Life advice from an imperfect human

in #freedom6 years ago


*Disclaimer: I'm totally unqualified to dispense life advice. Enter at your own risk.

  • Sniff your food before you taste it (same applies to lovers).

  • Worrying is a waste of energy. Either it'll happen or it won't. Prepare for possibilities and deal with the outcome, whatever that may be.

  • Never initiate conversation with any stranger wielding a weapon.


  • Don't make promises when you're drunk or high.

  • When trying to seduce someone, eye contact is important. Learn the difference between the seductive gaze and a psychotic glare.

  • Don't smile too much. It makes you look fake or retarded. Nobody's happy all the time. Pack it in. Only smile when you mean it.

  • Try not to smell too bad.

  • Listen to your body. It knows. Except maybe when it comes to drugs or chocolate, in which case it definitely tells lies.

  • Find something you love to do. Practice. Get paid for doing it.


  • Don't overdo selfies. Unless you're fascinating in some outstanding way, nobody's interested in your selfies.

  • Don't work for other people. They will profit from your effort. You won't.

  • Too much exercise does more harm than good. Learn moderation.

  • Nothing is certain. Learn to live with that. There's no absolute security in life. You can build a fortress and pack it with guards yet still die from a bee sting or lightening strike.


  • If you need to flush more than once, it's time to adjust your diet.

  • Be honest. This is a magical skill. Practice compassionate honesty (don't just blurt out random truths :P) and you'll find yourself surrounded by people and situations with which you're aligned. Superficial contacts will fizzle out.

  • Educate yourself. Approximately 99% of everything I learned in school has been useless.

  • Get a mentor. You'll learn much faster with guidance from someone who's been there before you. They've made the mistakes and can point out and help rectify yours.

  • Don't be a people pleaser. Please yourself first. If the knock-on effect is to make others happy, so be it. Some people will try to manipulate you this way and that. They'll use emotional reward~punishment mechanisms to get their own way. These people are never satisfied with your 'progress'. Be you. If they don't like 'you', tell them to fuck off.

  • Learn to rely on yourself. Don't be dependent on others. This gives them power over your life. They can pull the rug at any time, leaving you vulnerable. Make your own way.

  • Love the right people. Don't waste energy on takers or fair-weather friends (this includes family members too). They'll drain you.


  • Positive self-talk is bullshit. Self-help gurus get rich selling people the idea that talking positively to yourself in the mirror will help fix your insecurities. Bullshit! If you wanna feel better about yourself, you have to do things that make you feel better – learn a new skill, help the community or engage in enjoyable activities. Just do it.

  • You are you. You're not your house, your job, your car, your spouse, your kids, your gadgets... Strip all these things away and what's left? Find the answer to that.



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Hey Anj, I loved reading your points of advice. I was wondering as I read through them whether this was a list that came out spontaneously as you sat down to make it, or whether it was something built up over time....was just wondering that's all, it looks pretty comprehensive anyway :).

Read your disclaimer 🕉 - there's just one that I don't think I'll enter:

Listen to your body. It knows. Except maybe when it comes to drugs or chocolate, in which case it definitely tells lies.

I agree with the first bit - listen to your body. Dunno if it's the body pushing the drugs though 🌝. That's it, that's my only opt out! 🐔

As for:

Find something you love to do. Practice. Get paid for doing it.

.......well, that's self-evidently innit? 🔆 🔆 🔆

If I were permitted but one takeaway gem, I'd defo put the very last one in my pocket, it's a real cracker! Many thanks for the advice delivered with love and humour. 💚 👋

Hiya Barge

Thanks. It was sorta spontaneous. I wrote it yesterday after reading a really dull article that was meant to be full of good advice (heard it all before kinda crap).

Hehehe the drugs. Yes, that's an interesting one. Some drugs bring you deeper understanding and connection with the body and other things. But I was wondering... these chemical (natural or synthetic) tweaks to the brain alter perception. You've spoken to someone high on cocaine or ecstasy, yes? Is this intense connexion real? If so, why does it evaporate as the drug wears off? It may be that the bond with everyone/anyone is real and that certain drugs help lift the veil that keeps us from seeing them in sobriety. I've had some bonding moments in life. Then I sobered up and was ecstatic to realise these were only temporary arrangements. Maybe that's the point. Everything's temporary. :P

And yes, the answer is Steemit ;)

Thanks for bending my mind (again)

these chemical (natural or synthetic) tweaks to the brain alter perception.

Altering of perception is going on all the time IMO! We flow in and out of different states constantly - triggered by events, hunger, sadness blah blah - they leave their experiential residue, and we adjust. Expansion or contraction (if it is fear-based) through experience is also an alteration of perception. Just more dramatic with drugs.

You've spoken to someone high on cocaine or ecstasy, yes? Is this intense connexion real? If so, why does it evaporate as the drug wears off?

I have. I've also been that someone!

  • Saturday night really feeling it [out loud to friends and acquaintances]: 'You're so great, I know I don't show it but I love you man/woman' 💙 🌟
  • Sunday morning really feeling it [silently to self]: 'Fuck I was so embarrasing last night, I'm ashamed of having shown emotion what an idiot!' 😱 😳 😡

... two completely different states of consciousness looking at the same personal experience.

...and I think you've perfectly answered your own question:

the bond with everyone/anyone is real and that certain drugs help lift the veil that keeps us from seeing them in sobriety

If the bond is real, and thus natural, I think an interesting perception alteration can be derived from wondering what it is about 'sober' life that blocks us from experiencing this bond, this interconnectedness with all life!

The instance of experiencing such a connection with anyone is born of the moment and will therefore also be temporary and pass. Doesn't mean connection's not there just coz it's not experienced as intensly later on. Perhaps this bond (not just with other humans, but with the self and the universe) is not experienced later coz 'sobriety' has so many associated distractions, and the ego - put to sleep by the drug - has woken up again?!

Thanks Anj :D

Hiya Barge

Altering of perception is going on all the time IMO! We flow in and out of different states constantly - triggered by events, hunger, sadness blah blah - they leave their experiential residue, and we adjust. Expansion or contraction (if it is fear-based) through experience is also an alteration of perception. Just more dramatic with drugs.

Yes, I agree. We are in a constant state of flux. Getting used to that can be hard. We always seem to be searching for anchors, digging in, and then trying to adjust other things to work alongside these fixed points (doesn't work indefinitely).

Saturday night really feeling it [out loud to friends and acquaintances]: 'You're so great, I know I don't show it but I love you man/woman' ? ?
Sunday morning really feeling it [silently to self]: 'Fuck I was so embarrasing last night, I'm ashamed of having shown emotion what an idiot!' ? ? ?
... two completely different states of consciousness looking at the same personal experience.

Hahaha. So true, relatable.

what it is about 'sober' life that blocks us from experiencing this bond, this interconnectedness with all life!

Brilliant question and I think you're right about the effects some drugs have on the ego.

Talking about distractions: I had my first smoke yesterday (since August 1st 2017). It was strawberry haze. Only one small spliff. I watched a few Joe Rogan podcasts. These were great but I kept finding my mind would fix on a point someone made and then go wandering off on its own exploration. Then my consciousness would shift back to the podcast – which was still running – and I'd wonder how long I'd left them to it. I did a lot of thinking. I wanted to get my pastels out and draw but they were on the top floor and I just couldn't be arsed getting them. I ate Madeira cake with custard, then later just Madeira cake (no custard left), then jelly bears, then some cookie crisp cereal.

jelly bears.jpg
Laters Barge :D

Great series of events Anj :D - I find that especially when really high (and after 6 months!!?), I'm naturally drawn away from practical activities that engage the left-hemisphere, and if I force the issue, it can knock me backwards!

haha, yeah. After 6 months I was a bit of a lightweight. Gonna try and write something tonight when I have another one. See what happens. Won't post it until I read it the next day though :P

PS my VP is low so I need to let it recharge for a day or so :D

Ya good time for me to reciprocate and say that there's no need to vote (all) my comments either - in general! The chat is the thaang, not the vote (IMO) :D

Exactly. There tends to be lots of spam-type comments.

cheers :D

Thanks again Barge.

Oh yes, best sticking to creative activities :D

This is a great list to live life by. I dont think I smile enough 😑. I also tend to agree that 99% of the stuff you learn at school isnt being used - when's the last time you used pythagoras in real life? I think schools should teach usbwhat what we can use in life, such as financial skills, parenting and communication skillw

Hiya Conradt


Lol, I've NEVER used Pythagoras's theorem in real life. Ever. Definitely with you on the idea that kids should be taught proper life skills in school. Schools are slave training camps. They're conditioned into arriving somewhere every day, wearing uniforms, homogenising their personalities, being obedient... all so they can be used up later on. :(

Thanks for commenting :D

Yeah I enjoyed reading. Unfortunately not that many people agree with us on this. I do think that children should be learning math science etc but i just don't think it should take up all of their vocabulary. We force children to grow up to quickly! !!

Yes, I think they should get the maths, science and language skills. Then they should explore their own natural talents or interests. Square pegs, round holes. The problem with the school system is it tends to knock off all the edges that make people unique. I'd homeschool mine if I didn't really enjoy the break :P

cheers :D

Even so we can teach language and math in such a wide variety of ways - teaching children through meaningful play is the best in my opinion!

We are thinking about homeschooling when we have kids.. there is to much i dont like about the education system

Yes, the system is rubbish. And I agree -- it's easier to learn something if you actually enjoy doing it. Fun is a great start to learning.

Homeschooling: good luck with it. It's a great idea. There are homeschooling clubs to make sure your kids are socialised too. The more people that do this, the more chance we have of growing a generation of individuals.

cheers Conradt

Thank you for that!

You're welcome. Thanks for popping by :)

This is my kind of humor. I used to be a worrier. But now I've gotten past that. I'll still be nervous probably but it's gotten better. All after reading this post ahaha.

I'm not sure I can bear the throw everything out to discover yourself thing. I am my toys.... For now....

Lol Eon. I'm glad my post has had that effect on you (sarky bugger lol).

The toys. Yes, they're so addictive aren't they!

Anj x

What really works in life, there is little that they teach in schools.

A very complete post. Congratulations.

thanks th2017

I agree. Schools are just holding pens where they give 'free' so-called 'education'. More like brainwashing.

Anj :)

Thanks for sharing

You're welcome. Thanks for popping by :)

Very funny and clever, you of course saved the best till last - very true when you strip away the material things what is left is truly what we are really are.

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