My Happy Place - The Happiness Steem Challenge by @freedomtribe

in #freedomtribe5 years ago

Last year sometime I remember I had made a post on this same topic and I am here once again writing for the Happiness Steem Challenge by @freedomtribe.

What does a Happy Place mean to me?
Well for me my Happy Place is where I can be ME, the place where I can just be myself and spend time doing what I enjoy the most. So if any guesses are to be made, yes it is my family and my home. Specially the part of my home where I do all my Crystal work and my Yoga, Meditation.


This is one place where I can spend my whole day or days without getting bored. My whole house is filled with Crystals but in this particular place I have my best ones, very personal. There are times when I sit in this place doing nothing and people in my house think I am acting weird, but the peace and connection I feel in this place makes me feel directly connected to my higher self. If ever I am in low energy mode this is the place where I spend my maximum time to uplift myself and it works for me miraculously. In this particular place every morning I play the Gayatri Mantra, it uplifts the whole energy of the space and my overall home.

When I shifted to Muscat, I created this space for myself since I got a bigger house with an extra room for myself which I feel is a blessing from the Angels. I spend hours sitting here meditating and working with Crystals. Even if I have had a super hectic day, my day would not complete being here for atleast 10 to 15 minutes. My afternoon naps are in this place. Sitting and sleeping on the ground also makes me feel more connected to Mother Earth and it also keeps me flexible. 😃 My husband will funnily tell me, why did we go for such a big house when you only need this much place to survive 😃 Sometimes you find your happiness in very little things and this is what brings me happiness. My little sacred HAPPY PLACE

I have a lot of rules when anyone wants to come in this space of mine 😃, and people do respect and follow my rules so I allow them to come and get soaked up into the energies of my space. Everyone who comes here tell me that they feel very good and positive being here. It's a whole lot of effort that I take to maintain the sanity of this space and I feel happy when I see the results in my healing work.

Next month we are shifting to another house and I will have to start overall again building up my space to the level again where I get the same energy infusion by being around.

I hope you all enjoyed learning about my Happy Place

Thank you for visiting my blog.


GIF Courtesy @enginewitty 😍😍

My other blogs of Interest

"How Do You Get Out And Stay Out Of An Emotional Hole?" - @EcoTrain QOTW
"What is my motivation to keep Steeming?"
Online Shopping or Going to the Store; Which one is preferred?
How much Control do you Feel you have over your life? Tribesteemup biweekly Question

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Supporting People Who Help Make The World A Better Place @ecoTrain


Ommmmm. i can see if works for you dear!! the simplest things are the best really! <3

Thank you Alex. You can see the beauty in everything because of your good heart; which matters the most 😍💖

Home is DEFINITELY one of my happy.places. funny I was playing the gayatri mantra all day today!!

Simplicity is happiness to me too xx Less is more!

I feel it very soothing to keep listening to the Mantra. You are right; simple things bring a lot more joy in life then those flashy ones. Though my Simple things that are my crystals do cost me a bomb at times; but I enjoy their energy so I go all out for it, making up on other things...hehehe.

Your sacred space is beautiful @nainaztengra - thank you so much for sharing it with us for the Happiness Challenge. Yes, those spaces where we invest time and prayer and meditation do, over time, become even more special. Wishing you well in your new home and in creating a new energy space to retreat and nourish yourself.

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Thank you my dear. It was my pleasure to write. I am looking forward to the new place, A change always brings in new dreams, new visions and new beginnings, so I am all set for it.😍😍

You got a 16.89% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @nainaztengra! :)

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You’ve been visited by @vibesforlife on behalf of Natural Medicine!

Beautifully wrote, a Happy place is where you can be yourself. Love the fact that you have a separate place for meditation and the crystal work, indeed a blessing from the Angels.

We are also holding a raffle - if you'd like to win some beautiful art by @FrejaFricheck out this post. We are also behind a fundraising charity drive hosted by @freedomtribe to raise money for Venuezualan children. Please click here to enter!

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Truly it was always my desire to have my own space. Back home in India it was just one part of my bedroom but when I shifted to Muscat one whole room was like really a blessing.

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