

I could go on and on, but I might have already slightly. So I will stop here and save the rest for another time.


Another day another prompt, another Free Write! This is where you are allowed to frolic in the happiest place or traverse into the darkest corners of your mind and then share it. It can be fact, it can be fiction, as long as they are your words!!

Check out @mariannewest and @freewritehouse to find out more.

This is my submission for the 200 Day Party Challenge where we need to write one freewrite every single day for 50 days. Read other stories inspired by the prompt wood here!!

’Til we meet again over text, pics, videos, maybe even coffee - Steem On!!




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What a great freewrite, I remember chopping and stacking wood with the family so it brought me back to my yesteryear memories.

The good ol' times... Those induction cookers don't come close to fire... haha
Thank you for swinging by @insideoutlet 😊

Haha no, nothing better than a warm apple pie from the wood oven. Induction is much safer though, trying to keep little man away from the oven is a challenge. Haha.

I did buy the induction for the kids because the youngest who was 7 then, likes cooking but then it died on me and I went back to a gas stove and realised how much I miss fire.
And the kids have been reminded over and over again, to never leave the kitchen while the stove is on just in case they forget. 😊

@kaerpediem yeah its a challenge, he loves buttons and knobs which are all at the perfect height to play with at his age. It's all so new that I need to keep double checking where he is at all times, he is so fast too for a wobbly drunk baby walk lol...

P.S. I should clarify the baby isn't actually drunk, he just walks like he is at this stage of development. hahah.

Already click to agree, I am a newcomer! Please also pay attention to my article!5 (8).jpg

You must have cooked with cast iron. I still use the coals to heat my biscuits. We used wood too for heat and cooking. My mother had a wood stove for many years. Someday, I will be in a cabin with all these things again. Thanks! Here is today's prompt:

We cooked more with aluminium ware and clay pots. Cast iron isn’t big in this part of the world and I only recently like a year ago got myself one haha
I wish for you what you wish yourself @wordymouth💗
Thank you for the prompt (drawing a total blank with this prompt 😅)

I enjoyed hearing about the process of serving for weddings. It's always interesting to learn about how things started and came about.

It is amazing to watch them... especially the Malays. When there's an event, you see everyone just coming together, offering to help out.
Thank you for reading and dropping a comment @poetrybyjeremy 😊

Good reminiscing, @kaerpediem. All these memories are too precious :) Thanks for sharing them on the blockchain!

It was a pleasure @happycrazycon. There are so many more stories and sometimes I wonder what experiences will stick with the kids... what would they be regurgitating at their get togethers... haha
Thank you for coming by 😊

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Ahhh yes, the good ol' days! :) xx

Very, very good ol' days! 😊

Oh, don't let me started on the good old day... tons and tons of it can be download which I won't be doing... lol

Maybe you'll do it in a post one of these days 😊

Yeah, maybe... one day... Hahaha

Interesting memories!
Haha, that's funny that you called 911 over a butchered chicken! I butcher chickens here, and I always wonder if the neighbors ever see me with blood on my hands, or actually killing the chicken, and what they think...
This is a rural area though, they probably dont give it a second thought.

It was a long time ago
But I have never and I wonder if I could ... I am grimacing at the thought of it haha
I am so spoilt... city life 😅
Thank you for coming by @squishysquid

You never know what you can do until you try, and you will find you can do what needs to be done when the time comes. ♥
Have a good night!

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