Worldwide Splitters Challenge- DAYS 39-40 2/3 Mark & HOBBY SPLITS!

in #fitness8 years ago

Sending you some grounding love and energy from the Mountains during this energetically crazy week! !We have hit the 2/3 mark in the 60 day Worldwide Splits Challenge, and i'm feeling fantastically flexy! I am amazed with how my hard work and dedication has paid off so far, and can't wait to see the final results of the challenge, with another 20 days to go ! 

For this challenge, you commit to practicing flexibility training 5x a week ( my personal practice tends to be very yoga based) , and taking photographs to track your progress.  Each week there is also  a themed challenge : Week 1: "Sports Splits" ( Week 2: "Inverted Splits"( . Week 3 : "Bed Splits" (

Week 4: "Costume Splits" (

Week 5: "Hobby Splits" - This blog :P 

Day 39 Master
Day 39 finished my practice right around midnight, mostly because of who i am as a person haha. What a day! Got a ton done on my day off- Feeling pretty juicy in my stretches today :)

Day 40 Master
Day 40 HOBBY SPLITS! Taken in my altar room /art room , with the crystal grid that i made today :) This grid is for grounding and is an earth themed grid, i really love it a lot <3 The mannaz rune appeared to me today, which seemed really fitting, and some groundnig yoga was amazing for the emotions today. Some of these photos i was also reading in :P You can see my guitars in the backgrounds, as well as my bookshelves, paints, male and female mannequin legs <3 this is my magic room and this is my magic life

I believe in the good things comin'
Out of darkness lion heart pumpin
Into white light all things runnin
Who have I been, who am I becomin'?
Take a vow in the Pale moonlight
Take a look at myself through my third eye
Everything's already alright
Always alright
Always alright

I am no master, I know nothin'

At the 2/3 mark in the challenge, i am actually pretty impressed with the results so far. I can feel myself progressing, slowly but surely, and have faith that i will be getting my splits in "no time" :P 

Hope everyone is having an awesome week!Thanks for checking out my blog! Hearts Ready!!! 

Namaste ! SO MUCH LOVE !! 

Evening Star  

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