in #freedom8 years ago

I was just about to start a new series on steemit sharing some of the life choices that I am making and why, but now I have stopped to consider.

How wise is such a move these days?

Many nations are basically becoming over-surveillanced police states where the citizens thereof are constantly monitored from all sorts of directions. Corrupt, paranoid governments fear threats from every side, both within and without, and have almost succeeded in watching every move we make in some areas.

When we drive though intersections and parking lots, and the entire time that we are inside most stores, every move we make is being recorded and monitored.

The same thing is occurring online at an alarming rate. When search engines document every search you ever make and social media sites gather all the information about you that they can, what are the potential implications? Why are they so persistent at profiling you?

I am careful to use the term “freedom(s)” instead of “right(s)”, because when something is “your right”, it almost makes it seem wrong not to exercise it. Often, people will do something just because it is “their right.” We are certainly “free” to exercise our “rights”, or are we?

What if I exercise some of my freedoms like the freedom of speech?

If what I say offends someone, it can now be classified as “hate speech” and I can be charged with a crime. I hope that this doesn’t offend anyone, but I find that to be:


Also, what is up with “free speech zones”?

Doesn’t that stand in direct defiance of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution?

Also, when we speak of the original Constitution and Bill of Rights (not the modern, perverted interpretation of them), how in the world did we conclude that it pertained only to citizens of the United States?

There was a time when the US was more inclined to only abuse citizens of other nations, because “its citizens” were “protected” by the founding documents of this nation. Yet, those very documents speak of "all men" being “endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights.” Leaving all current beliefs about a Creator or a lack thereof out of this for a moment, what was the intent here?

The “Creator” of the United States?

Or the “Creator” of the world?

Obviously, it was the “Creator” of the world, and if “all men” have these rights, then who is US to treat citizens of other nations as if they did not have these rights?

Yes, I have apparently digressed and perhaps even began to accomplish exactly what I was trying to avoid.


Back to my point. If I am “free” to share about exercising my freedoms, why am I hesitant?

I once heard a story, a true story, but a story nevertheless. Actually, I read it, in the bathroom. It was a story shared in one of the "Uncle John's Bathroom Reader" books, but I am having trouble locating it at the moment. Basically, someone, I think a critic, had made a comment about burning all the theaters or opera houses in a certain country. The man was not from that country, but years later, perhaps around a decade, when he returned, he was arrested as some sort of terrorist or threat, solely because of that one statement that he had once made.

What if a similar situation happened these days? Let’s say a user makes a statement, and later, the statement is criminally used again him. In this information age with things being “forever documented” on the blockchain, how safe am I if I speak my mind here on steemit?

What if, for example, I share about why I believe that people should be able to have property rights, and later the government of the country I live in determines that people with such a belief are a threat and that expressing such a belief is now a criminal activity? A simple search over the blockchain would connect that belief to me, and I could be found guilty.

Even more, what would happen if I had since changed my beliefs?

Yeah, often things change over time and people do as well. If I am “no longer the same person” should I still be held accountable? I believe that in the case of actual criminal actions it is appropriate for the answer to be yes, but not “thought crimes.”

However, what I believe about such matters doesn’t really come into play anymore, does it?

I’m not the one with the control or the authority.

Trust me, I have no desire to hurt anyone or pose any threat to them, but I still may choose to share ideas and thoughts. Though I may be sorry if my thoughts are seen by some to be a threat just because I think something different, I still have the freedom to think, so I’ll continue to do so.

It has truly become a disturbing and dangerous time to exist in, and it appears that it is only getting worse.

These were some of my thoughts on the issue; what are yours? (if you dare to share.)

Do you think that I should begin the series that I thought about sharing, or, should I keep my thoughts to myself and just post recipes and photos?


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@papa-pepper Tough choice, especially when ultimately does not and will not just involve you. I know there have been times that I have had to hold back my actions or reactions, not because I feared the repercussions, but because I feared them for those around me that I love and care for. The difficulty, at least for me, is that I now a role model to my kids as well, and I think or hope they have learned that sometimes we have to learn to pick our battles, know when we can't win, and walk away from those that don't belong to us.

Children are definitely a game changer in so many ways, and this is one of them.

Thanks for chiming in and sharing your thoughts.

You should go on with your new series... as long as you don't type it near a bridge or a tunnel in New York City where your face will from now on be recognized as associated with your post. ;-P

Thanks for the heads up!

Behold, the new and approved proof-of-papa!

Read Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

It doesn't matter that you may be wrong in the future. You WILL be wrong in the future.

You are a wanted man. You have already committed apx. 3 felonies today. And the only reason you are not behind bars is because you have not come under scrutiny... yet.

The govern-cement will come up with a list of excuses to put you away forever. Including making up laws after the fact. So, today, speak your mind, but do so in a way that you will be proud of looking back in 10 years.

It is dangerous to be right, when the government is wrong - Voltaire

Well written reply and very valid points in my opinion @builderofcastles!

I'm sure I'm on some list, or a few lists, merely based on the anti-state comments I make here and there. And, to be honest, I really hold back because I am still in the land of the free. If I finally get out of here, I'll be more open about it.
I don't think you should lay out your plans, unless they're in no way threatening to the status-quo as laid out by your Uncle Sam. Otherwise, let 'er rip.
I wasn't sure I'd get past the introductory image though. Maybe they won't either. :)

A VERY well written article!
This was written with great clarity and logic. Yet the question is still there unless you have already made it and are simply seeing what others think.
Yet even if you have made up your mind the question is still valid and relevant to many.
It is a paradox. For it is not wise to do anything that may compromise you or your family yet to do nothing in the face of injustice IS to compromise your family...
Ultimately I feel that the only life that is worth living is one of values/ideals. I choose to live by the ideals that I feel to be of true importance/honor. If it requires that I walk the razors edge then so be it. I would rather live one day truly free than 1 million as a slave. I would rather die for what I believe in than live complacent and compliant.
I do not feel that the wisest nor the most successful judge nor try and change anyone, yet they always speak their truth with passion.
So I feel its more about HOW you say what you say then WHAT you say.
For example you could say "The most important thing in life is god" or you could say "anyone who does not believe in god deserves to be dead" or "government should protect the people" instead of "put all politicians in jail"
It is possible to speak the truth without making war.
I do feel that in some circumstances war is better but as a last resort and ultimately there are MANY ways to change people without being threatening.
I say address the tough issues, address it with sharp truth yet do it with class.

You have made some excellent points here my friend.

I think sometimes the "use it or lose it" concept becomes reality because not enough people actually use their freedoms.

Do you think that I should begin the series that I thought about sharing, or, should I keep my thoughts to myself and just post recipes and photos?

I feel that just because someday someone can search something you once said should not prevent you from speaking your mind. This already occurs when someone screenshots a tweet that was deleted or something similar to this affect.

People make mistakes and and just because it will forever be searchable shouldn't mean that you present your ideas differently, but of course to be careful how you speak to others and to think before you post.

There are many people who have changed their views on topics or been caught in scandals. Whether or not that is recorded online, people will have things follow them forever. It can be word of mouth or written, but there is no perfect person on this earth right now.

But if there is something you feel that others would benefit from I think you should share.

When it comes to government, if government is wrong I think you should stand up to it. If what you are saying someday violates a law, then I feel you will at least have been true to yourself instead of holding back something that might be valuable bits of info people need to hear.

Very well thought out and well written reply @bendjmiller222.

Thank you for your insight and your advice!

I share a lot of your sentiments. I'm really torn on this. On one hand, my mind tells me to go dark, get off grid, eject from the matrix....the other half says to me "if they haven't killed off Assange, Berwick, Ron're probably safe"

I don't really have an answer other than, do what is right for you and yours pappa. The world isn't changing on our behalf yet, but as you spread your ideas out there, it can institute some small changes, ignite some small sparks, and I think being afraid to speak your mind is going to tear apart your emotions on the inside. It will be like living in a psychological cage, and that can't be healthy. I hope it never gets as bad as my imagination tells me it can. Never as bad as history shows us we can sometimes be. We live in an amazing time, when an idea can shoot across the globe in a nanosecond, I will choose not to restrain those ideas, but I never fault those who are afraid to speak out of fear of government overreach.

Thank you for your honesty and insight.

I often look around and see who is still out there, and notice that until they go, I'm probably still going to be safe, so I know how you feel!

@pappa-pepper for what it's worth, coming from a country outside the US that doesn't have a constitution, I have perhaps a slightly different take on the issue.

The risk you place yourself in by expressing your thoughts and ideas, and indeed the risk you place you family in, is real. It would be easy for me, safely protected on the other side of the world, to shout Go for it man, pull the establishment down!"

I'll feel sad when you are arrested and jailed, but hey, what can I do about it?
Encourage you to blog from inside?

But still, you have things to say. These things need to come out, to see the light of day, to be examined and shared.

So I would encourage you to bring your ideas out and share them, but I would counsel caution. I would suggest framing your ideas in a positive narrative. Instead of 'pull the establishment down', try - this country is doing things really well. They have solve this problem that we have. How might we best trial that here to fix our problem and make the country a better place to live in?

This is less likely to mark you as a subversive, a communist, a terrorist, and more an advocate for positive change.

They might still arrest you, and jail you, but the narrative around who you are and what you stand for will always be a positive message, so you are more likely to generate a positive public response.

Which will lead to a revolution and the pulling down of the establishment.
Job done:-)

Whatever you decided to do, only you can make that decision. Just make it knowing what you are getting yourself into. Then step forward and grab your destiny with both hands.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Thanks for that.

You certainly provide some excellent food for thought and some great advice.

I appreciate you taking the time to do that.

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Thanks again!


It is my firm belief that the 2nd Amendment being penned directly after the 1st, was not by mistake. The founding fathers realized that in order to protect the 1st, the 2nd would be an absolute necessity, and yet we use neither to free us from the shackles of this system...

Great post btw, keep up the great work!

Good insight!

So, you're suggesting that I use my fully automatic mouth to keep spraying bullets of truth until I run out of ammunition?

Nice pic by the way!

So, you're suggesting that I use my fully automatic mouth to keep spraying bullets of truth until I run out of ammunition?

Precisely my friend...couldn't have said it better myself!

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