Worldwide Splitters Challenge- Days 32 & 33 - Weekly Challenge #4 - COSTUME SPLITS!

in #fitness8 years ago (edited)

I have been participating in a Worldwide 60 Day Splits challenge on Facebook for a little bit over a month now. I am pleased to say that i have seen some great progress, and feel like i am well on my way to finally getting those splits :D For this challenge, you commit to practicing flexibility training 5x a week, and taking photographs to track your progress. Each week , there is an additional themed challenge. 

Week 1: "Sports Splits" (
Week 2: "Inverted Splits"( .
Week 3 : "Bed Splits" (

Week 4: "Costume Splits" - this week's challenge :) 

Day 32- light practice, fiance and i went swimming at the hot springs today. wore myself out, took a nap.Woke up at night, ate dinner, and did my practice. Only spent about an hour today, not my stretchiest. Ate tons of candy . No shame :P

33: COSTUME SPLITS! - Because i am a disorganized mess, no costume splits photos were taken on Halloween. So today i threw on my Suckerpunch Babydoll costume for some splitting :P Medium practice today, nothing too intense. Feeling a bit stiff and sore today. Hope everyone is feeling fabulous!

Happy Steeming & Happy Splitting!
Namaste! SO MUCH LOVE!

Evening Star 

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