Confidence sells product - Sales 101

in #money7 years ago (edited)


It's very easy to lose confidence as a salesmen especially if sales are down or leads start to dry up. If you lose this, you lose everything. Selling is your income and confidence makes up about 90% of that. When confidence starts to drop, it doesn't matter what your product is, it may as well be a bucket of shit because you're not selling it to anyone.

Picking up your confidence is not always an easy task, yet it's something you have to do, first you need to recognize some of the early signs of when the sales started to go south. Ask yourself a few simple questions like;

Are you selling the price? - If you are talking about money, you've defiantly lost your confidence. No one buys a product because of it's price. Price gets people to make a phone call or drop in on your business, but just because something is cheap, that don't make it good. Have you ever seen Apple give a price to their latest cell phone on TV? No! When you walk into an Apple store you're most likely not shocked at the price of it, yet you should be, it's a f'ing phone!!

Have you made the prospect laugh? - If you have not made the prospect laugh at all, you have lost your confidence. The customer needs to feel relaxed enough with you to belt out a REAL life, not one of those fake, I gotta get the "F" out of here laughs, but a genuine laugh or giggle because you said some funny shit. This doesn't mean you want to pull out a mic and start a stand up, but just a joke to break things in.

Are you building rapport? - If you are not talking about something other than the product for a moment, your confidence is shot. A salesman is not an order taker. You're an artist, talk about you or them or about what makes you human and not a robot. Stop rushing shit, you're not in a hurry, slow down and talk about some other thing that makes them smile and like you as a person.

These are just a few questions you should be asking yourself if your starting to slip in selling. Selling is all about getting people to like you. I have been very successful in my life and dating World, just by being confident. People love confidence, it's infectious and attractive. People want to be around other people that confident and sure of themselves. They will buy whatever you got, if they believe that your product, helped you be you.



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