Compost Toilet Build at The Squat Cabin and a New Toy!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Getting ready for the winter, and having a luxury compost toilet this year is a must because last years toilet was very basic you could say.

This was going to be a post on the build of the compost toilet, but I didn't get round to writing it up and so you lucky lot, get a long post with today also in it!

The new toilet in the morning after remembering that we had a door still to use and a frame..



The old toilet was just the size of that plastic pallet that you see there, not big! It had walls exactly like this one and an umbrella as a roof!

So the day after, I had to do the last part on the floor and then realised I had enough recycled wood to finish it , and even enough screws!


A wall was still missing and so the next step was to do the last wall. If your making walls for a building then you can just make it on the floor, its much easier than juggling wood in the air, and its very fast if your alone. "In-Situ" is the correct term used in construction.

A classic disaster accured, which sometimes does happen when making walls!


Nice! That's what I saw when I remembered there was a coffee and a spliff!

I added the door after fitting the back wall to make it feel like I had done something - then went to make another spliff..


To the wood pile! All this wood is saved from the trash..


I want a nice roof this time on the toilet, last year we had nothing here to build with, or we did but we had no clue how long we could stay is more the truth.

I have these 4m long lengths of very nice wood and it was easy to make a roof from them, You see the line there? that will make two slope pieces from 4 which will be the roof!

Hard wood indeed, took ages to cut through, and theres another piece the same to cut still..


The second piece went quicker as I remebered the african way of using a handsaw, I did try to document it but it was impossible to show what i mean..


Wait, i'll go look and see if I find a diagram on the world wide web!

Ok there's nothing of course! Well, I'll explain it whilst we are here! I was learning wood carving in west africa and they all laughed when I started to use the blunt saw on a long length or sliced tree. With the "silly white man" method we use so much energy whilst cutting if using a blunt saw, that we just would throw it away on go buy a new one. Well obviously not everyone in the world has this choice, and so in this country they use a blunt saw for years.
Its held kind of back to front with the teeth facing away from you cutting into the wood. Then you place your right hand over the hand grip with your thumb in the slot that is meant for the hand. Now you are replicating a Band Saw and can just steady the back of the blade with the left hand and just left up and drop the saw down with no effort at all and a good cut created. Without pics is so hard to explain I think!

Anyway, moving swiftly on- A roof! Well nearly.. (It rotating pic automatically!)

Structure Complete!


There was the old floor to re-use, ill just have to cut it to length and the toilet fits nicely..

Until the next stage arises.. Everything you can see in this picture has been recycled!



I wasn't sure what else to do but then remembered that im taking high dose's vitamin C since around 10 days and have been aiming for 10grams twice a day in some juice, and it was time for a refill.

Its going well! I started it after not getting any better with some kind of weak flu that wont go away since last year and so after writing this post [Vitamins - How much Is Enough?!]( and learning that the RDA's are from a president during the war, created to keep a soldier not healthy but *just above the sickness level to keep from being ill* and not for them to be actually healthy. Did you know that Vit C is the best natural antibiotic ever? *AND* its kills cancer cells?!

Today's action and my unofficial @actift report card rolled into one as it wont upload to the blockchain!

actifit card.png


Anyone else have this pop up whilst trying to post it?

error sctifit.png

In the morning I usually go to the city and back home which is around 2000 steps.. then we went for a dog walk with wizard as he wont come to work with me which was 3000 steps.. went to work but got bored and instead wanted to get home to play with crypto and sort out some dreadful verification to withdraw from

I remembered then that I had to go get a chainsaw that I was to buy a week ago! Oh yeh baby! Now we are cooking on gas!
It was so cheap and is pritty much brand new!

250kr! Fuck all! That's like two big burgers from a takeaway (without the fries!) and it came with 5 liters of oil as it drinks it. Id be happy to get all the wood cut for 250kr for this winter and next!


I dragged some more fallen trees ready to be cut and got stuck in to it bcause before I knew it, there was a pile of wood sawn and half chopped!


I have a new axe and realised whilst stacking the wood, that this grub got the chop! I guess it was quick and not so painful! quite amusing as I found one wriggling and threw it to nature asking it not to get near my plants shortly before..


I thought about carrying on and then the choppin' block broke so that was a good enough signal to stop!


2 hours of work, a weeks worth of wood!


Hope you enjoy a look into the life of a freak! we have freedom, we have all our precious time for ourselves and we dont have to pay anyone or ask for permissions. Winters coming and of course ill be showing you how we will get ready!



sugar cocain.jpg


Nice to put a "face" to a name!

oslo trainstation.jpg

Big love! @movingman

My last post: Presearch, get paid for searching!


I had that same error on a post. I ended up coping all and pasting into notes, then posting another blog. Then post the one it errored on. It worked then.

Be careful of a composting toilet in the winter. You will end up with a poop ice sculpture.
We used a very simular set up a few years back. It sucked, but it worked. Also look for foam board for the seat in the winter, your ass won’t freeze as bad. Seriously! Get some foam board!

ah its not the first winter time with a frozen toilet! the old one is still here full, we realised though that when its frozen its the best time to move it hahahahha..

this time we have a posh electric one! and part time electric :)

🤣Posh Poop! 🤣
Toasty toast tush! Hahaha

Really interesting to see how you're salvaging and re-using materials!

Hi @alom8,
Sorry for the late reply , just remembered to do it now!

90% of what i use in life since 9 years has been other peoples trash :) Its luxury not to have to go out to work to then go and buy things, its a trap! A circle of false motervations and never ending non happiness, thats why there is so much trash in the first place because theres always something better to be buying than the one we already have. :(

I admire your resourcefulness, @movingman!

Nice work! I think I even understood that sawing method. Pretty neat technique.

Thanks man,somehow I didnt see your reply here! I cant find any vids of the saw technique but it is legendary, ill get someone to take pics when theres someone around next time ☺

Yeah I would love to see the technique.

Making progress!! Do you know anything about biodigester tech? I've got an idea to use humanure production to heat water for a shower whilst simultaneously making fertilizer and methane for cooking.

Dear lord im missing many replies!! I omly had the idea after seeing huge steemin dung heaps in gemany that it would be so easy to heat water inside it 😊

Imagine a digester tank with an overflow attached high to another tank. Inside the digester you have a double coil of 2" copper tube that carries water in and out to be heated. No real changes are needed to the overall design of the biodigester except that tube.

Since a healthy BDG will run about 120°-140° f there's no need to heat the water further for a terribly comfortable shower. In fact you'll likely want to cool the water a bit with a mixer.

Additionally gas is put off that can be collected and pressurized with gravity. Most stoves can easily be altered by just drilling out the ports a little to accommodate the methane. Now you have hot water for bathing, cleaning, etc, gas for cooking, and fertilizer for growing things, and no excess sewage to deal with.

Genius or no?

its all about that copper coil mate! And a loada shit! im looking forward to when cash is no longer a thing and so everyone has more time to do things like this, instead of what ive been doing, out working hahaha :) nothing lasts forever :)

You got a great design idea there man!

Could even be a built in compost toilet somehow also! hahahahah dark humor i guess, but i know you love it!

Lol dark humor for dark water. I reckon if your toilet had any kind of tank it could work. I'd probably test the temperature before I invested time and money into a coil and pump though.

im happy just to have a very good compost ! And a decent place to take a dump this winter hahahhaha

You should have plenty of sawdust after all your sawing 😂😂😂

OOOOOHHHH yeh ! I was chuckling to myself that its a good enough reason alone to use an electric chainsaw whilst I was scooping it up! Theres a huge bag of it ready to go now :P

The actifit issue usually occurs due to weak/bad wi-fi connection.
Never had problems with 4G.

I have 4G , but it seems they are making way then for the deadly 5G!

I saw already months back, the bicycle repair cafe\bar on hausmannsgate x torgate had it already, freaked me the fuck out!

well it can be said you keep yourself busy. Always great when you have materials around that can be recycled and put to good use.

Hi skip! yeh I have a busy life style, but only when im not traveling it seems hahahaha, things to organize, preparation for a thought of the future and some routines lol. Its the price to pay nobody to live :)

I have a lot of time and I walk a lot with my job around the city and always stumble across good trash, 2 days ago I found a perfectly fine microwave oven, not that I use such things since a decade, but it makes the place look cool hahahahhaaha and I guess others in the future would use it.

Thanks for dropping by I enjoy your energy :)

If you want to get rid of a persistent light cold/flu i strongly recommend you try ''Kan Jang.'' It is a liquid herbal mixture based on a traditional Swedish recipe. It is really effective.
It is available at the health stores and some pharmacies.

It is this one

Hey man, nice post. I'm doing similar at my place in Bulgaria. Built outside compost toilet in the summer. In the house I will soon make a wooden box with seat over a 5 gallon bucket.


I compost using the Humanure system.

Peace and love to you.

Hi! Is the way forward with no doubt, free compost?! Amazing! I did use some in Spain and it worked well, I read also a book many years ago titled Humanure, I guess you know it or have it already 😊

Yes brother. Have the book, use the system, finally, now I have a place of my own. I've moved about a bit since leaving UK in 2006 so it's nice now to plant roots. I made a notill bed and a hugelkultur bed a month or so again, preparing for spring planting.

I also use urine fertiliser btw. Great stuff in case it not aware

Yeh its full of N, but I dont use it much, once I saved up a load to use as deer repellent, but luckily I found a tip to use left over hair of a human or dog hanging in a net instead from a tree 😝

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