Mental Health & Powerlifting Training Cycle, 8 Week Cycle Check-in

in #fitness7 years ago

Aloha Everyone!👋🏼

Ugh, I apologize for the inconsistency of posts. However, let's live in this present moment instead of the past or the future; both things I or you cannot control. As you've seen in my previous posts, I'm currently in training for my next #powerlifting meet to be held the first weekend of April. Have you been wondering how my training has been going? Well, let's break it down and say that it hasn't been going according to planned. I am supposed to be squatting, benching, and deadlifting every week, but have only managed to complete 2/3 lifts. I squatted 225lbs 5x5 during Week 1 (50-60% of 1RM). I have on ongoing hip issue that hurts when I squat. It's been fine until Week 2 of training, it started to flare up again. I refrained from squatting since then, and started to squat again this week, Week 5. I haven't squat for 3 weeks. Today, I squatted 315lbs 3x3.
I'm a little disappointed in myself for not squatting Weeks 2-4, but I'm happy to say my hip is now pain free. I've been a little all over the place during this training cycle. I haven't been obsessed. I've been dreading going to the gym, and haven't been aggressive or hungry to get stronger. It was almost as if I didn't even want to compete in this upcoming meet. I've been a little easier on myself these past few days after accepting that it was okay with how things went because for one, it was the holidays so my gym schedule was thrown off, and two? Being too hard on myself isn't going to help me in any way.
So I changed.
I watched old powerlifting videos of myself to remember those feelings of accomplishments. I told myself I had to get obsessed again; get determined. I've come to the realization that I will not grow if I remained stagnant in my way. It came down to how I was utilizing my time at home, and how focused I was. At home, I was becoming lazy I kept putting off cooking, cleaning, I wasn't making our bed every morning. I was falling into bad habits.
I'm so proud of myself for pulling myself out of this rut.
There's work to be done, and I want to do it.
With all that being said and done, here's a current photo of my physique. Also, I have this urge to chop my hair to shoulder length and maybe add some layers? Let me know your feedback. I'm searching for ideas and inspiration :) I hope all of you are doing swell!!


🌺 Q 🌺


Hey Quyn,

your physique looks magnificent 👌

How you said you felt, maybe that is just a message from the depth of your body to you, maybe you need a change?

Considering your HIP hurts, have you ever thought about incorporating some Yoga in your lifestyle?

From my personal opinion, it is the best thing to treat your back. Not to mention your flexibility will increase and you will get much better in powerlifting, give if you can and feel like it 😇

Thanks so much for the advice ☺️
I think you’re right about change. I know once I compete in this next competition, I’ll be focusing more on yoga and maintaining a fit and healthy body instead of putting constant strain on it.
I definitely need to start incoperating yoga into my everyday lifestyle. I notice that from the times I’ve done yoga, I have a lot less pain.

Also, you’re sure right about that last part! In my last competition, I did yoga for my hips to increase flexibility which led me to setting world record for deadlift

Definitely, cause in the long term, you will love it that way much more, I guess. :)

That is crazy! WR, nice... I'm not really shocked, and the fact yoga helped you - nothing strange to me :P

Lol :P do you practice yoga daily? I’ve been trying to figure out how to make time and fit it into my schedule

Yoga is my favorite type of exercise but sadly I don't practice it daily! That would be awesome though :)

And please keep in mind, I was a powerlifter once myself :) Until I realized, it is not doing really good to some parts of my body, my physique and strength were crazy, but on the other side, my joints, hips etc were suffering

At one point of time I've decided I prefer these things more :)
So I found yoga as some sort of Utopia... :) Now I just mostly do bodyweight and yoga

Oh nice! :) I’ve been noticing that more and more powelifters are investing in yoga for the all around benefits. I’ll probably be putting down the heavy weights before my joints and tendons start to disagree with me.
Are you a really advance yogi who can do headstands and such?? If so, hopefully one day I can get to your level 😄

Hahaha, not yet, sadly! I'm clumsy asf, but getting better day by day 😎

you are probably miles better than me, as a female

haha not yet! I'm clumsy as well. I can only follow beginners video on youtube, but progression is perfection :)

Injuries are the worst. I bruised a rib against my belt when deadlifting last week and have knee niggles that also get in the way sometimes.

Ouch! That happened to me before when I tried wearing my belt higher, I always let it sit on my waist now. What are knee niggles?

Too many years of indoor soccer goal keeping (Lots of diving and landing on them) and other sports ... and probably a bit of aging too.

That’ll sure do it. Hopefully you’re taking good care of them now. Our bodies are the only ones we’ll ever get. It’d be a shame for us just to waste it away

happy health and good luck with Powerlifting Training

lookin good! these are some impressive squat weights!

Thanks! The most I’ve squatted in competition was 402 back in June. Hoping to get 450 in April 😁

Good Luck

hey you probably get this question a lot but do you think weights is more effective than cardio when losing fat?

Hey there. That’s a good question. Lifting weights and building muscle is definitely more effective than cardio. When you build muscle, your basal metabolic rate increases, so while not physically doing anything, your body burns calories at a higher rate. I believe some cardio included with lifting weights along with a healthy diet will lead to great results 😊

i think people meant that cardio is faster for the short term but weights is better for the long term

Not necessarily. It depends what one’s fitness goals are. Cardio will not only cause you to lose fat, but also muscle. So it all depends on how much fat someone has and wants to lose

i want to lose 25-30 pounds of fat

Well, in my opinion, there’s no way to measure pounds of fat or even pounds of muscle. So if it’s body fat you’d like to lose to obtain, your biggest aid with be your nutrition first and then exercising. People thing they can cheat themselves through fat loss when they can’t.

Instead of going of the number on the scale, you should be going off what you see in the mirror. That’ll be your best tool to track your progress.

i make sure i get plenty of protein and exercise to make sure im in a caloric deficit to lose fat. thats my way at the moment

Nice, I’m sure you’re already staying away for simple carbs and keeping your fat intake at a minimum as well

I've been kind of having similar feelings with my training, but its not quite as extreme since I'm not actually training to compete. I definitely get where you're coming from though. Hopefully you're hips stay pain free that sounds rough! I'll be sending my good vibes for training up until the meet, and I'll be rooting for you!

Aw thank you so much for sending good vibes! I definitely need them. The pressure of competing for a meet sure gets overwhelming. I had an awesome deadlift session Friday night, which put me right on track for my training cycle. Will post soon!

Glad to hear that, I'll be looking forward to the post!

Settling is so easy! Keep pushing, April is not far away. Good job so far!

Thank you! I’ll be sure to post my progress

Hey @quynnetessential,

glad to see another post from you.
Very interesting to read about your thoughts of your current situation.
Even if you are not at that level you want to be at this moment, don't forget that you're still good and I know you will come back to your old strength and ambition.

I think you are extremely ambitious and you can make this meet!!
It doesn't have to be 120% always, sometimes 101% are enough ;-)

Be careful not to overtrain to avoid injuries, otherwise the hard work was for nothing my dear.

Keep it up!!!

Thank you Jason! :) I'm slowly starting to change my mindset of doing the best that I can in that moment, instead of fulfilling any expectations that I've previously made.

I had a fantastic training session last night! Things went smooth and I felt strong. I really try to avoid overtraining. I tend to take Wednesdays off, along with the weekends to allow my body to recover. It's also nice to have the extra time to do other things :)
Thank you for the support!!

Awesome, recovery is a big part of progress, you know that! :)
I hope that I can dive fully into training again, when I passed all my exams of January.
Miss it, but unfortunately I can't take much time for steady training.
Nevertheless I give my best to make as many sessions as possible.

Looking forward to your updates!

Thanks! Steady training is always hard to stick with when you have other priorities. There's been many times when I fall off the bandwagon. But nevertheless, it's nothing to beat myself over looking back at it.

Goodluck for Your Better Yourself

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