The Finished Compost Toilet! *Well finished enought to be used!

in #freedom6 years ago (edited)

A luxury place to Poop!


Here's the last blog post of the work done at the cabin. Autumn is coming and I must be ready and its great to have a nice toilet.

I had lots of nasty rockwool insulation left over from the renovation at the squat, and what a better place to use it than in a toilet! I finished it with chipboard that we got from a skip months ago, and finished the rest in plastic so we don't die from glass fibers.

I'm no plumber and there is a wee wee overflow hole which should have required a pipe or something, but hmm, I just took a floor board out and it can go into the nature!

A birds eye from the back of the toilet and the "Drainage"


Found a clearer photo!


There is still a piece of floor missing and I nearly found a piece in the city but forgot it somewhere!


bag of sawdust and a bag for used toilet roll

And a Roof! The right piece of trash wood will show up just at the right time I'm sure! Pronoia!


I found this also in the city, there was two but the other had no pipes on it and so I took this one only. Shame its 3 cm too big to be the missing toilet floor, could have had a tiled section for washing and some kind of gravity shower..


Ha! @jacobpeacock! Today I remebered to get someone to take photos of that handsaw method!

Ok, so .. in a last post on this subject of the compost toilet, I described a way I was taught in West Africa of how to use a blunt and old handsaw to cut through linear wood.

Now I have photos! How many times have you chucked a handsaw away because it was not sharp anymore, and used way to much effort to be used efficiently in actually cutting hard wood?

This way is awesome if your tired but must cut wood by hand, or you just want to be clever and save some energy.

So the saw is held like this..


And then just raised and lowered. Its very effective and you use absolutely no energy like the traditional "whiteman" method and and old saw can come alive again!

I did some more bits, but didn't take photos! Next mission is to get a hand pump for water and to sort out the other half of the roof with no guttering in place at the moment. I have a huge cylindrical water butt that was already here and I will reuse it!

Until the next time!



sugar cocain.jpg


My last post:A few days playing EOS Knights!


A luxury place to Poop!

I love it! :-) Thanks for another great post on how to do shit ourself ;-)

compost toilets are awesome, and this one is electric! I expect some high grade humanure fro next years garden :) hahaha :)

Awesome @movingman that is pretty much exactly how I pictured that method but with the saw inverted the other way. Pretty cool!

It really is a much better way to use a handsaw, let me know how it went if you try it out 😁

Yeah I like it! I will definitely try it at some point and let you know. :)

Sweet! By the way I think your blog is great! What came first,the decision to go off grid,or your Steemit account?!

Hey thanks. I am glad you like my blog.

To answer your question...I went 'off grid' five hundred and ninety-six days ago and have only been using Steemit for thirty-two days. So I guess 'off grid' long before I even knew Steemit existed.

It is kind of funny how the going 'off-grid' occurred because it was more of a bi-product of taking a caretaking gig at a place where there was no infrastructure in place.

Could you sen me a link to a post from your blog? the one that explain how it happened? would love to read it!

I don't know if I really explain 'how it happened' but I do have a pretty good post about how it started. It was my first post on here actually.

I went to a festival with compost toilets couple summers ago, and the smell + flies still haunt my mind. Yours look so much better though!

Hi! Hahaha 😊 one time i had a toilet from my van behind our marquee at a festy, and one morning I woke up,slide open the van door, and saw a guy well wasted sat having a shit on the porterloo.. He was like "man, i thought i was tripping, but the toilet is real,its the best at the festival!" Fucking hilerious it was!

You had a toilet in your van???

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