in #frankbacon7 years ago (edited)

I invoke my natural rights as a UNIVERSAL born to Earth mother's specific signature frequency as a free willed multidimensional, multi-functional fully spiritual being manifest upon these two legs.

Warning: Any person and/or institution and/or agent etheric or esoteric, entangled or disentangled observers, you do NOT have my permission nor consent, via any technical or energetic vehicle to STOP any information WHO this “I AM” presence has created or co-created with heart space love during this entire time of separation of the densities of truth.

You are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, disseminating, or taking any other action against ME or any other version of me that may exist in the past, present or future. “I AM” presence declares sovereign boundaries so we may hold sacred space within each of our selves without worry of invasion from any source not in alignment with Global Dreamtime & unity consciousness for all sentient kind existing and co-existing on all of earth mothers realms.

The foregoing prohibitions also apply to your employee(s), agent(s), student(s) or any personnel under your direction or control. The contents of this POST are PUBLIC and legally privileged and CONFIDENT information, and the violation of my PERSON is punishable by ME, both temporally and spiritually.

I now state to the Powers that Should NOT BE, with all ancestors present in all time streams and dimensions:





Frank's 2017 Sci-Fi Blockbusters:

[☾щⓧ◡ⓧ`☽] - (Москва 2017) - Or how I learned to monetize Intelligent Agency.

23 Best Science Fiction Mystery BOOKS of Frank Bacon | A Cryptographic Novel.

Benjamin Franklin Bacon - THE CRYPTONOMICON - A Cryptographic Novel



Nice I Like the Concept
Keep it Going !

Bartender. I'll have what Frank is having...

Your writings are always deep; only the wise will understand.

Sasha has a nice weigh of putting things. Let's hold some feet to the fire and let discordia sort the pack. Intention, my friend, is only the beginning. Good to be onboard your team, let me know where my assistance can bring added value to ongoing pursuits.

Technical assistance is required, but i need an 8 year old rather than a peer to show me the ropes of the technology. Are there any steem folks working on new languages?

I don't know if I ever got you a copy of the memo...

Kirk: Captain Spock, damage report.

Spock: Admiral, if we "go by the book". like Lieutenant Saavik, hours could seem like days.

Kirk: I read you captain. Let's have it.

Spock: The situation is grave, Admiral. We won't have main power for six "days". Auxiliary power has temporarily failed. Restoration may be possible, in two "days". By the book, Admiral.

Kirk: Meaning you can't even beam us back?

Spock: Not at present.

Kirk: Captain Spock, if you don't hear from us within one hour, your orders are to restore what power you can, take the Enterprise to the nearest star base, and alert Starfleet Command as soon as you're out of jamming range.

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