Geoengineering Series #8 – Photographic Intermezzo for the 1 -10%

in #geoengineeringseries7 years ago (edited)


 This was the third year of a completely messed up weather. Not that in the past years nothing strange in terms of weather occurred, only, the plants seemed to recover then and bore lots of fruits in spite of everything. I’m not going to present the overall impact on whole agriculture and the effect on prices, but they have risen. 

Here are some photos that portray this year’s outrageous weather. 

First, in the early spring there were three intervals of frostbite one after the other. After the first one, the plants could have recovered, as those more enduring had only small buds yet, but after three in a row, most blossoms already pollinated, and the third one with small fruits already, no this couldn't pass through. So, there wasn't much fruit and even the birds looked strangely emaciated. 

Next, the summer heat with no wind and total lack of humidity was scorching the plants. Quite some of the heat persistent raspberry plants dried up in one day. And the raspberries were one third of the normal size. We can consider ourselves lucky not to have been scorched with them. 

During the peak of the heat wave (as they call it) lemons, which are usually healthy without much care, got some dark brown dots and started rotting. Even the few after-frostbite-remaining-until-this-year-all-resistant kiwis got some strange brown spots beneath the peel.  

Besides, some trees and other plants that should blossom in spring started blooming in September/October – no chance of ripe fruit. I can see violets, strawberries; there was even an apple tree blooming. Having buds now just means they are going to freeze.  

Quite some years ago Rosalind Peterson (Agriculture Defense Coalition-ADC) reported of the drying up trees in US and the influence of SAG – Stratospheric Atmospheric Geoengineering and the use of ionospheric heaters on agriculture explaining that it takes about 10 years of SAG for a massive negative impact on trees. On the Farm Wars website Michael J. Murphy presents some results from 2009 on how toxic the rain and snow has become and Barabara H. Peterson explains in short what was possible – then already. I doubt that it has gotten any better or less. On Global Sky Watch they question if the use of frequencies in geoengineering is causing electroporation – causing cell poration or cell fusion by use of an oscillating electric field – thus making the chemtrails more potent – and most probably other pollutants, or herbicides/pesticides, or whatever is in the air - necessarily not a harmless thing altogether. There actually is a patent for this method Method of and apparatus for cell poration and cell fusion using radiofrequency electrical pulses and research studies are being carried out in this field. 

From the patent: “The high-power pulsed radiofrequency electrical field porates or fuses the cells. The method has the ability to porate or fuse biological cells with a very high efficiency. The method can be used to fuse or porate a variety of cells including animal cells, human cells, plant cells, protoplasts, erythrocyte ghosts, liposomes, vesicles, bacteria and yeasts. The method has the unique ability to porate or fuse cells in very small or very large numbers. During the poration or fusions, a variety of chemical agents including DNA, RNA, antibodies, proteins, drugs, molecular probes, hormones, growth factors, enzymes, organic chemicals and inorganic chemicals can be introduced into these cells. The method can also be used to produce new biological species, to make hybridoma cells which produce animal or human monoclonal antibodies and to insert therapeutic genes into human cells which can be transplanted back into the human body to cure genetic diseases.” 

If the plants get sick those who eat them won’t remain healthy either. It’s no use fooling oneself about that. Humans are a big colony of bacteria walking on two legs. We get populated by birth; those who were born by C-section don’t get as much populated. Those bacteria care for our health. If their membranes get porous (or a fused together in a clot) then they die off. If they get sick or those for our health caring bacteria decrease in number the malevolent ones increase. At least, that is so in our gut where we have about 3 million bacteria according to TeD Talk, even our brain functioning depends on them, and there are about 10 trillion bacteria on and in human body at any moment. No wonder that Chinese traditional medicine claims that human health resides in the gut. As humans destroy the microbes around the planet with geoengineering, this is negatively affecting us and all life. 

This post is part of a series in Geoengineering Series in an effort to present idea that people should start understanding that the sky and the oceans should remain intact, as well as the Earth as a whole, thus also the mainland. But, because humans can’t just dismiss all the industry and construction, and all the rest, we can’t declare the whole Earth a national park, even if we would most probably be way better off by doing so. Even if it is already some 100 years or more too late it is still worth a try. The way I see it, is to give the sky and the oceans the official status of a national park where chemical experiments with weather or anything else are not permitted and not-tolerated, including influencing tropospheric rivers by electromagnetic means. But to whom such a motion/demand in a petition form should be delivered to? 

Previous posts in geonegineering series: 

Geoengineering Series #7 – The Abuse of Struck and Unstruck Sound 

Geoengineering Series #6 – Modern vs. Ancient Weather Weapons 

Geoengineering Series #5 – Trading Geoengineered Weather? 

Geoengineering Series #4 - Poisoning the Garden of Eden 

Geonegineering Series #3 – Using Frequencies 

Geoengineering Series #3a – Using Frequencies (a frequencies table) 

Geoengineering Series #2 – Weather Modification Jobs 

Geoengineering Series #1 – Global Warming and Climate Change   


I agree that weird effects have been going on lately. Makes me wonder if the existence of humans were the spark that started it though. Especially now that we're playing with forces beyond our reach, it's not strange to see nature fighting back.

I think geoengineering should have never been started - anywhere on the planet. You see, I have passed a an exam in meteorology decades ago when there was only hail prevention, so, at least, I remember how the sky looked then when humans didn't try to produce clouds with chemistry as my instructors wouldn't let me pass without me being able to recognize any cloud formation that there was and the weather that that cloud formation would bring. But I doubt that's the final goal of geoengineering. One can see such geoengineered cloud(s)- formations in the movies as far back as the American movies from the sixties. And, people all over the planet, who are younger can't know how the sky looked like in the decades before geoengineered weather - they weren't on the planet to watch what it is all around, so for them this is just normal. For me it isn't. They can't sell me the idea of "oh, the air traffic increased", or such, you know.

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