Me and My Computer Got Diagnosed | Some PC Nostalgia

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

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-15 degrees outside? I usually don't like headwears, because it feels like covering my spirit. But today it was quite necessary in order to save my ears from frost bite while bicycling to the health center.

Though I gotta admit: it felt really comfy wearing a beanie in such cold weather. But regardless getting some of that Siperia climate here in Finland, according to weatherman - it's so sunny you can literally feel it on your skin! February is probably the best time of winter with contradicting cold winter still kicking on the ass but with increasing domination of the Sun.

It definitely raises the spirit after dark winter and short days.

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Nothing makes a Finn happier than a beam of light after months of darkness, excluding a student whom it blinds while trying to read. I guess there's both sides on every coin

I'm sure you'll find more sun appreciative pictures from other Finn's posts.

Oh, right; my diagnosis...

Upper respiratory infection, aka. flu. So no worries; I'm not dying (not as fast, at least). Just teased you a little ;)

The best part?

I got a 3 day sick leave to Thursday. Nice.

S/he had some health issues, like I did.

But let's move to my other friend who had also shown some signs of illness.


His/her (why language do you force me to choose a sex for a lifeless object?! In Finnish I wouldn't have this problem. Sexist languages, haha.) symptoms included fatique unresponsiveness and coma; it seemed like booting up normally, but the screen stayed blank and the keyboard indicators didn't react to Caps or Num Lock, eventually falling into complete lack of response from the power button.

But what gave it away was the flickering lights on the fan control panel; it is directly connected to the Power Supply which I noticed making some weird electric noise that sounded ominous.

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I don't care much about aesthetics but the fan control panel gives a real nice slick look for the complete black appearance, while being practical. And those things can be found for only 20-30€.


Faulty Power Supply.

The solution?

New, functioning Power Supply

Luckily the remedy was near with in Helsinki - only 45 minutes away - which is probably the only physical store selling PC-components In Finland. In this acute case, avoiding the 3-5 day mail import time became quite handy because my sick leave would've gotten quite tiresome without my precious PC.

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10 Year warranty from Corsair! -That's pretty darn good

I could've bought a Power Supply with a half price compared to the above, but with lesser quality and energy efficiency. At best only 8 percent of the power from the wall is wasted as heat energy, and the fan doesn't even turn on until it's on half load at 225W. My PC consumes barely above 225W under full load so it will run pretty much completely silent.

Paying 100€ for this was well worth it considering it's only a fraction of the value already put into the PC. Silent and efficient.

Has a lot of room for potential future upgrades, too.

Installing the new Power Supply with few mismashing with the power connectors, and having thought that the faulty Power Supply had taken all the components into the grave with it, it was the best feeling ever when I finally heard the sweet WROOOOMMMM of a booting up machine.

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But since the old Power Supply was the eldest (along with my first graphics card) component in my ancient upgraded PC years ago...

It's actually quite hillarious looking back how messy I was; there's salt shaker, Dr. Pepper bottle, egg timer, plectra, SATA-computer data cable on the table.

The computer is sideways because the case is some random massproduced standard with inappropriate screw holes for ATX PSU so it was loose in the case. And the PSU seat was on the top of the case...

I originally wanted to upgrade my PC so I could play Minecraft with little better rendering distance than near with 30 FPS. Good old Minecraft days... Haven't experienced such nostalgia ever than listening its soundtrack. Good memories.

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Much better today, eh?

...I decided to do a proper burial for it.

Here's just few more pictures:

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This picture always amuses me :D

My old graphics card had died but then I found out there's this oven trick which could reform disconnections in circuits if there were some. So, I followed Internet's instructions, roasted the GPU and well, well, it started working like before. Maybe Internet knows something after all... sometimes.

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Back in 2014 I finally got dah moneys and made a full PC build from a scratch which could actually do something, which is still in my use except for few upgrades and add-ons.

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Here's the system as of today after installing the new Power Supply. I got myself to do some cable management which seems fine considering the case wasn't designed with cable management in mind.

Thank you for reading!


I think as we grow up we tend to like lesser items but high quality. I wish you're doing better ! I myself have been away from steemit these days and having some writer's burnout. And only today I finally read some of your posts again

Have a great day @celestal!

Hey @macchiata, I'm well healed by now.

I myself have been away from steemit these days and having some writer's burnout.

I definitely understand; if steeming nonstop, you eventually overheat. Stepping back also gives time to reflect with new ideas to write. Always appreciate you reading!

nice pictures! sorry to hear you're sick but isn't it always nice to have a few days off of work? So happy you were able to save your PC - I lost one completely a few years back - so many files gone with the wind. It was a terrible loss! I got a kick out of your burial pics, too!
lol great post my friend! I'm letting my vote power back up but I'll come back around tomorrow and give you a full vote :)

Big thank you @amariespeaks!

sorry to hear you're sick but isn't it always nice to have a few days off of work?

Those days are my favorite! Even though I was sick yesterday I was more motivated and got this post written in a single day because I had it all only for myself! And this might've not been even written without my flu because it became part of this posts narrative.
Whereas if I would've come back home after 4PM, it's just harder to get myself going after full working day.

Great you enjoyed this as much as I did making this! Oh, and my condolences for your loss.

you're welcome! I totally know the struggle - the days I work I hardly have time/energy to write!

I had yesterday the first “spring in the air” -feeling for a long time. Even though it was significantly cold, but the sun made the was so bright. 😋

”Nothing makes a Finn happier than a beam of light after months of darkness, excluding a student whom it blinds while trying to read. I guess there's both sides on every coin.” This is very true!😃 🏆

And I hope you get well soon!🤧 ☕️

Yeah, better get sunglasses ready!

And I hope you get well soon!

Thanks, I'm getting better already!

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