I'm a Spaceship

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Maybe I should fly to David Bowie.

Prompt: monkey

Does a monkey live inside of our heads like in Homer's? Maybe. In some more than others. Some say we came out of monkey. NO. We only have a common ancestor. Ok, enough biology, and busting myths. I'm not going to take the road of bashing creationists, religious people or whatever.

Let's talk about something else. Like spaceships. I don't know about you, but sometimes I imagine myself as a spaceship because humans are some damn complicated creatures full of billions and billions of cells, all of which are already individually super complex - more so than a spaceship - and then all those complex things work together forming bigger complexities and then there are bacteria fumbling everywhere doing stuff against and for us with in the battlefield of our gut. Sometimes I wonder how all this can even work.

When I is only a bunch of stuff making a bigger clump of stuff that makes more stuff, it makes me think that I is not what this stuff makes me think it is. Ok, now I'm just beginning to sound crazy. But the point is that if I am some kind of emergence of these individual sells, it's like I'm an illusion. Yes? No? Does that even make a difference in any way? Whether that's the case or not, nobody can take away the fact from me that I'm one the most complicated spaceships ever existed.

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I like how you went from talking about monkeys to saying you're a spaceship :o) Seemless!! On the whole you being a spaceship thing and the complexity of life, it is indeed a huge head scratcher how it all works and intertwines to allow me to sit here typing and thinking, and listening a reacting... If I get a cut, my body can send for white blood cells to form a scab and eventually I will heal... Then from conception, we go from a single cell to the fully formed humans we become... All started as a single cell... It is a wonder... But I can understand the science behind a lot of it, and I love the microscopic as much as the cosmic, and indeed they have many similarities.. The thing that I cannot get my head around is the point of singularity.... The concept that everything in the universe started off in an infinitely dense, impossibly small point...... What!!!?? My head just cant compute that, nor except it.... But what is the universe growing into?? A void... Ok a void, so there is something there then not nothing... and the original big bang expansion from this point of singularity most have grown into this "void"... I just cant get my head around it, I know it's a theory, I just think for all the minds and technology, we would have a better theory than this!!

if it comes right down to it, we all are an illusion to some extent. so much conditioning going on in our lives that it is hard to know what we really want and what we think we want...

What a great line of thought! So much complexity that goes into what forms us and with each new idea that we have, our universe grows. Or does it form another? Thanks for setting my thoughts down a rabbit hole!

You're welcome. It's about time to get your head down up from the trees!

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You seem to post comments that have nothing to do with the posts, and self-voting them all, hence I downvoted/flagged your comment.

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