Train With Jane: What is HIIT & What Are The Benifits?

in #fitness6 years ago (edited)


I try to do HIIT around 3-4 times a week. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It’s a training technique where you give all your effort for a short amount of time, followed by a full or active rest period. This type of training raises your heart rate and burns more calories in a short amount of time. HIIT is preformed for about 20-45 minutes as you can deplete your energy quickly. It is super effective to burn unwanted fat in a short amount of time.

An example of HIIT is running on the treadmill as fast as you can for 30 seconds and walking for 30 seconds and repeating this for 20-25 minutes.

Benefits of Interval Training

1) Increases Metabolism And Burns Fat Even When You’re Done Working Out
Combing high intensity with interval training results in EPOC, which speeds your metabolic rate and translates into a metabolism boost for up to 48 hours after a complete HIIT routine. This means you’ll still be burning fat even after you’ve left the gym.

2) It’s Quick And Convenient
If you are on a tight schedule you don’t have to spend more than an hour working out. Time is precious and so is HIIT. HIIT workouts can be done anywhere, no equipment is needed, and can be done properly in under half an hour.

3) It's Seriously Challenging
If you’re looking for a challenge and a fun routine, look nowhere else. This is a short but a workout that will have you sweating and asking your partner or trainer for forgiveness. You may be in pain, but trust me you won’t be bored. After your workout you will feel brand new.

You can find various HIIT workouts on my Instagram. Have you tried a HIIT workout? Let me know about your experience in the comments below!

Thank you for reading,


HIIT training has literally made all the difference in shredding the last layer .. dropped me from 12% - 8% ... awesome that you're so into this. I'm glad we got some fitness fanatics who take it serious here! health is number one. Hey be sure to check out me and stellas new show :)

Wow, thanks for the upvote! I appreciate it. I'm glad we can relate on something else haha we should all meet up and do a massive HIIT workout. Those are awesome results, I would be super interested to see what exercises you do during your HIIT sessions. I think alot of people would find it super useful because of your results. (If you haven't already shared)
I will definitely follow you guys and support as much as I can!

you are just awesome thanx for the beautiful motivation 😍😍😍

I think I need some of this in my life!!!!

I've tried doing this but can only usually last at the most 15min. I'm really out of shape. Do you have an suggestions that would help a beginner?

Keep being consistent, you're not going to get anywhere doing this once a week (not saying you only do) but I would say do this 3-4 times a week, and every week gradually increase the time you last by 1 or two minutes. Don't be scared to push yourself to the next level, you got this.

Hola Paola! Sube videos en español también! :D

Daniel, eso lo estaba pensando! Creo que lo voy hacer pronto pero quiero abrir otra pagina. Que cres?

No es mala idea abrir otra cuenta. Pero estoy seguro que a tus seguidores de aqui les gustaría escucharte hablar en español jaja. Éxitoo.

Gracias por tu opinión, voy a tratar de hacerlo possible. Gracias, Daniel.

I have tried a few HIIT but DANGGG they really kick my butt but totally worth it when you look at the benefits your gaining in such a short period of time. It for sure takes a great deal of self motivation to keep at it. The thing is you can do anything for 30 seconds! Its a good way to look at it every time you ramp up the workout.

Yep! Totally agree with you. Especially on the ass kicking part LOL

It is not only for burning fat. Fighters also do high intensity training, but they usually call it tabata and it lasts for 4 minutes only for one exercise. It increases dynamic power and strengthens heart to pump more oxygen too.

Basically the definition of EPOC :)
Thank you for your input, I have tried tabata as well. KILLER.

I always agree with the statique muscle contraction especially for people who had an injury and even for normal and athelets some time we need hits like this, great post i follow and upvotre , lets exchange ideas my collegue

Thank you so much :)!

HIIT is a huge staple in my training. I usually will do HIIT 4 days a week, in addition with LISS ( Low intensity steady state) 2 to 3 times a week. That combo is awesome for burning fat.

Great informations in this post!Keep them coming and get better soon so we can see you workout!😊

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