To eat raw echinus with horseradish 生吃海胆

in #food6 years ago


Today I will share a dish with you , that is to eat raw echinus with horseradish. Echinus is said to be full of high nutritional value, and a sea urchin is equal to the nutritional value of several eggs.

This morning , I went to the street market to buy some vegetables. I often go there because it is very convenient , you can buy many kinds of vegetables or some seafood there.


I happened to see some echinus are on the market . I bought a few echinus back home , in fact , the price of the echinus is much higher than before . But I still bought some home because my husband and I both love to eat this seafood.

I usually eat echinus with horseradish . First wash the sea urchin, and then remove the shell, with horseradish, vinegar, fresh sauce into the juice, you can dipped in the juice to eat, and the taste is a great!



Of course there are also other ways to eat this echinus , I will introduce it to you later. So have you ever eaten this echinus with horseradish ? How do you feel like this kind of eating ?


Welcome you to give me some message , thanks again and wish you follow and upvote @bxt.

海胆的营养价值想必大家都知道,它营养价值极高,据说一个海胆相当于3个鸡蛋的营养,住在海边, 就会经常有机会吃到新鲜的海胆。

今天早上到市场去买菜, 没想到竟然看到新鲜的海胆上市。但是如今海胆的价格可不是以前的价格了, 翻了好几番,一个海胆竟然卖到20元一个。不过美味还是要享用,谁让我看到这个美味就走不动了呢!





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Welcome to follow, upvote and resteem@bxt


This is a great and unique. I love it @bxt

thank you .

Wa, 厲害呢,你懂得開耶,之前我試過開海膽都不成功呢~~

哈哈, 这不是我开的, 是老公的功劳, 他是行家!


Hello friend how are you, this looks very attractive I want to try it, in venezuela that is not achieved.

thank you . dear.

Awkward @bxt this lovely echinus with horseradish as I can see. I haven't eat o. Hopefully you really enjoyed your self today. My regards to your husband. Following you already

thank you , sir.


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