Happy Mother's Day! (5 Minute Freewrite... introducing my Kids)

in #freewrite6 years ago


Photo Courtesy of @ikaraboutyou from KS Visual Media

I wrote a post to my kids a while ago, called, "To My Kids: Let's Talk About Mother's Day" and now here it is, the day to celebrate our mothers. <3 Because I feel SO freaking lucky to be a mom, my mother's day post is going to be about my kids.

My mother is off traipsing about the country, but if she happened to be in the area, we'd probably go out to eat and then go window shopping and make inappropriate jokes about weird things like odd shaped paper towel holders. We aren't as close as we once were, but we still have fun together. I appreciate one on one time much more than the chaos of gatherings, though...

And as it turns out, that's what MY kids like, too. For many MANY years now, each of them asks for a one on one Mother's Day "date" throughout the week and I'm happy to oblige! Today I'm going to go spend time with my oldest daughter while her husband is home to be with their two boys. The best gift for a stay at home mom is a break ;)



I guess what I probably want MOST is more professional family photos, because I'm pretty spoiled with TONS of visits from these guys every week as it is:





And we have plenty of random, weird family photos (that I'd gladly hang on the walls!) but we always seem to be missing somebody! Especially since there has been a new grandbaby since 2015!






I ALSO want a new photo to update this picture from when they were little... now, to get them all here when there is still enough DAYLIGHT to take it! :)



That was a really long winded post already, but I'll use my five minute freewrite to tell you about my kids (hint: it took 10 minutes instead of 5).

Starting from oldest to youngest:


Sprite (named after the soda): Sprite is now 26 years old with two babies of her own. She was the kid who always wanted to grow up to be a mom and a teacher. She wrote her own children's church curriculum at a very young age when we lived on the bus traveling. She'd gather together kids at campgrounds and teach them the songs she'd written, have them do projects and take class. She was awesome with kids and it's no surprise that she grew up, got married and now has two kids. The only surprise is that she only has two! I've written about Grandma Day here and this Awesome book I made for the boys as well!



Kainan is 22 (23 next month). He's my 'momma's boy' and he will tell anyone (and always has) "Yeah, I'm a momma's boy. If you had a mom like mine, you would be, too!" He is pretty awesome. I'm still waiting for those days that people 'warn' you about "One day they will be too embarrassed to hug you" because this boy still insists on his hugs, even when I visit him at work where he works as a butcher with all the badass guy types. At 6'3" and 250 pounds, he'll get hugs whenever he wants them ;) I can only hope he knows his own strength! He has always told me that I can live with him when I get 'Old and unpleasant" AND he brings stuff over for us to make lunch together once a week (did I mention that he's a butcher? He brings the GOOD STUFF!)



Jaedin @knightengale is 21. He's my science geek, techie guy (Mr. Fixit for all computer issues!) and resident genius along with my husband. He was always the quiet one and kind of still is, but he is SO freaking hilarious. Kainan is loud and boisterous and funny, but Jaedin waits until he has the perfect moment to let a joke fly and cracks us all up beyond belief with his wit. He's pretty awesome. He is the kid that built a forge in the back yard and started melting down and making things out of metals... that's the kind of kid he is.



Paris @loliboofae is 20 and I recently wrote a longer post about her for her birthday She is my strong, vivacious, artsy child and you'll see her pop up often in my cover photos, because she's not only very photogenic, but she always loved doing modeling days with me so I have TONS of photos of her. If you know me at all, you know I love my photos!



Abyni @abyni is 17 and she is the resident musician. As with the rest of the kids, she was homeschooled most of her life and just this year attended a Technical school for sound engineering and visual media. She graduated this past week with honors and numerous certifications for programs that would have cost us a fortune, but she managed to go way over and above the school's expectations and got them all accomplished. She taught herself guitar and the ukulele (and is currently working on the piano) and plays soooo many covers for me. She wrote me a Mother's Day post today

Oh! And She wrote this song called "Mother" for me last year. It is SO so sweet and I love it beyond belief!

Anyway, that's the base group of kids that we started with. We've since gathered a few extra over the years... but that's all I have for now.


This was my 5 Minute Freewrite


Click the graphic to join the fun



thealliance-400_square.pngIOW COLOR LOGO.png
art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics



And some of my other more recent posts:

Fitting in Fitness: My Mindfulness May Challenge


Daily Adventures with our dog, Tiberius the Brat


VOICES: The Party (Real Life story of Multiple Personalities)



Photos are mine except where they are credited to their source under the photos


You have such a wonderful family. I like the crazy pictures most, those speak of a family that knows how to have fun!

We have SO many crazy photos :) We love our weird little family quite a bit! Thank you for the support!

Really beautiful @byn. Your kids sound so interesting and it was lovely to read all about them in this post. You sound like one very proud mamma and your love for your children really shines through in your writing.

Thank you for the comment. I am really amazingly proud of each and every one of them. They are all so incredibly different from each other, but that just adds to the richness of our lives around here. <3

@byn this is a beautiful presentation of your whole family! Happy Mother's Day to you and well done on a great post!!

Thank you so much! I had an absolutely fantastic Mother's Day. I'm not sure it could have been better. I'm getting ready to go have an early dinner with my son here in a little while to continue the day <3 I am very thankful for this family of mine!

so sweet

You have quite the family there, some great photos you all look a very happy bunch. Good to see your kids have wisely snagged accounts on Steemit while it's still relatively easy to do so - they will surely benefit from that in future.

Wonderful post sharing your special Mothers Day with us, throughly enjoyed seeing your side of life.


Thank you! All but one of them has an account and the oldest is supposedly getting one soon now that she has a minute now and then. I appreciate your comment!

What a wonderful write up about your family @byn, I know that I have not been around commenting much lately but it is not because I don't care or want to be there for everyone every day, it is just life and things tend to get stretched too thin sometimes. Just know that I do have a lot of respect for you and for the work that you do on Steemit and for the Freewritehouse! 🙂

Oh goodness, I know exactly what you mean. It is SO hard to keep up with everything and everyone!

I really appreciate all of your kind words and your support! Thank you so much for the comment. <3

thank you @byn for such a powerful tribute to your kids and family..it's priceless!

Thank you for the comment. I am very thankful to have such a wonderful family to write about! :)

they seem to be remarkable in every respect and one reason is that they
have a wise mom who raised them right! God bless you, we need more like you.

WOW, this is amazing - your children are so beautiful, not to mention TALENTED! <3 That song is just beyond...I love it, her voice, the lyrics, everything.
you seem like such a happy family, which is a beautiful sight to behold. I'm really happy for you <3
Happy Mother's Day!

Thank you so much! They are SO amazing!!! Abyni wrote that song last year and played it for me at an open mic night for me. I cried. It was so sweet and I love the way she gets that smile every time she sings that one line ;) We had a fantastic day yesterday and I couldn't be more thankful!

Beautiful post about a beautiful family! ♥
Happy Mother's day!! :D

Thank you so much! I had a fantastic Mother's Day (and am going out to yet another mother's day meal with another kid this evening!)

Oh how fun! :D
I bet they all love that! I love the whole 'individual kid date idea'. Ill have to try this, if not for mother's day, just for everyday life. We get so caught up in life, we forget to take a break and just enjoy eachother. ♥

We used to do "birthday dates" for them with my husband when they were little. Getting one on one time with a parent when there are five kids is SUPER special, even if we couldn't afford to actually do much. That just meant that as they got old enough to do things, they started taking their siblings out for 'birthday dates' and then started traditions amongst themselves... it really led to some wonderful habits and holidays! :)

We do so much together as a family that the one on one time is always super special.

I think that is wonderful! Ive always meant to start something like that. Its just life is so busy.... Ill have to make time for sure!

As with everything with kids, the point isn't perfection. We missed out and messed up way too often, but it happened just enough that my kids latched onto it. It is SO worth making the time. It pays off in huge ways for the rest of their lives :)

So true!
Isnt it funny how kids latch onto things and make them into traditions? ☺

Until this conversation, I don't think I'd realized how much they took a hold of that. Now to be fair, I am HORRIBLE about any type of regular tradition. At least since they got a little older. We barely even celebrate holidays at all, we've skipped Christmas altogether for most of the last 5-10 years. So I'm really glad to realize that we did have some traditions... we just didn't really think of them as such!

What a wonderful tribute to your children, and a great idea for mother's day. :)

Thank you so much. I love to write about my kids and my family... I want to leave them plenty of photos and words to look back on when they are maybe feeling down. I do best at writing (not so much at remembering to SAY them out loud all the time) so I at least want to make sure to write it out often!

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