in #food7 years ago


Hi fellow Steemians,

My motivation to create this post was as a result of my recent conversation with a fellow steemian after she read my article on the benefits of rice. Other fellow steemians enjoyed the article, however, @ardas categorically stated that "she can eat rice everyday". I picked interest in her comment because I personally can equally eat rice on a daily basis without getting bored.

That special moment when my fellow steemian indicated that she could eat rice on a daily basis as well, I knew immediately that I have found my like 😀 🤣 

Again, when she categorised us as RICEPEOPLE, I knew immediately that there are several other RICE LOVERS in this great community that might want to identify with us as well. Therefore in my little attempt to identify other rice lovers in the house, I initiated the tag #RICEPEOPLE and I hope this tag will be helpful in connecting us all together.

So, just a lil bit of myself!

Growing up, rice has remained a staple food in my family! Well, not just my family but even my relatives and friends. Infact, no single week passes without my mum cooking rice for at least twice or thrice. This became a routine in my family. I recall vividly that every member of my family became acquainted with this routine and we enjoyed every bit of the dish. 

The most interesting part of this nature's gift (rice) to humanity is that there are countless rice recipes someone can easily try out and this makes it a [NEVER-BORING] food. To make it even more interesting and captivating, my mum would variate the recipes every now and then and you can see the reason why I refer to this food as a Never-Boring one. 

My mum's common rice recipes include: white rice with tomato stew, white rice with bell pepper stew, vegetable fried rice, jollof rice, chicken fried rice, curry vegetable rice, beef rice, wild rice salad, hot spicy rice, rice porridge etc. These are all white rice recipes as mum never cooked brown rice for us. Even though I later tried cooking brown rice on my own but, I don't really like the taste and outcome. I even have some brown rice now happily lying around in my kitchen cupboard for ages. Please don't even ask me when I intend to cook it because I don't know.

Well, we all know that there are different stages of life: The stage when you are dependent on your parents as a child/teenager and the stage of independence when  you do things on your own as an adult. This later stage is also the stage in life when one would either live with his/her spouse or decide to continue living alone for the rest of his/her life. 

Being accustomed to rice consumption as a growing child, this habit has also remained part of me even now as an adult. Interestingly and coincidentally, my spouse also turns out to be a great rice lover too. A perfect match isn't? 😄

Since this is the case, I have no option than to carry on from where mum stopped. Yes, no week passes-by without rice being cooked in my new home and we do enjoy every bit of it. 

Well, that's it for now!

Conclusively, @GLOBALFOODBOOK and @ARDAS are looking forward to identifying with other #RICEPEOPLE in the community. If you are one of us, pleeeaassee, we want to see your Thumbs Up!

Feel free to share your own story as well as rice recipes with images for other Rice Lovers in the community to enjoy. Please use the tag #RICEPEOPLE as we want to identify with our likes. Feel free to tag your friends that are also Rice Lovers. Let's keep the spirit burning and convert as many people as we can into enjoying rice dishes. We want to read as many interesting stories and recipes as we can.

Now Let The Fun Begin!!!


@globalfoodbook I had to think about that post first, if im a rice lover or not, when you invited me to join here :D

But I guess I am. Im from Thailand and I eat rice almost every day. If I dont eat it something is missing. Im used to it like drinking water. BUT I still love to eat it, yes. Becausse if i woulnd love rice i couldnt eat every single day!

SO im at the right place here :)

You are in the right place @aey and I am happy to welcome you aboard our little community.
We are patiently waiting and eager to see your post for #ricepeople.
I am following you already to stay connected.
Once again, you are welcome 🤝

Lolol! Good morning @globalfoodbook!😊 Are you singing sweet melodies to me this morning?😄 I believe as you 'may' already know I am of Filipino descent....*see my recent Filipino chicken adobo recipe😋

I was raised on jasmine rice, enjoying my rice with just about something different every day I do believe there's not one Filipino I know whom does not own a rice cooker. Hahahaha!!😊 Have a beautiful day #ricepeople! 😊✌ @peacefulman

😄 😄 😄 I am super excited @peazfulman to identify with you and it is my pleasure to sing this sweet melody over and over again for you. Since I have lightened up your morning with a sweet melody, I hope you have a blissful day ahead!
I'll check out your recipe and possibly try it out.
Since every Filipino owns a rice cooker 😄 please feel free to notify any of them on this platform to join in this fun.
Once again I appreciate your contribution. Cheers

I definately am, strictly Basmati rice for me, no sauce and a ton of spices!

Glad to hear this @alex-nj. Please can you use the #ricepeople tag in your comment.
Many thanks

I also like basmati rice but preferably prepared as fried rice with assorted vegetables #RicePeople

Currently, my favorite is Basmati as well. :D What are your favorite spices you add to the rice? @alex-nj @globalfoodbook


Ok! Stick with what suits your taste!
My favourite spices are curry powder, nutmeg, thyme, maggi or knorr stock cubes, paprika, ground turmeric, dried chives, dried bay leaves, chili pepper and paprika seasoning.

I'm definitely a rice person! I would love to eat more brown rice insted of white, cause it's healthier, but the brown rice takes ages to cook!

Wow! I am super excited to meet another rice lover again! You are right! Brown rice is healthier, however, it does not only takes so long to cook but it is also tasteless.
Many thanks for coming on board our little community of #Ricepeople and I hope you are enjoying steemit as much as I do.

I'm definitely a rice lover. Ewww not like that! I love to eat rice!

Awesome! Happy to have another member in the house 😁
You are highly welcome onboard our little community and many thanks for identifying with us.

Bring it on! Excited to identify with you. Keep enjoying it. #Ricepeople

Oh so honored! Thank you for acknowledgment @globalfoodbook!
We are indeed #ricepeople
Rice, oh rice, in many ways and many types. Big yes to white rice with tomato sauce, or with mushroom sauce (have you tried that one?), curry rice, jollof rice ftw, wok rice!
Currently, my favorite is basmati, and just like you @globalfoodbook I have never accustomed to brown rice, I just like the sweetness of white rice. :) I have to admit I haven`t tried the black rice, yet! Maybe I will be surprised, who knows!
So excited for this little #ricepeople community!

It is my pleasure @ardas and I am so glad you appreciate my little effort of bringing us (#ricepeople) together.
I haven't tried the mushroom sauce recipe but I must give it a try because mushroom is one of my favourite vegetables. How do I make the mushroom sauce? Do I need to chop or blend up the mushrooms for the sauce?
I mostly prepare basmati as fried rice with assorted veggies.

You are part of the brain behind the invention of this little community so feel free to moderate on fellow rice lovers' comments.

Once again many thanks for your contributions! Cheers

Hahah brain lol. Thank you, I will keep an eye on the post ;)

Considering mushroom sauce, I don`t really have the recipe written down, however, I will try to explain what I do ;)
So first chop onions and garlic and saute it in a little bit of oil. Add some fresh coriander, a little bit of pepper, salt and other spices that you like (turmeric, curry, garam masala etc.). Add the chopped mushrooms (no need to chop them very finely, nor too big, somewhere in between is just perfect!). Let them release the water and get that nice color. Then you can choose to eat it like that (also very very good!) or you can add rice or soy cream to make the sauce thicker and even tastier!
This sauce goes well with pasta, polenta, and cooked potatoes.
P.S. Of course, you can add the spices after the mushrooms, depending on what you want to get and what you like ;)

If you have any other questions please ask, I will be happy to answer! :)


Many thanks for sharing!
But do I need to eat the sauce raw without sauteing? That could be tough for me ooo 😄

Well, I'll pair the ingredients exactly the way you mentioned but will slightly sautee it and see the outcome. Hopefully that'll work for me 😋

Yes, yes of course ahahah! Saute them with onions and garlic (let the onions and garlic achieve that golden transparent color before adding mushrooms).. Sorry I kinda tought it is self explanatory, my bad :/
Let me know how it goes ;)


Awesome! I'll give it a try and notify you of the outcome!

Rice loving vegan here! I live on rice and Carb up every meal I can with rice. I love riding my bike, climbing coconuts trees and growing food! Follow me! I'll post more recipes for us #ricepeople thanks for the inspiration

Wow! Excited 🤓 to have another rice lover in the house. It is my pleasure to welcome 🤝 you on board our little community of #Ricepeople
Thank you for sharing your story with us.
I am following you already to keep connected and we look forward to your posts.
Have a blissful day ahead!

I'm ecstatic over finding this community (or did the community find me?). Thanks a bunch for the link, @globalfoodbook!

I, too, grew up on loads and loads of rice, and it made my life so much more fulfilling :)) #riceperson all the way!! I just joined your #ricepeople's a very suitable tag :)) two thumbs up

My oh my!
Another rice lover in the house, Yeahhhh! I'm super excited to have located you @foodie.warrior, infact I followed you already to keep connected!

Your RICE story is quite interesting and thanks for sharing with us.

👍 👍 👍 Triple Kudos to you for initiating the #riceperson tag - sounds interesting too!
Let's keep the fire burning and all the best to you!

We have a rice farm, i was a farmer. Rice is our life. #ricepeople

Wow wow wow! This is getting more interesting!

We now have a rice farmer in the house! I am just over the moon. I am so happy to connect with you @olivercuico and I am following you already.

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