Freewrite Favorites & Some Newbies to Check Out!

in #freewrite6 years ago


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Remember if a post is older than 6 days, try to find something more recent to upvote so they can get the rewards. Thank you so much for your support!

NaNoWriMo is taking over for some of us this month! Be sure to check out the continuing stories of & @improv as well as some featured below. We can use all of the support and encouragement we can get as we challenge ourselves to write 50,000 words this month!



I found this #freewrite today by @dranuvar on the prompt excuses, and it really got me thinking. Do I make excuses to make me feel better, or to make the recipient feel better. I guess it's true what people say, "Excuses are like a**holes, Everybody has one!" @dranuvar's #freewrite gets you thinking. ~@wonderwop




Another newbie to show some support for!




This one is a crack up!!!




A fairly recent member of the freewriters, you should definitely check them out!




I've been smitten with @kaelci's NaNoWriMo story inspired by the Min-Min lights of Australia, and with's Torments of Tiny Earl - but are those freewrites? Ooh, and @improv also is using freewrite prompts. I love this:
Jani never protested weakly, but if she had ever wanted to protest weakly, now was the time.
Jani winced as Lavender called out brazenly. All the sneakiness and stealth that they'd been so good about for the past two kilometers was for naught if Lavender was going to holler that the whole town should come take a look at an elf.
And of course I love the woods, the herbs, the names (Coriander, Lavender) and all that. But I love @kaelci's Aussie voice, wit, and humor, and Tiny Earl's torments are full of surprises. Pick a day, any day, and any "most recent freewrite" by these three is worth noting. And now I feel bad for not having read all their NaNo posts, and worse still for having read hardly anyone else's at all!! ~ @carolkean




I love it when @iamjadeline writes about parenting for her freewrites. It's so obvious how much she loves and values her children. I so respect how she learns about parenting through getting to know her children and finding out how to best meet their needs. I love that she is so REAL about the parenting life and struggles (and wins). I like that she acknowledges that being a parent isn't just something you can learn about in a book (I'm paraphrasing here!) but just the real love she has for her kids always shines through.
It's wonderful to read about her journey and relive those younger years now that my kids are grown! ~ @byn




Stina comes up with names for things and backstories for them so naturally in this particular installment of her nanowrimo that I get excited to explore her entire universe. Especially the idea that a Moral tale means that a Moral saved the main character. The double-meaning of both Moral as in morality and Moral as the name for the denizens of that world grabs ahold of my brain and makes me pay attention. ~ @improv




I would like to recommend a freewrite by @byn. She has such great descriptive writing and the dialogue is so realistic and on point. the story begins so innocently I can honestly say that I did not see this one coming at the end and I won't spoil it for anyone but I do recommend that you pop over there and take a look! ~ @wandrnrose7



Check out what else is going on over at @freewritehouse!

Join the November Madness for NaNoWriMo!


If you haven't heard about the Freewrite House November Madness, let me tell you all about it.
We are going to write a novel in one month.
Crazy, right?
But if you are a writer and have been around for a while, you are going to say that that sounds familiar. Yup. It is not our original idea. NaNoWriMo has been at it for many years and is inspiring thousands - probably hundred thousands​ - to do just that. Write a novel in one month. Read More


Every week, we will choose one or two Freewriters that applied to be adopted by the Freewrite House. We will hand out two 50% upvotes per day and resteem one post per day for 7 days! CLICK HERE to learn more!



And don't forget to watch for the chance to win SBI for nominating your favorite freewrites each week! The post goes up on Tuesdays!



Wow great job everyone, I wonder who selected my post 😉.

Stoked you enjoyed the reading, my inspiration was @wonderwop after watching his video I went and said I would do one. It’s kind of fitting being in all about collaborating my supports why not start collaborating my creations.

Now it looks like I’m preparing myself to do many,many,many more 😅. It will be interesting and challenging to say the least 💪.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks @d00k13 for the shout-out. I owe it all to @mariannewest she wanted videos from #NovMadFans to help encourage all the nano writers and when I saw the prompt "excuses" I just jumped in my car, and went for it. Next time I'll have a script. 🤣🤣🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for the love!! I love this forum!!

I'm so glad someone included @sima369 - Barefoot Mountain Climber Sleeping Under the Stars, Ocean Frolicker, Ancient Explorer, Emotional Archaeologist, Enjoys Laughter, Love & Good Food - Follow Sima! - I've been engrossed in NaNo, neglecting fellow freewriters, and she is totally a favorite! (I can have lots of favorites, right?) -

yes, you can LOL

Thanks so much @carolkean ! I know you're engrossed in NaNo, and I hope it's going well for you!! Thanks for taking the time to post this. It touches my heart and is very appreciated :)

@carolkean is wonderful!! You made a wonderful friend!

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