Freedom, Janis Joplin, and Motherhood

in #freedomtribe5 years ago (edited)

“Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose.” — Janis Joplin

There’s a new challenge on the blockchain, initiated by @FreedomTribe, and that’s to answer this question:

"What's the one thing you have lost - or would be afraid to lose - which would limit (or has already limited) your personal Freedom?"

Oh, the answer for me is so very obvious.



The Price of Parenthood

What’s the thing I’ve lost that has limited my personal freedom? Being single. Specifically, being without kids.

Let me start by saying this: I love my children. I love them so much it hurts. It scares me, how vulnerable this love makes me, but I am grateful for my twins every single day.

That said, as a mother I’ve given up LOADS of freedom. I’ve given up the freedom to go where I want when I want. I’ve given up free time. (No, it really doesn’t exist anymore. I should be sleeping right now, but I’m writing.) I’ve given up the version of me who didn’t worry about everything, all the time.

I’ve given up the freedom to be irresponsible and take the kind of risks I used to, because now, if something happens to me, it would be devastating to my children.


That was me at 5.5 months. By the end, I was ginormous (see above). And that beautiful dog in the photo? I had to find him another home because I couldn’t take care of the twins, myself and the dog. He’s in a better place, now, with people who have time for him, but good lord the heartbreak that decision brought.

I’ve given up the body I once had, a body that gave me the freedom to move in beautiful ways. Yes, I can still move, I can still dance, but I can’t do half the things I was able to do before growing two humans and giving them life. I don’t know when I’ll be finished mourning that loss.

I never felt old before I had children. Now, I struggle with so many things, from worry and stress to high cortisol levels and a compromised core.

The sacrifices go on and on, and on, and on. And on.

If you ask me, “Was it worth it?” the answer is mixed. I wouldn’t give up my children—I’m mama bear all the way. They are my world, my joy, my sorrow, my heart. But I’ll be the first to tell someone, “Don’t have kids unless you really want them and you’re ready to give up everything.”

Yeah, everything. Kids aren’t sexy. They are hell on relationships. They will break you down and challenge everything you thought you knew.

They are also incredibly sweet, and amazing, and surprising, and wonderful.

But if you appreciate freedom, don’t have them. Seriously. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Janis Joplin - Bobby McGee — Music for your listening pleasure.

Janis Joplin and Simple Wisdoms

You might think me a terrible person for being so honest about motherhood, but at this point I don’t really care.

I think it’s important that people have a more balanced outlook about parenthood. Before I had kids, most moms only told me the good things about kids, as if it isn’t allowed to let people in on how hard it is, but I think it’s good to be prepared. People should know what they’re getting into.

What does this have to do with Janis Joplin? Well, first off, Bobby McGee is one of my favourite cover songs to sing. I can still belt it out, and I’d record a video for this post but I’m traveling and don’t have a guitar. But the song is about not having much to lose. When you’re a parent, you have everything to lose. Scary stuff.

However, having children sparked something in me creatively that I didn’t have before. I started writing novels when I was pregnant, and it’s something I love, something that gives me a way to express myself. So there’s that.

Second, Janis lived on the edge. She sang her heart out and died young. She was also lonely much of her life, so say her songs.

Can you be lonely with kids? Yeppers. Being a mother can be the loneliest job in the world. But my children are also my companions, and I cherish that. As often as they drive me completely crazy, they melt my heart. It’s a yin-yang to the max.

Third, Janis Joplin was immortalized in her music. Do kids make you immortal? No, they make you feel more mortal than anything, but they can also be a legacy. To me, it’s important that I give them all the love I can, and leave the best legacy I can: kind, thoughtful human beings.

It isn’t up to me how things turn out, just like it wasn’t up to Janis how people interpreted her music, or if they even liked her songs. But I love her music. I’m glad she made it. I think it was a worthwhile contribution to the world.

The amount of times my kids say they love me each day tells me they appreciate the sacrifices I’ve made for them. They don’t understand the freedom I’ve given up, but they love me. And they’re amazing kids. So is it worth it? Yes. It is.

That said, my warning still stands. ;)


Even though I've given up a lot of freedom to be a mother, I am well aware and grateful for the freedom and privilege I have living the life that I do.

When I get frustrated, I try to remember the blessings in my life and put things in perspective. Compared to the struggles many others go through, I've got it good. Everything is relative. I am grateful for the freedom I have, grateful for my family, grateful for my home, and grateful for who I am now.

Thank you for reading. Be kind to yourself.

Whatever happens, keep singing your song!

Peace. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel
Photos mine unless otherwise credited.

Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, tree-hugging yogini, and mama bear to twins. Author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance), she's another free-spirit swimming in the ocean of life.

Dragon art by Liiga Smilshkalne.

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I love the way you can do honestly share your thoughts and although being a dad is different to being a mother I can relate to so much that your saying in this post and do not think bad of you at all
Having children does seriously impact your freedom and very few people tell you that before hand

We didn’t have twins but had four kids under 6 years old
But that said I would do it again knowing what I know now

Thanks for this great post and being an active member of @steemusa !tip

Four under 6 years old? That's full on! Thank you for understanding and being able to relate. My hope in sharing this is for people to be better prepared when they choose to be parents, rather than going into it only thinking of the wonderful things, of which there are many. It's intense, this journey, and it is a blessing, for sure. But when the question came up I couldn't help but laugh, because children require such a shift in the way you live your life and the freedom you can enjoy. But I have such respect and compassion for parents now, and more compassion for children and what they go through, too. So it's a win, even if I've had to adjust so much of how I live. Big love, my friend. Thanks for being you and showing up to support me, too!

I will admit I was totally under prepared i must say so I totally agree with your thoughts on this

Ohh yes that was so full on and MY wife’s brother had 4 all close to the same ages when we got together which was often the house was so chaotic LOL

Always a pleasure to visit your posts

I was lucky? I saw what happened to all my friends when they had children before me. I was very happy to be the best Aunt out there......
but God had other plans....
hard but beautiful plans........
I wouldn't change a day of my life but a few less sleepless nights crying on the floor hoping 'someone' would sleep would have been nice. LOLL

so happy I saw this post on PYPT

Miss You but have fun and enjoy life every day!!

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I SO feel you. I love my kids to death and certainly don't regret having them, but I do greatly miss my personal space and my ability to focus on something at home for more than 5 minutes without feeling a tug on my arm, LOL!

This was really hard for me in the first three years of motherhood. At about that time, I went across country solo for 6 months for work and it was exactly the break I needed for myself - but it also made me realize that I really was ready to give up myself to being a momma. I wasn't supposed to be gone that long (it's a long story...), and it was tough on the whole family, but something about that trip clicked and my anxiety about not being "free" anymore went away. I don't really know how to explain it.

I totally get it. The first few years were really hard for me, not having much help with the twins, and I honestly did have some regret and resentment (mostly anger at myself) during that time. It has shifted now, and I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for them. I think it's important to recognize that those feelings are okay, and that they can change. Also, time away is such a good thing for perspective! :)

Wow... I think you really nailed the topic... if I had to write something, it would be very much the same thing! Children... both a limiting thing in our lives as they take so much attention... but we would definitely miss them!

Indeed. They take the intensity of life to the next level, and that includes the good stuff! :)

I love your honesty and being able to admit the struggles of motherhood and being sad about the things you had to give up.

When you have children it truly teaches you how to be selfless. There’s no more time for Me, Me, Me because our first concern even before ourselves is about our children’s well being. I definitely know all about having to give up things and not having the same capabilities with our bodies. After having five children I suffered from severe diastasis recti and had to work hard to get my core back to normal (actually is still isn’t allnthe way back but it’s better). I can’t nearly do the things I used to do. Does that mean I don’t love my kids because of it? Of course not! That just means I recognize the changes in my life that took place because of motherhood. I get it ;)

Absolutely! I'm still working on the diastasis 4.5 years later. And I'm an only child, so being selfless doesn't come easy. LOL! But yes, I put my children first to the point I have to remind myself to take care of me, otherwise I won't have anything to give. Thanks for appreciating my honesty. Five children?! Wow! More power to you, mama! Blessings to you and your family. Thanks for your lovely comment.

Yes you have to take care of you too. Especially with diastasis and how it can affect your back in the long run. Lol yes five! There’s never a dull moment :D

As a fellow mother, I feel what you're saying. Being a parent DOES take away so much freedom, but I feel like it is worth the cost. :)
I agree though, if you value your freedom, and don't wish to be tied down, then WAIT to have children! Absolutely! ♥

I think it's so individual. For many, being a parent is a wonderful thing, but for some people the choice to not have children is really okay, and not everyone understands that. It's nice to leave that opening for those who feel that way. It is a high price to pay, but it is a blessing, for sure. :) Thanks for the lovely comment.

Oh yes! Good old Janis really knew what she was talking about! Just listen to her Mercedes-Benz song. Tell me the woman wasn't brilliant.

What is the one thing I have lost to be afraid to lose which would limit my personal freedom? Without a doubt, my children. You hammered that nail right on the head. I don't think any other answer would even come close. I think that you can love your children but there are many factors that make me question my own selfishness.

The thing about the body, is so so petty in the big scheme of things, but that was part of who I was and it took a turn that will never be back to where it was. Not only and looks, but how it moves how it flows, I was a gymnast that will never do some of the moves, a skater who did not complete some moves. Petty petty petty. And yet, it was part of who I was and part of what I loved. So I get it. I get it more than you will ever know.

There is not an ounce of me that would turn back and do it differently come up but that doesn't mean I can't miss some of the things that I once had and no longer have because of it. This was most wonderful and a very honest and telling read.

Most days I feel 18. Other days I feel every single year. Thankfully those days are few and far between. And the good part of that is, that will go away. Thankfully. I had three in three and a half years but we also had triplets our family so I totally get never being able to sleep. Again.

Upped and steemed

Thanks for this great post and being an active member of @steemusa !tip

Oh yes, you understand. As for the thing about the body, I don't think it's petty. I think our physical form is part of who we are in this incarnation, and it's okay to mourn the changes. Natural, even. I still imagine myself flying and flipping around in my mind, even if my body isn't up to the task anymore. It's okay to miss it, and it gives me motivation to keep working on myself. We are always evolving, and my children are a part of that evolution on many different levels. At some point I'll catch up on sleep, right? ;)

Thanks for the tip and the resteem, and for always making me smile. Here's some Janis Joplin for you: me singing Mercedes Benz in the forest, half out of breath from walking uphill.

You totally know how to make my day! Hiking through and seeing! You'll be attracting the Bears if you don't cut it out! You have the voice of an Angel and that was a most beautiful rendition and yes! I love Janis! I won't lie to you. She is one of the grittiest, gutsiest, straight shooting people that ever was. And therein is what reminds me how much like her you are. In so many ways. While Janis may have had her problems, I totally I was in awe of her.

Thank you so much. And yes, what you say about the body is true and it might be possible that although I went through a huge mourning process with all that was lost, I never gave up hope that it would return, in some parts of it did and some parts of it never will, but I still have the memories and I will never forget once was. I adore you, for your power and Grace Under Fire.

I love this comment so much. Thank you! (((hugs)))

XOXOX You are always welcome, my friend. My pleasure!

I absolutely love this and that picture of you is the most beautiful picture ever 😍
Love your honesty and it doesn't make you a bad person, just the opposite. Be so honest and allow yourself to feel the way you do, it just makes you more incredible in my eyes... I hear your every word ❤️ wish for you to get the best in life and much love to you 💋

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You are the sweetest, most supportive, loveliest friend. Thank you so much and I wish you the best in life too, my dear. I hope we get to spend a lot of time together in person in the future. I know my boys would just adore you. Huge hugs and so much love!

You make it easy Katrina just by being who you are 😊❤️ such an inspiration and your honesty is so refreshing. I'm like an open book myself and can't be other than honest eather, but I am no way near you when it comes to be able to put it down in words.
If I write from the heart brutally and expose myself I always second question myself and are afraid to share... Lol

Also I wrote as I speak and I wish I had the writing gift like you.
Always touches the core and I can relate so much.
You have a god given talent 🤗

I can't wait to meet you to in real life and give you a Monster hug and meet your adorable twins 😍
Much Love to you and thank you for being YOU 🤗💕💞

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Wow. I have been so busy with so much other than Steem that it took me plopping down into this last week's #pypt to see it. I am glad I did see it. I had no idea you had twins! I am stunned, with as much as you do and as active as you are! I am in awe of you!

For me I have given up most of my "steem" time to take on a 40 hour work week job so we can be debt free this time next year. The opportunity came my way and I just decided it had to be done. I am missing all of the time with my friends and all the reading of their lives on steem and spending time with them on discord. Friends like you who inspire me.

Thank you so much for this post and sharing so much with us.

Aw, thank you Ren. I'm glad you got the opportunity of the work, though. Debt free is a pretty big deal. Big love! You inspire me, too!

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Ah, TOTAL feels!!!! I struggled sooo much with loss of freedom, mainly because, like you, I was a free spirit at heart... so I used to hit the road with him and we'd sleep in the back of the car down the coast on our own and people thought we were crazy. Then I took him round Europe on my own when he was 4. But still, they are THERE.. aren't they, little bloodsuckers. You love them DESPERATELY but at the same time wanna shout GO AWAY AND LET ME BE!!!! And then the mother guilt... !! And next minute? They are 22 and gorgeous and you have your freedom back. And don't know what to do with it lol...

Love you, you free spirited Janis pixie you!!!

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Ha! You're the best. Love you back!!! I'd tackle you with a hug if I could. Thank you for understanding and always being there with kindness.

I absolutely adore that you traveled with your son. My kids are amazing travellers, but with two it's a bit harder (and more expensive, of course). Yes to the mother guilt, yes to time flying, yes to wanting your own space and at the same time wanting to hold them close and never let go. What a balance, eh?

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