Fixing our broken system - where to even begin? Part 5: The medical / healthcare system

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)


Rightly named, today's medical / healthcare system should be called the "sickness system". The system is a total disaster, but not just because of its cost as most are brainwashed to think through the media and politicians. The system itself has literally been weaponized against humanity by incredibly powerful interests that want people permanently sick or unwell so that they pay out trillions annually directly and indirectly to manage the symptoms of their diseases.

There is no big money in curing disease. The big money is in treating a lifetime of symptoms from cradle to grave. This is exactly the reason that there will never be a cure for cancer or any other major disease we suffer from today. Since all major research grants come from pharmaceutical companies (or government agencies that are incessantly lobbied by pharmaceutical companies), do you really think they have an interest in curing the diseases that make them all of their money? Of course, everyone wants to believe that the leaders of these corporations would never do or allow such things, but this hope is very sadly misplaced.

Very unfortunately, the majority of people in healthcare organizations are blissfully clueless to the agenda at the top. However, those that run these organizations and their hidden agendas are ready and willing to bury real cures (as well as dying patients) to support their bottom line. In fact, these controllers are actually driving a far uglier agenda to keep the general populace weak, stupid, docile, impotent, and fully controllable by the dark puppet masters running the governments and corporations behind the scenes. These dark puppet masters are in large part, at least in the case of modern medicine, the Rockefellers who invented standard allopathic medicine in the US in the early 1900s. You can read about it here and you can watch a couple of excellent summaries from Spiro and James Corbett below on the Rockefeller control of the medical system:

The story of Royal Raymond Rife, cancer viruses, and the coming vaccination and eugenics assault on humanity

Royal Raymond Rife is probably the best example of an absolute genius in physics and medicine whose medical cure for pretty much almost every disease imaginable was buried by the modern medical cartel. Rife was a scientist working originally on microscopes in the early 20th century. Rife had an incredible breakthrough that allowed him to get extremely high magnification at high resolution with his microscopes. This typical problem with the limits of resolution is the reason we use electron microscopes today, however, with electron microscopes, all the specimens are dead. What this means is that you can't watch cells in real time and understand how viruses interact with the cells. With the Rife microscope this was possible as well as much, much more.

Since Rife could watch the real time interaction of all pathogens with cells, he could experiment on these pathogens while observing them. The experimentation that eventually made Rife famous was the use of resonant light and radio wave frequencies with pathogens. What Rife discovered was that just as the right tone can shatter a crystal glass, the right light / radio frequency could do the same to a pathogen, but without damaging the cells the pathogens are infecting.

Rife's years of research culminated in a 1934 study performed in conjunction with some of the top medical researchers of the US. Directly and indirectly participating researchers were from the Mayo Clinic, Northwestern University, John Hopkins University, and the University of Southern California. The study took terminal cancer patients from Pasadena Country Hospital and treated them at Rife's Laboratories. After 90 days, 86.5% of the patients were cured. Within another four weeks, 100% of the patients were cured. Yet by 1939, all of Rife's research associates were denying that they had even met Rife, let alone worked with him. This was despite all the newspaper evidence to the contrary. Worse still, Rife's labs were raided by government officials and most of his equipment was either confiscated or destroyed.

The medical powers that be were not going to allow someone to ruin their incredibly lucrative business model even if that model was built on the pain, suffering, and death of millions of people. Far worse, these sick pricks would further expand the chronic disease epidemic through the addition of the cancer viruses to vaccinations. (Rife discovered that specific viruses caused cancer.) I won't go into the deep details of this additional follow on story, but it is a must listen in and of itself. The story involves the CIA, Lee Harvey Oswald, and the planned assassination of Castro with the use of a cancer virus. It also leads directly into a broader global eugenics program that has been implemented with vaccines and other poisons given to the general populace. It's covered in the 2nd video below.

As an extremely important additional note, if you mistakenly don't believe the vaccine / eugenics agenda is going to affect you at some point in the near future, then you need to watch the last video below on the The Healthy People 2020 program and GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization) funded by the Gates Foundation. If you aren't extremely concerned after you watch this short video, then you aren't listening. The plan is to force vaccinations on everyone, everywhere around the globe - children and adults. You won't be able to travel, go to public events, go to the store, or anything else. These programs will be tied to the UN ID 2020 program as well so that all your vaccination information is built into your smart 2020 ID. This is not a vaccination program, it's a sickness, mind control and eugenics program that big pharma and big government, especially including the UN, have worked out together. I'll leave it at that.. Watch the videos:

Summing up the problems with today's medical / healthcare system

Let's summarize the key problems with medical / healthcare system before we look to identify the principles of any proper longer term solutions:

  • The system is based upon symptom treatment and not on healing - The only "solutions" offered in the current medical system are treatments for symptoms. The major options offered today are 1) drugs, 2) surgery, 3) radiation, and occasionally 4) physical rehabilitation. These are not cures or healing. These are only the treatment of symptoms

  • The human body is treated as a biochemical machine - The human body is actually a highly sensitive bio-computer rather than a biochemical machine. The biochemical actions in the cells and organs are simply follow on actions in response to subtle bioelectrical impulses. These bioelectrical impulses are further preceded by extremely deep and subconsciously controlled "biocomputational" processes that are tightly connected to our beliefs, emotions, traumas, and stressors. Giving someone pharmaceutical drugs to address a symptom is completely counterproductive. It can be equated to flooding an entire building to put out a small, contained fire in a trash bin in a single room. The water damage far exceeds anything that the contained fire would do. In comparison, the biocomputer could be recruited instead to simply pour a bit of water into the waste bin. I'll come later to how this can be done

  • The medical system and government have teamed up to force everyone to help pay for expensive and deadly treatments - While everyone is screaming about the need for socialized medicine, no one is asking whether any of the treatments that are to be provided are helpful. In fact, the treatments are deadly. Iatrogenic illness (also known as complications and death caused by physician f**k ups) is either the 3rd or 1st leading cause of death in the world depending upon how you measure it. Sure, you can have "free" medicine that is forced to be paid by everyone else, but as part of this bureaucracy you will have no service, no choice, and the only treatments offered will be ones that are insanely expensive and will kill you over time. Yay! Where do I sign up?

  • The system is actually designed at its core to keep you sick from cradle to grave - Even worse, there is a eugenics and total human control system built in as well. I won't bother going into this one since the videos above make this abundantly clear if you simply take the time to watch them

  • The system spends no time studying, documenting, and further researching real cures from natural approaches because there is no big money in it - There are loads of natural, non-harmful options available for pretty much any disease you can think of, but no one is documenting and further researching these options for people because the big money is elsewhere. No wonder people are constantly demanding allopathic medical treatment. The majority of people have no idea that there are real alternative options out there that are leaps and bounds better

What really drives dis-ease then?

The video above is a presentation from Dr. Bruce Lipton. Bruce Lipton's background was originally teaching microbiology and biochemistry in various medical schools until he had an epiphany. His epiphany was that the vast majority of chronic diseases are caused by subconscious programming that then drive epigenetic responses within people. What this essentially means is that your genes don't dictate disease, your reactions to the environment do. Genes are simply cellular programs that respond to the environment that we create for them. If we change this environment, we can resolve the disease.

Extremely similar to Lipton's research is also the research of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer. Hamer found that any major stressors in life cause disease. These stressors kick off deep ancestral survival programs that will manifest in what we call the symptoms of a disease. I won't get into all the details of this either, but the videos below explain how the Hamer model works in much more detail.

What a proper medical / healthcare system looks like

Taking what we can from the above videos, what we realize is that disease is a far more complex process than most people have ever been told. However, at the same time, diseases are far more in our control to resolve that we have every understood either. Chronic diseases are primarily based upon stressor responses to our environment as well as toxins in our environment. This means that to properly address these disease we need a healthcare system that offers the following approaches:

  • Understand and treat dis-eases through the elimination of physical and mental stressors and correction of the body's subconscious responses to them - The body is an incredibly intelligent biocomputer that is constantly learning to adapt for survival. The problem that we typically have with symptoms is the inability to reprogram the body to stop these unwanted behaviors. Access to the body's subconsciousness can be achieved through forms of Applied Kinesiology, NLP, and deep hypnosis. These mechanisms can then be used to both identify root causes and shut off associated symptoms. Our medical system should be applying these methods first to understand the root cause of any disease long before doing anything else. Once these key issues are identified, various release techniques, homeopathics, and similar approaches can be applied to address the roots of the stressors involved and stop the symptoms arising from them

  • Understand that symptoms are secondarily caused by toxicities / toxic environments - The immediate elimination of toxicities and toxic environments must be an initial plank in healing any symptoms. These can be toxic reactions from chemicals, radiation, mold / fungi, dental work, piercings, tattoos, etc. The first question must always be, "What has changed recently?" Often times these changes are toxicities that have been recently introduced and must be taken from the environment. The body can also be desensitized to these toxicities via forms of Applied Kinesiology

  • Understand that symptoms are thirdly caused by missing nutrients - Nutritional deficits are a follow on from stressors in the body's environment. For the body to address the symptoms that it is experiencing, the body burns through specific nutrients it needs, and typically extremely rapidly. This accelerated cellular metabolism leaves the body depleted of key nutrients. Giving the body these nutrients will not stop a disease unless the root disease itself was malnutrition. The nutrients instead allow the body to continue to run an accelerated cellular metabolism without noticing the extreme symptoms of malnutrition that otherwise would arise. Nutrients instead allow the body to put the root of the disease in check for as long as the nutrients needed to address it cellularly are available

  • Apply only truly holistic doctors and dentists - Doctors and dentists that are not truly holistic in their approach will destroy your health far more than help it. They will prescribe standard pharmaceutical poisons and invasive treatments that destroy your health in the long term

  • Develop research bodies to explore and further develop harmless natural treatment - We need to change our focus of study to non-harmful medical techniques. We must return to the wisdom of Hippocrates and focus on first doing no harm. If a treatment causes harm then it questioned in preference to treatments that do not. Our current medical system does not care about this any longer

  • Develop communities that learn from each other and help each other with our dis-ease issues - We should be learning all we can individually about health and well being and sharing this with each other on a regular basis. Most diseases should be solvable at home without outside support if we really learned all we can. We have been conned into the belief that we need experts to solve everything for us. Instead we should be asking how we can learn everything we need to know to take care of ourselves. With this empowerment, we can radically change the health of ourselves and all those around us

  • Shun and refuse any poisons that are being forced upon us - This means refusing at all costs vaccines, fluoride, GMO food, toxic substances in our environments, WiFi and 5G radiation, etc. We need to jointly fight against the use of these toxins in our environments and in our bodies

  • Refuse socialized medicine as a mass control method of corporate medicine - Socialized medicine is the means by which we are all pushed into taking the corporate medicine through the unholy alliance of big government with big corporations. They offer us "free" medicine with the final cost being so high that we can probably never calculate it. These costs are paid not just in taxes, but also in the sickness and death they deliver us, as well as the complete loss of choice in what we can freely access as health options

A few last words

I'm going to leave you with the video example above of Applied Kinesiology to see what it can do within seconds of treatment. I can tell you from a lot of experience that there is much more that can done with it as well.

The solutions that we need for a truly effective medical / healthcare system are already available to us to a very large degree, we just need to identify them and use them. Unfortunately, the owners of our current system don't want us to know this. We need to make sure that we learn and share these solutions as far as we can so as to help ourselves and to eventually defeat their sick plans (some pun intended).


Please leave your additional inputs and questions in the comments section below. I look forward to responding to them.


Super interesting post! I'm a student and applier of Dr. Morse's teachings. I have to say though that last vid with the woman on the table being cleared of old injuries was quite fascinating. I'll be looking into that myself!

Thanks a lot! I'm just looking at Dr. Morse now. I haven't heard of him before. Thanks for the tip.

Injury Recall Technique is taught by Wally Schmitt. It's amazing stuff. You can find out more about it here:

Dr. Morse is the man! I've been doing his ideas for over a year and a half and all my ailments are gone! I've lost 55lbs and am now wearing my high school pant size. Another for you is Dr. Cassar on YT. Between these two men I'm off pharms and have no health issues. Thanks for the site as I love new things my friend! Be well!

Just added another shocking video to this post from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. Please do have a listen to it and share. It's covers the coming vaccination agenda. Very scary indeed.

Already resteemed 😀

Thanks for sharing!

This is really scary. Hope you don't mind, I also posted the interview as a separate post, just to make sure it does not get lost in the huge amount of info from your post. 😀

Please do! People need to know that this is a coming agenda. After I listened to the interview it freaked me out. They don't mention the UN ID 2020 in conjunction with it in the interview, but this is fully relevant as well since this is exactly how they will access and manage the vaccination record for you. This is fully Orwellian.

I didn't read your post. However I would make the comment that as far as I can see in the last half century..the more government 'fixed it'...the more broke it got.

I remember or family doctor. DR. Smith...he made house calls when I was a kid.
the system wasn't very broke back then
it is now..

As Ronald Reagan said, "the nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

100% true.
Double that if he wear uniform.
Triple if have a gun.

THAT's a no-shitter.

Excellent article, The medical profession seems to be turning into sponsored drug peddlers. There are no longer searches for cures as money has bought or shut out the true doctors.

Thanks. Yes, unfortunately, this is exactly what has happened to the system. Time to change it on an individual basis by bypassing it for better options.

There is one thing way worse than medical heathcare system - conducting wars. They create far more wounded and diseased people than anything else. Besides, there is a new technique called electroporation (which porates cells or fuses cells) to check out.

I know what electroporation is, but is there a specific use of electroporation that you are referring to for health purposes other than opening the cell walls for microdosaging?

The one described in the patent in here:
Why should I believe that it would be used solely for the purpose of medical treatment?

Sure, it can be used for attacking people as well. Any technology can be used for good or bad. Your previous comment didn't clarify what use you were inferring for it.

I suspect that with all the frequency modifying of the weather this also causes electroporation of living beings. The sky of last year was incredibly weird and the weather messed up. Sometimes it looked like we exist in some psychedelic movie and not at all like the normal sky we were used to. This affects all living beings, and as even the plants which haven't shown any disease for more than 3 decades look affected then I can't imagine anything else. Sure, I have no means to prove it, but what else could it be? Old age - nay, I doubt it. Many plants are usually very resilient.

5G is now the next thing we need to concern ourselves with. I'm quite sure there are some very nasty and already well planned uses for it.

They have been testing 5G in the Netherlands and the farmers reported the cows went crazy. The representative from Siemens said that they need 5G for self driving cars, because of it's instant response and deeper penetration, and precision. And it looks like a net of hadron colliders is being built across the globe.


Max Igan has already done a lot of excellent research and reporting on the dangers of 5G. It's some very scary stuff that he's found and reported on. Worth a listen to him.

Outstanding article. Could not agree more!

Thanks a lot for the positive comments and the upvote!

Anytime. The truth must be spread. We need quality articles like this to wake people up.😀

Just added another shocking video to this post from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. Please do have a listen to it and share. It's covers the coming vaccination agenda. Very scary indeed.

Excellent article.


These are awesome videos by rational scientists that quote voluminous peer-reviewed studies demonstrating their theses. Much new information I had not heard before is presented in this post, and I am extremely relieved that I and my children have been raised so as to minimize our exposures to these various toxins.

Biowarfare lab involvement in the Kennedy assassination is novel to me, and I haven't researched the links provided in the post. I intend to.

There is some content that is less conventional, that seems to advise deciding being well is all it takes. I cannot find that this is consistent with the evidence, however.


Thank you for your positive comments and interest! I think you'll find the Kennedy tie in very interesting. The first book that came out on the topic is called "Dr. Mary's Monkey." There are also two books by Judyth Vary Baker who had an affair with Lee Harvey Oswald during this time. These books are "Me & Lee" and "David Ferrie." All very interesting insights into what was really going on behind the scenes. Here's a short summary of the story.

My jaw dropped so many times!!! I'm gonna watch the longer videos in full when I get time.

The kinesiology vid. Wow. I've never heard of that before. Thanks for opening my eyes.

Nutrition: I agree. I was vegan/vegetarian for 17 years and it caused all kinds of problems in my body, requiring loads of medication. 2 years ago, I decided to start eating clean, grass-fed meat and animal products. I've never felt better. No more meds and 50lbs lighter.

I'm very, very happy to help to open some eyes with this information. We all need to have access to such information. We then need to take back our health and our power from the currently ruling psychopaths that want to steal it from us.

I couldn't agree more. That gang of psychos need to be stopped.

You're well diversified in your areas of knowledge N_&_V.
Truly appreciative of your input in the different subjects you present to us.
I'll get back to you when I've had time to look at all of this.
Until then...
Cheers X-

Thanks a lot X-. My deepest interest is how to truly empower ourselves and others and thereby take back all the power that has been unwittingly given away to the psychopaths that that think they are in control of our world. There are lot of topics to cover to do this. Let's just say it keeps me busy ;-)

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