Steemit Daily 100+ Rep Fitness Challenge & Exercise Tip - Day 132

@rmsbodybuilding missed his first day in 132 days!!!!!!

Just kidding...

Our 132 consecutive day community health initiative needs help getting out of a <$1.50 rewards rut to help us stay motivated and sustainable for my SBD award payouts.

The Challenge:

At least 100 honest reps of your choice of exercise. No excuses. No bullsh*t. Just actions, positivity, results and progress. Only post AFTER your reps are done. Always support each other. Full guidelines and conditions below.

Daily exercise idea (not a requirement) - Medicine Ball Wall Throw

  • Core for sports!
  • Pick a study wall and floor.
  • Best I could do for @littlescribe
  • Do your own research to confirm the mechanics.

*BONUS TIP - never do this:

Daily Update:

  • 18 Steemians contributed 7,291 daily reps.

Overall Summary:

  • 425,715 overall by 48 Steemians from 12 countries in 131 workout days.
  • I can only upvote so much without exhausting my voting power daily, so please help me reward their effort.
  • Thanks to everyone for each vote, mention, and resteem.

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Challenge Overview:

  • You choose what types of exercise reps to do.
  • 30 minutes of fitness walking, running, spinning, biking, cross-country skiing, etc., can count as 100 reps if you need to rest or can't use weights.
  • I'll award 1 SBD for every 10,000 rep milestone. (23 SBD paid out)
  • I run the numbers daily which is sometimes harder than my reps.


  • Weights not required.
  • Do real reps, use good form, aiming for 100+.
  • Start your reply with "Challenge Completed".
  • Reply with a list of the exercises and reps you did.
  • Cumulative tallies are appreciated as a separate line.
  • Only submit reps you've done, not ones you're planning to do.
  • Use the tag "fitnesschallenge" on associated posts.
  • Upvoting or resteeming is appreciated to reach more.
  • Try to upvote as many contributors as possible to motive each other.


  • Stretch before and after.
  • Breathe properly on each rep.
  • Quality over quantity.
  • Eat a healthy snack after/stay hydrated.
  • Start with exercises you enjoy to build up for harder ones.
  • Take before pictures to appreciate results over time.
  • Feel good about your accomplishments.

My Daily Challenge Completed - 100 reps:

-100 Pushups

My Daily Assessment:

Had to go on antibiotics for whatever I got from supposedly playing baseball in the cold. Pretty sapped, but still got my reps done. The back-to-back days of air squats were good to do to get the blood flowing since I've been feeling weak.

Debating spacing out the SBD awards once you reach your first 10K reps.

See All Of My Progress Pics After 93 Straight Days & 11,212 Reps

Original Intro Post With My Motivation

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@rmsbodybuilding with attendance of 131/131 days.
@steemmatt with attendance of 130/131 days.

Last Daily Rep Count:
886 - @rjunaid12
884 - @faizan07
630 - @mudasirfarooq
531 - @rmsbodybuilding
513 - @gruber.muc
500 - @soumon (keep it up!)
461 - @cryptoteen
410 - @notorious562
340 - @aussieninja
325 - @mgood
312 - @mightpossibly
300 - @vibrantyogini
300 - @manolisthan
250 - @rj1
249 - @hefziba
150- @lordcarlo297
150 - @bitfiend
100 - @steemmatt

From @musclegirlfusion:

"Since I started posting in this challenge, you've given me a reason to blog on steemit. No matter how discouraged I get when it seems like no one is reading what I write, I know I can write it and post it here and it adds to the challenge. So thank you for giving me the motivation I need to stick with blogging!!"

From @bitfiend:

"After starting 6 days ago I already feel stronger. This is definitely the most consistent exercise I've done in an extremely long time but I am happy to be taking part! While I walk around mostly in pain, I know it's all for a good cause! My health! I am feeling better and I'd say my sickness is mostly gone now. I think that if I had not been exercising, I may have been sick for a bit longer. Persistence pays off!"

From @mightpossibly:

"I find it deeply satisfying to do these reps, which is a big deal. I've always hated the gym and prefer to exercise at home. But I've lacked the discipline to do it. It sort of feels like I have gym buddies now, without the hassle of going to the gym."

From @notorious562:

"I seriously cannot explain how much this group pushes and motivate me to keep working harder. I love this fitness community and the support and encouragement will help us achieve our goals."

From @khufu:

"Your challenge has helped immensely to keep me motivated lately. I've had a lot of... problems going on so your challenge has been a quantum of sanity in an insane world for me."

Please support our hard work and dedication and ask any questions in the comments below.


Sources: 1, 2


I love the gif of the guy drinking beer on the exercise machine.

Daily Challenge Completed - 305 reps
200 reps - Walking 30 minutes X 2; includes down and up elevation of 300 ft
5 reps - pranayama (yogic breathing exercises) 5 min X 2

100 reps = 1+ hours X 2 Transcendental Meditation and advanced TM-Sidhi (morning and evening)
(All reps from yesterday and night)

The gifs always crack me up :D...

Trying this out - for @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 5.

How did you know about my bot? I've got a couple more... rolltwodice, rollD20 and gobbo...

They have been showing up as people/bots up-voting me for awhile. So I clicked on them and read the post of @rollthedice from 2 months ago. And tried the comment above.

So now that I got a "5", what happens? Hopefully it means I won 5 BTC. :-)

Ahhhhhh, oh yeah, sorry.... yes, they follow me around.

I had to delegate 90SP to them each to get them past their bandwidth issues... and then figured they might as well use that SP for voting since I can't use it myself.

5 BTC? I like that... you think big.

Let's see how many BTC I've won: @rollD20

Seriously, what happens after the dice get rolled and a number appears?

Oh, literally nothing. They're made for people to play games on the blockchain. If you look at the posts by @daclawboyz or @happyme you'll get an idea of how they're used.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 15.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 5.

Accidentally upvoted 100%, which you'd always deserve, but don't want anyone to think their workout wasn't as good.

Daily Challenge Complete - 450 Reps - Went all out today! Feels good to be able to do this many reps. I worked a little bit of everything since I wasn't feeling sore.

For a second I thought rms actually missed a day. This gave me hopes to snag that first place spot. Oh well :P

I did those ball throws once with the trainer. I thought I was going to break the wall.

Today I hit 227. Check out how I turned morning agitation into afternoon happiness here

And i figured out how to add gifs!

Whoa! Dude!! Almost gave me a heart attack!

Daily Rep Challenge Completed for Wednesday - 200 reps

Consisting of :

  • 15 minutes of hill sprints = 50 reps
  • 15 minutes cross trainer = 50 reps
  • 1.5 hours of Ninja Class = 100 reps

Today's Challenge Completed: 400 reps!

  • 2 hours of yoga

My Assessment

Another beautiful day! I practiced for over and hour of yoga in the garden and then taught an hour of yoga. After being in the sunshine all day, I am fairly sleepy now! Luckily my body is very stretched which is what it needed after body pump yesterday!

Hook me up with some basic yoga poses. I am interested in learning how to improve my flexibility.

I am starting a Dtube channel very soon!

A great one to start with, is to sit on a cushion or yoga block (if you cannot sit comfortably on the floor with your back straight (belly button pulled in towards the spine, shoulders back but pulled down away from ears not shrugged up, chest nice and open), then sit with one leg forward in front of you, foot flexed, toes pointing up towards the sky.

Have the other leg bent and relaxed towards the floor, so when you look down your legs are either spelling a 'd' shape or a 'b' shape. You may need to rest a cushion under your outer knee if it doesn't touch the floor comfortably.

Then the goal is to keep your back straight and core activate while you bend forward towards the flexed foot. Do not round your back.

Using a strap around that flexed foot will help you to keep your chest nice and open and back straight while you edge forward.

At first, you may not be able to move that much forward, however with consistent practice (3-4 rounds on each leg everyday), you will.

It is always hard to begin with, and you may feel uncomfortable, but just keep on trying. Remember on every exhale to push yourself that little bit more. breathing into the uncomfortable helps.

This is one of my favourites for starting people off with when working on their flexibility. It is a half forward bend (full would be both legs out infront of you and feet flexed).

You may also want to practice balancing poses to improve your leg strength and mental focus. I like starting beginner's off with tree pose (never put the foot against the knee, either rest it higher or lower).

Screen Shot 2018-04-20 at 10.29.59.png

Then once you can balance easily in this pose, challenge yourself by bringing your arms either side of you and then bend your torso to the left side and then to the right (move with every exhale), then try twisting your torso to the left on your exhale and then to the right on your exhale.

This helps to challenge your balance and focus.

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Wow! Such an awesome response. I appreciate the thorough breakdown of a few poses and pictures. It will definitely help me improve my form and flexibility. Thank you again!!

You're so welcome! I love yoga and I love teaching and helping people with it too! I will start videos soon, I am just working on my intro bit before all videos (my perfectionism with my brand sometimes delays me!! ;)

I would love to hear how you get on with the poses :)

Daily Challenge Completed - 700 reps:
Walking in my campus.
Day by Day it's become so easy for me.

Make sure you have comfortable shoes!

You made me jump from my PC chair after reading the first sentence!!!! :) Is this your tactic to make me injured???
Daily Challenge Completed British Heat 450 reps

He he. Excellent.

Ooops. Justttt wanted to make sure you were still paying attention as the big champion.


I think he fooled us all with his first sentence. I thought you may have fallen asleep yesterday! LOL

Daily Challenge Completed: 350 reps
Here I am with my 6km swimming session, plus 50 reps leg workout.

Was the leg workout before or after the swimming session?

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63964.02
ETH 2592.87
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.75