#8: Miss Eggface Makes - a Stuffed Cheese Omelette

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Miss Eggface is back!

Last time, I posted an oriental egg recipe. Now, I’m sharing one with ingredients that are hopefully more familiar and suited to the tastes of non-Asian Steemians like my friends @whatisnew @lexikon082 @curly-q .

I grew up eating savoury omelettes with chai poh (dried turnips) on an almost daily basis, but always with rice, and never on its own. Then I went to Shanghai for 6 months to do an internship and later spent another 6 months in Georgia, USA, on a student exchange.

During these 6-month stints of living alone overseas, I began to experiment with Western-style cheese omelettes as a meal replacement (students have to survive, don’t they?). This one is one of my favourite iterations. It’s hearty, delicious, and filling, but also not the healthiest. ;)


If you see the amount of butter I put in, you’ll understand why ;) Not to worry, you can always reduce the amount, just be warned it might not be as tasty.

Everything you need to make a Stuffed Cheese Omelette:

25 gm unsalted butter
2 gm fresh garlic clove, crushed
3 eggs (60gm each)
15ml full cream milk
1 gm sea salt
0.5 gm smoked paprika
20 gm red bell pepper, diced
20 gm green bell pepper, diced
20 gm mushrooms, thinly sliced
40 gm tomato, thinly sliced
25 gm ripe avocado slices
65 gm shredded gratin cheese (30-30-30 ratio of cheddar, gouda, and emmental)
50 gm bacon slices


How to make it:

Pan fry the bacon slices till they are crisp.

Set aside bacon on a plate lined with paper-towels.

Crumble the bacon into bits.

Heat butter and crushed garlic in a frying pan on medium heat till they are melted and coating the pan. Be careful not to let the butter brown. The trick is to slowly melt the butter.

While the butter is slowly melting down in the pan, crack the eggs into a bowl, add milk, salt, and smoked paprika and whisk vigorously to create bubbles.

Pour the egg mixture into the pan.

Once the thinnest layer forms on the bottom, scatter the diced bell peppers and sliced mushrooms on one half of the still-very-wet omelette. Arrange the tomato and avocado slices on the other half.

Next, scatter shredded cheese evenly over half of the omelette.

Crumble the bacon liberally over the cheese.

Then cover the bacon with more cheese.

By now, the omelette should be more or less set. If not, wait till it is. Then, slide the egg out of the pan, using the pan to fold the omelette over. I could kick myself because I forgot to take a photo of this step!!

Serve. Yum Yum!

Thanks for coming back to visit, Dear Reader. I made a heart out of diced and sliced vegetables just for you!! :)


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°--°--°--°--°--°--°--°--°--° #7: Hearty German Schnitzels — discovered in an Unlikely Location


°--°--°--°--°--°--°--°--°--° #6: Miss Eggface Makes - a Fluffy Spotted Omelette

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What is your favourite way to eat eggs?


Looks like I now know what to make tomorrow morning ;) usually just eat 2 toasts, that's it...

Hehe a change now and then is never a bad thing ;)

I've never tried avocado in omelette before @foodie.warrior, but i guess it must absolutely be delicious as now I know that you cook and eat only delicious food!
I love putting a lot of butter in my omelette too, the taste just become much better!
Thanks for sharing this lovely recipe @foodie.warrior!
ps. your veg heart is really very beautiful! Very creative!

Avocado adds another creamy, buttery dimension to the omelette :)) Your comment really warmed my heart, @progressivechef! :) Indeed I do love to cook and eat delicious food (however, my success rate at cooking is definitely sub par when compared to yours) =P

Either way, it really makes me happy to know that one of my cooking habits is also practiced by a professional and experienced chef!!

The heart had to be keep up to the beauty of all you quality Steemians here ;)

Best comment ever! You are just wonderful!
I do encounter quite a lot of failures too, you are not alone believe me! Hahaha!
Have a lovely weekend ahead!

hehe thanks!

Well I wouldn't doubt that! Every successful person has a mountain of failures that he plowed through to get to where he is =D

I mostly only eat this when I stay at hotel and have their breakfast.
At the breakfast cafe, I'll tell them I want everything in it.:-)

hehe true..they usually add onion and don't normally have avocado in it though..avocado in anything makes a difference to me ;)

And I'm just sitting here with no breakfast being eaten and my mouth is literally watering watching this pictures :D

I guess I need to buy some eggs, bacon and vegetables right now, cya! (:

teehee..don't forget to buy shredded gratin cheese too! :))

Thank You FW... BUT I'm hungry again... I may need to fly You to Florida so I can experience some of Your cooking... only problem with that is I think You are married and Your husband may not approve.

Just kidding, BUT, I really am hungry now...

Thanks Again 4 sharing... Cheers !!

Florida is a lovely place! Where in Florida do you stay? Fortunately, most of the ingredients on this one are easily found in any American supermarket (except maybe smoked paprika?) at least, if the craving gets too bad, you can try to magically create the real thing in front of you ;)

I'm in Ft. Lauderdale and rarely drink, so at times I'm a bit "out-of-place" because a lot of alcohol is consumed here, especially on the weekends... >> : ~)) haha

But where my sailboat is docked is VERY quiet and only about 1/4 mile to the ocean.

Was reflecting upon the wisdom conveyed in Your title... "Food IS Love"... this is so true because the love of the person that is doing the preparation of the food is actually conveyed & expressed into the food itself and many people can "taste/sense" the difference...

Proof of this can be found by looking at the 30 years of scientific work by Dr. Masaru Emoto... just put his name into Google and You may find his work is very profound...

Dr. Bruce Lipton is another incredible researcher to look into on YouTube... he was doing Stem Cell research about 35 years ago, but felt restricted by the AMA & similar type organizations, more interested in revenue rather than knowledge to help humanity.

Hope You & the Family have a Great Weekend.... Cheers !!

Profound sentiments. I totally agree. :)X

I've actually been through Ft. Lauderdale twice on a Greyhound bus! Just the bus station though, nothing more..I don't drink so much alcohol these days too so I'd be 'out-of-place' too...that's not a bad place to be though, eh? ;))

You have a sailboat! You must have had a lot of chance to reflect on all the knowledge you have..old and new...and to catch and eat fresh fish from the Atlantic ;))

Thanks for sharing the guys behind the work..I have heard of Dr. Emoto's work on water memory..highly interesting..though I'm not sure how the water could read the messages..but the effect of the spoken ones is both intriguing and believable...I also believe that everything around us and everybody is made up of and gives off positive and negative can literally feel the difference in a home when someone is happy or in a nasty

Thanks for sharing personally as well as knowledgeably..=DD Hope your week is going peacefully and fantastically, @sacred-agent! :))

Yesss for eggs veg cheese and bacon. Four best friends that do great things together!!! Yum!!

hehe it's always a blast with the Fan-taste-tic Four around!

hardy har har har :0)

Miss Eggface? haha love that. Cheese and eggs are a combination made in heaven. I love the nutty, buttery taste of avocados in omelettes. Finger-licking good as usual. :)

hehe you're telling me! I've been in dreamy awe of that combo since I was little..but cheese is kinda expensive in SG, so I went crazy using it once I was on a different continent where cheese is more affordable ;) same goes for avocados =P

I wish you could have seen my face and the YAY I let out when I saw this title! YAY again! :) You were in Georgia? How did you like it here in the states? Of course you need a lot of butter when cooking eggs of any kind. This sounds delicious and I must try it. But you need to add a lot more cheese for me! So I will ditch the avocado to make room for more cheese. My mouth is watering. And I love your @foodie.warrior signature with the food heart. :) Sending love right back at ya! Can't wait to make this and I will be thinking of you with every bite! :)

I indeed wish I coulda seen your face and heard your 'YAY's ;)

Yes, I was spent a semester at Emory University in Atlanta and also visited quite a number of cities and states (I got awarded the name "The One Most Likely To Travel To Fifty States in One Semester" by my exchange mates at our farewell party hehe)..

I really liked how I could find all sorts of terrains and lifestyles in the US without ever leaving the nation..From desert to mountain, small little towns to big cities, forests to concrete was an amazing time of so many new experiences..The food was also yummy and came in HUGE portions!!! Towards the end, I started to feel like the food was too unhealthy and the desserts too sweet for me...but the first few months, I was happily bingeing hurhur

I was a little disappointed with the quality of the students I came across though..they were rather more interested in 'who slept with who last Saturday' or dieting or eating donuts than to pull their own weight when the time to deliver came..They would not be good representatives of the future America. :( Then again, my sample size was very limited, so I hope that there are loads of better young people in the country ready to take the nation upwards..

Hehe you sound like you really know your way around yummy omelettes! More cheese and butter, I make when cooking for myself!! but The Mann frowns upon too much cheese and butter overpowering the I post more 'regular' versions of my recipe that have a higher likelihood of appealing to a bigger crowd teehee..

The avocado is a yummy addition could make a guacamole and spread it on top of the omelette perhaps if there is not enough space teehee

I'm so glad you liked my veggie heart..another double heart for you <3<3

Happy to hear that you enjoyed your time here. Yes, I like the fact that you can drive 3-4 hours and either be at the beach or the mountains.

Now you know they say that Americans are fat! The portions are huge.

The students; don't get me started. We have lost a whole generation of what could have been bright talented individuals. Now they have been taught how to be Social Justice Warriors. We don't produce anything like we used to. We are just a service industry now. So sad.

Nope, still skipping on avocado and I don't like guacamole either but thanks for the thought.

Aw...thanks so much for the double heart. Right back at ya! <3 <3 :)

Lol that's so true..I forgot to mention the beaches :)) Yes, it was a happy six months there :))

that's true sometimes I feel that our generation is most concerned with being politically correct. While that is not a bad thing and could be a vehicle for teaching basic respect, it's also important to make a stand. Just my two cents..

Thanks for sending the double love teehee :))

What a great dish and post too. Love, love, love this. Will definitely make it. Thank you foodie.warrior. :)X

hehe I hope you like it @allaboutpastries! Make it when you're settled into your new home :)

A while off yet my dear. Getting (I hope), a man to come for a couple of weeks and do some building work for me, in exchange for free board. I can get the little jobs done that way. Seems like a good option but he has not finalized yet. Hey ho. Life goes on. :)X

That's pretty awesome method of currency-free trade!! :)) You're so cool, @allaboutpastries! It's an honour to know you :)

You are so sweet, the feeling is very, very mutual. :)X

So busy at the moment getting house ready to move into. Hope to move end of September. Everything on hold till then. Miss our interaction. Sorry! X

No worries dear! Focus on getting everything settled :)) Miss you too! I've been rather busy these few weeks not as active as normally. We'll be back! :))

This looks really good! And I think I have all the ingredients in my pantry for this! Thanks for the recipe :)

Yay!! If you make it, let me know how happy your tummy was ;)) Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment footprint @natashahall!

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