What goes around, comes around

in #finishthestory6 years ago (edited)

This entry is for Finish the Story Contest where the @bananafish rules the deeps of ... where is my witty quip? ... rules, just rules. Okay. haha!

What goes around, comes around

by @f3nix

Barnard Hall, in the heart of the west wing of the medical school, the Asclepius sancta sanctorum. The light of the sunset dripped from the dusty double-glazed windows and mixed with the cedar scent of the wooden stalls, arranged in steep theatre. A visitor who had passed the heavy double door would have undoubtedly caught the note of animal musk mixing with the wood essence. Smell of anxiety. Smell of hunted prey. Smell of university student exhausted during a long, endless session of exams.

"I strongly advise you to think carefully about your next words," Prof. Angelus said to the student.

Spread over several rows, set in the narrow space between the back and the table top, the remaining students were crossed by the icy scalpel blade of that voice.

"Here we are," Luke thought in a flash of conscious resignation.

It was the sixth time he had to repeat that exam: after five fails in a row his whole life have been interrupted and swallowed up in that black hole. By now he knew every detail of "At Heart of Cardiology", the three volumes treatise written by Prof. Angelus, a widely recognised eminence of cardiology.

For an eternal moment his thoughts dissociated from the scene and flew to that day three years earlier when, at the head of a handful of fifteen other students, Luke had decided to protest the decisions of the seventy-year-old professor.
"Do you mind if I ask you.. do you really intend to graduate in this university?" A stunned secretary had told him at some point, after the insistent protests of the student committee showed no sign of blurring.
And at what levels could the power of an old ordinary professor, close to retirement, ever come? The answer did not wait and, just two months later, Prof. Angelus was acclaimed by the unanimous council as dean of the faculty. Luke was instantly fire-branded and he would never graduate from that university.

"Well?" The assistant, the professor's guard dog, broke the silence.

"The... the... commissurotomy can only be performed if the flaps are not calcified and the subvalvular apparatus is preserved. With a left anterior thoracotomy, the chest is accessed through the resection space of rib 5. Once the pericardium is opened through the left auricle, a diverter is introduced into the mitral ostium which, opening, forces the valvular flaps to separate the merged commissures." Luke answered almost without breathing, tense like a Vietcong in his tunnel paved of sleepless study nights.

The professor's nose had disgusting bright red veins, Luke did not know if he was breathing - or alive at all. He looked down at the white, protruding knuckles of his left hand, clinging to the arm of his chair, and waited for his fate.

"Twenty-six, do you accept?". A note of irony in that electric scalpel voice.
"Yes. Sorry, I'll take the transcripts." Luke stumbled into his bag, looking through the notebooks for the grade transcripts. He had not even brought the booklet with him since there was so little hope of passing the exam.

The professor absent-mindedly drew a twenty-four and a signature in cuneiform spelling.

The cold light of the Pentaled surgical light-head outlined the instruments neatly aligned as efficient soldiers ready to execute his orders. It was almost pleasant to the watchful eyes of Dr. Luke Richards, a promising cardio-surgeon and head of the famous Royal Brompton Hospital in Chelsea, London.

"Doctor, we have verified that a serious heart attack is going on. The frequency is 207 bpm. We administered 50 mg of protamine sulfate, the patient did not react. Furthermore, his wife informed us of a complication deriving from senile cardiac amyloidosis."

"A very normal case that could be safely entrusted to the Mako-bot" Dr. Richards determined instantly by glancing quickly at the operating table, automated and managed by the hospital central A.I.
He snorted slightly. Evidently the patient had enough influence not only to obtain a human operation, but also to have the Chief Cardiac Surgeon out of bed at three o'clock in the night.

"Who do we have here, doctor?"

"This is a certain Prof. Daniel Angelus".

=== My Ending ===

A mixture of anger and anxiety course through his veins. - This is our time. - He resisted the urge to punch the man who had ridiculed and humiliated him.

Luke visibly shook his head. Tiny beads of sweat dripped down his solemn face.

"Are you okay, Doctor?" asked Steven.

"Umm... yes. Sorry. It must be the early morning hours." he said. - Lying fuck. That's okay. He doesn't need to know. - "Let's get this underway."

Steven believes him because Luke appeared to regain his composure. They went to there respected places and began the procedure.

One little "accident" is all it takes. - Luke sat down in front of the monitor. - Remember twenty-four? - I'm not listening to you. - You responded to me.

Luke's anger intensified, his face feels like its being touched by the sun.

Luke moved the master handles, separating the muscle. He cut away parts of the flap that opens and closes Angelus' valve and masterfully worked around the senile cardiac amyloidosis issue.

Luke's mind traveled back to the time in his therapist's office. The therapist asked if he'd like to talk about his time spent with the professor. Luke pressed both hands on the arms of the chair inward, attempting to break them clean off. After calming down, he was asked what else he could do when he felt himself about ready to explode. Trying to control and bottle up his anger wasn't the answer.

He's a rapist. You saw the way he'd look at those young college women. - No, stop it. You're not rational. - Pussy.

Luke finished cutting. He started sewing in the metal ring. The assistant manually tied knots when needed. - He made you drink, for fuck sake. - I needed discipline. He did his best. - Stop that shit, pussy. Slip. Doctors do it all the time. - No.

Luke heard the heart monitor flatline. - Yes. You did it! - Luke heard the monitor beat. - So fucking close. ... He's over ninety. He's frail. Fuck bag, this is mercy. DO IT!!!

Steven ties the lost knot. Luke gets up and stepped away from the machine.

"Great job, Doctor," said Steven. "Always calm and cool under pressure. I aim to be like you someday."

Everything in the clear, Luke said his goodbyes and headed back home.

Luke entered his home, heading straight to bed. This day had drained him more than any other had since his college days. Sleep overcame him in a matter of seconds.

Hours passed.

He dreamt he was in a car with his old professor. They looked out the passenger window. A playground in front of them. Jovial children played on the swing, in the sandbox, and ran around the jungle gym.

Prof. Angelus turned to face Luke. "I want to thank you for giving me a few more years to spend with my granddaughter. It's a good thing you don't hold on to grudges."

From a poolside bar-stool and a drink in hand, Luke watched his Professor and a small girl holding hands, laughing, and walking toward the sunset.

He woke. Tears streamed down his face. The weight he'd carried for so long lifted off his shoulders. He quietly laughed.



Previous Finish the Story Contest Entries
The Town That ChangedEven the Clouds SmileThe BorderHorro Vacui
Black StarQuitting LifeLERIt Awakens
Apocalypse and PretzelsMetallic KissesCurie upvoted The Battle of Bloodneck Valley


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This post was submitted for curation by: @f3nix
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Thank you for the mention, @tristancarax!

Your welcome. I intend to write more 50-words stories if I can catch them in time. It is a neat and challenging excise I'd like to get better at.

Public banana-service announcement: results are moved tomorrow and edition #32 will be out on Thursday. Good luck brave storyteller!

I love the intense interior monologue as much as the whole way you described Luke's inner world of contrasted feelings and final reconciliation. It's a good piece, try to work more on the rule "Show don't tell" ;-)

I'm glad you brought up the "Show don't tell" rule. I know the question has been on my mind but I didn't know what to ask to get the "show..." rule. I'll be working on it. Thanks.

Ah, the wants to break the legalism they must adhere to versus the murderous wants of a doctor, thus born the desire to "accidentally off" the Prof. Yet it is in the dream-scene where the Prof walks away is where the Prof has finally been "offed" and the desire has finally been lived through in the Doc's Unconscious state. Thus, he can be at ease to finally have the satisfaction and the want to exact those grudges, even if consciously he knows the Prof walks away scot-free. Upvot'd and resteem'd.

This is deep and a very interesting comment. I'm not even sure how to respond others than, WoW.

I like your take away and perspective on this.

Not only did he free himself from years of psychological bondage, but saved himself also from a future of burdensome guilt. Reminded me of some of the internal dialogue that might take place in a Poe story. Sometimes, not much goes on. The torment is in the mind of the narrator.
Isn't writing great for working out complex issues?
I'm glad he came down on the side of right...was the only way to go for a man of conscience.

I'm currently having some of those troubles. I've asked myself the question, "How can I put that into a story?" This one seemed like the right one.

We all have choices.

Wow for the inner dialogue and bit regarding his time with the therapist! Your "cool under pressure" line had me chuckling. (Steven had NO idea how true what he said was...)
Nice idea to use Luke's dream to give him a sense of peace and closure.

Ha!!! "cool under pressure." That part reminds me of when people come up to me and say, "You are so peaceful and calm." In my head they don't see the war going on against myself.

I'm learning to accept it, but that is still going to take a lot of work.

@theironfelix and @brisby I've actually had a person I'd warned about a con artist going to beat me up because he wanted to go along with the same lies I once bought. Years later, while living in NY, he came to me in a dream and apologized for his behavior and not believing me. I questioned if this break-up actually happened. When I came back to LA, I saw him. He told me I was right and that he was sorry.

😁 People usually just tell me that I have a lot of patience. (Good thing that they don't hear what I'm thinking...) You've a lot of self control to be able to keep your inner struggles contained and not let them manifest visually. I think that the inner battle is more common than people like to let on. While I believe in acting honestly, keeping true to what we want or who we want to be, our first thoughts in some situations are more emotional and would do more harm than good. (I'm hoping that that made sense...)
As for a lot of work...yeah. But worth it if that's what you want for yourself. 😊

Thanks for telling me of your dream and the person apologizing after it. I enjoy stories like that and am glad that the person realized that you were only looking out for them. 🤗

What you wrote makes sense. However, I have vented online more than a time or too. This last time about 2 weeks ago. The consequences of what that does and how it plays out has become more apparent to me. I need to get out my evil speech else where in front of people who are trained to deal with that sort of stuff and not online where it mostly causes harm to myself and those around me. May I do better in the future. 8-)

Week #32 is served, proud storyteller! Deadline: Wednesday 24rd October, 12:00 PM - noon GMT+.

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