
Thank you so much! I had a fantastic Mother's Day (and am going out to yet another mother's day meal with another kid this evening!)

Oh how fun! :D
I bet they all love that! I love the whole 'individual kid date idea'. Ill have to try this, if not for mother's day, just for everyday life. We get so caught up in life, we forget to take a break and just enjoy eachother. ♥

We used to do "birthday dates" for them with my husband when they were little. Getting one on one time with a parent when there are five kids is SUPER special, even if we couldn't afford to actually do much. That just meant that as they got old enough to do things, they started taking their siblings out for 'birthday dates' and then started traditions amongst themselves... it really led to some wonderful habits and holidays! :)

We do so much together as a family that the one on one time is always super special.

I think that is wonderful! Ive always meant to start something like that. Its just life is so busy.... Ill have to make time for sure!

As with everything with kids, the point isn't perfection. We missed out and messed up way too often, but it happened just enough that my kids latched onto it. It is SO worth making the time. It pays off in huge ways for the rest of their lives :)

So true!
Isnt it funny how kids latch onto things and make them into traditions? ☺

Until this conversation, I don't think I'd realized how much they took a hold of that. Now to be fair, I am HORRIBLE about any type of regular tradition. At least since they got a little older. We barely even celebrate holidays at all, we've skipped Christmas altogether for most of the last 5-10 years. So I'm really glad to realize that we did have some traditions... we just didn't really think of them as such!

Haha, we have a lot in common. I am not good at traditions either. I feel like I am trying too hard and my heart really isnt in it because it is just another job for me to do. The kids seem to love it though, and I feel like it is worth it after the fact.
As they get older though, it seems easier to do the activities, since they can help a lot more and I can delegate jobs to them, so I can actually enjoy the tradition rather than go nuts and stress out because a 'holiday' means five thousand little tasks for me to do!

One tradition we recently started is painting class for my daughter and myself. Its at the library, and it is only every other month, but we both love it! We can get away from chores and the boys and just paint. It is great, but I need to find something to do with my sons!

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