A trained girl. A funny story for Finish The Story Contest - Week #50

in #finishthestory5 years ago (edited)

Picture by @f3nix

Here is my entry for Finish The Story Contest - Week #50!

You can find the contest at:


Original Story

The Abysmal Biscuit

by @F3nix

The awareness of the box's contents dripped slowly in Joelle's mind, coagulating like a graceless Rorschach's blot. Bones. Tiny tapered bones, standing out against the mahogany bottom.

The unusual item jolted on the worn chair, reacting to the vibrations of the old diesel-powered train. The convoy, the last of his lineage, still fulfilled its duty along the Brașov-Sighișoara route allowing students to return to their homes every weekend. To the rhythm of joints and sleepers, the whiteness of the remains continued to dance tremulously before the eyes of the young woman as the frames of her glasses slipped slowly from her nose.

In a tinkling clink of bracelets, the student closed the lid of the box and moved away as far as possible from it, crushing herself against the seat's padding. The lazy air of the air conditioner stuck to the bottom of her dry throat an acrid plastic taste.

And then she saw him. The old passenger had returned and was staring at her through the windows that led from the corridor of the car to the cabin. She listened to her own scream erupting and fill the cramped cab.

"I didn't want to scare you, young lady."

"N-not scared. No worries, sir." Somehow, Joelle managed to gather the few polite words her manners demanded. She could not have said how long he had been watching and if he had seen where curiosity had taken her. The glasses, temples up in the air, laid on the seat beside her.

The old man was tall and lanky, his burnished skin resembled the ancient scales of a dragon. Dressed in work trousers and a raw cotton shirt, he gave the impression of being one of those peasants whose families had inhabited the Carpathians for centuries.

Joelle's gaze passed involuntarily from the man to the funeral urn disguised as a biscuit tin: the representation of a merry-go-round in a lacquered colored wood and graceful workmanship. The children were swirling with their bent busts, perhaps because of the speed of the carousel. Their mouths were wide open and their hands clung to the poles skewering the horses. With a lump in her throat, she remembered the fleeting memory of just a few hours before, when a train was huffing at the central station and a gentle old man asked her help because he couldn't open the cabin door. She felt like something ruined down from her lungs to her guts.

"I see that you like my craft." In the silence, she could detect the old man's fingers caressing the box inlays.

"It's adorable. A gift for a grandchild?" Joelle realized only now that the object was his only baggage. In the warm twilight, the colors of lacquered wood seemed even more lively. The conifers thickened on the sides of the train, sliding quickly to the edges of her field of vision.

"Oh. A gift, says the young lady. Like a toy, perhaps?" The old man's eyes were two black bottomless pits. His gaze had slowly become vitreous like that of a deep-water fish, yet at the same time penetrating.

"Yes, a toy. I like how you see it, miss." The passenger continued, his voice getting thinner.

Only then, Joelle realized where they were heading: the train had just passed the old mill and would soon pass through the tunnels beneath the mountain.

"You may have noticed how I depicted all these children. Observe, miss, between a horse and the other: they are not alone." By pronouncing the last vowel, which he abnormally prolonged, his voice tone had become a slow and drawling rattle.

It was still too early for the wagons' lights to turn on and the tunnels were preparing to swallow the convoy.

A sound of nails carving into the wood tore the thoughts of the young student.

Here is my ending

The presence of small bats (which were actually butterflies) among the depicted children alerted Joelle. Corroborating the theory that was forming in her mind from the beginning.

The old man discreetly moved away from the girl when he perceived a very familiar nauseating stench.

Joelle, seeing the almost imperceptible movement of the old man and his sudden change of voice and strange behavior, made her stand guard. She knew that her garlic collar had driven back the demonic creature.

Suddenly Joelle gave a strong kick to the old man's chest. He fell on the ground like a sack of cement, dropping his wooden box and scattering all its contents everywhere.

They were indeed bones, possibly of the victims of this hellspawn.

Joelle opened her eyes even more and shouted

"BACK OFF SATAN!", she screamed very loudly

She jumped out of her seat, running to the exit of the car while it was dark because of the tunnel.

The old man moaned in pain. So the girl decided to take speed from where she was and give him another kick even stronger. She prided herself on being a champion in kickball

The kick made the old man lift a few inches of ground for a few seconds.


Joelle's screams were heard outside the car. Immediately calling the attention of the train's officer. Who entered worried.

"What happens here!?" Shouted worriedly the officer


The elder as he could, asked the officer for help

"Please help! I think she's broken a rib!", the old man said

The girl took out a cylindrical container and sprayed a liquid over the eyes of the old man

The old man howled again in pain, rubbing his eyes with the sleeves of his shirt.

"BEHOLD!" Joelle shouted back to the officer



The old man protested again, so the girl pulled a wooden stake out of her purse. At that moment the train's officer stopped her by grabing her both arms

In the commotion, the train had already stopped at a station. The whistles of the train's officer had made the officers of the station go into the wagon immediately.

"Let me go! We have to kill him. He's a Vampire!"

The girl was still struggling to drive the stake into the old man's chest and the train's officer struggled to avoid it. Finally, the officers came through and arrested the girl for assaulting the world-famous archaeologist Sir Frederich Yaguzhinski Sergeievich Sheremetev The 3rd, who had just been awarded the title of knight by the Queen of England.

The girl protested in her defense to the officers pointing to the bones scattered on the floor that the aforementioned archaeologist had hidden.

The bones were the possible remains of a family of Russian royalty that would reveal the possible fate of the duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova, and were personally transferred to a forensic laboratory in Transylvania to be identified.

Joelle claimed to be part of a religious organization that exterminated demons and as proof was the effect of holy water sprinkled on the eyes of the old man.

After carefully examining the contents of Joelle's purse, in addition to finding a gun with silver bullets among other things, the officers only found a pepper spray.

The girl surprised by her mistake in the heat of the situation, responded with a smile

"My Bad!"

I think I certainly would also wear a purse with similar things in case of traveling to Transylvania ;)


Novum kalium pirata.png

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Finally, the officers came through and arrested the girl for assaulting the world-famous archaeologist Sir Frederich Yaguzhinski Sergeievich Sheremetev The 3rd, who had just been awarded the title of knight by the Queen of England.

Ah. Sir Freddy Sheremetev. I remember his lecture on methods of dating third century Roman graveyards. His analysis is always impeccable.

A shame he had this unfortunate run in with the Christian fanatic

I'm glad we have a friend in common, ha ha ha

Im glad you had fun.

I saw some excellent vampire slayer kits sold on the internet. I wanted to gift one to my friend but they were too expensive. I recommend them to Joelle, once she will come out from Romanian prisons - which are renowned for their hospitality -and see the light of the sun again. This was a hilarious climax where both the reader and the writer had fun in equal measure!

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Hi maparari,

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I was really looking forward to seeing what you'd do with this one, and you delivered, this is so entertaining. It is so vivid, and the dialogue is so amusing, her assumption, the way she reactions, the police and then the pepper spray at the end, this is a smile packed story <3 with a hint of the consequences of jumping to conclusions. Very glad someone intervened before she accidentally murdered a knight!

I just adore how she flies off the handle, and goes all out shouting, spraying the 'holy water', the strength of her conviction only serves to add so much weight to that last line. A story that would work just as well as a sketch - wonderfully done!

Indeed, a good tale of mysticism. I dare drink to that, @maparari had delivered a riveting tale to that end~ I say such a good exposure to reveal the complete blindness of fanatics. Here here!~ <3

These actions definitely deserve another kind of respect, I dare say a whole tragicomedy TV show. One that purposefully shows the horror of her actions while the comedy kicks in when her actions faces the rightful consequences of such. (This comment has been edited due to how it made my comment sound like @calluna was disrupting yah.)

Oh gosh I didn't mean it to come across as lacking respect!

@maparari I'm sorry! I meant it as a compliment, that it could stand alone without needed the wider context of a full show, and that the lighthearted humor through out this is so well put together, and her lines are just so brilliant, it would translate well being acted out

By the fifth annal of Jesus Christ Christself! You didn’t disrespect @maparari, I just wanted to reply to your comment and say how amusing it could’ve been as a TV show. Not to suggest anywhere near that you insulted the author.

Yes. Dont be sorry and dont worry my dear @calluna. @theironfelix is right. Im not feeling disrespected in any way.

And as I said to @calluna, I would like to answer all the messages, but my RCs won't let me.

Thanks to both of you for your beautiful words

Oh no, if felix was right that your work deserved more respect than gave it I am really sorry, I am glad you didn't feel disrespected though <3

(although I realize this is probably confusing as theironfelix has edited out the part of his comment where he said your story deserved more respect than I gave it, thats why i apologized and responded explaining what I meant)

Honestly, I never read your comment in any possible disrespectful way, @calluna.

My company’s internet is being crappy. But I’m sorry for making my original comment. I didn’t want to make you look bad in any way and maparari loved both of our comments. Now please, everybody, let’s not make any more fuss. I apologize for pecking up with my wording - my fault entirely. May nobody dare lay any blame on Cally now! Everybody let’s just gaily stretch and start loving each other.

Im glad you're having fun. I would like to answer all the messages, but my RCs won't let me

I guess the fault is part of Sir Frederich blah blah... with his strange behavior from the beginning, presumably he wanted to abuse this "defenseless" girl. ;)

And as you know garlic always drives away enemies and sometimes friends too

Oh damn, they need to sort out these RC problems!

Not as defenseless as he might have thought ;)

haha yes, that is does, a great way not to get bitten by vampires, or kissed haha

Reacción (Reaction): This is definitely a story on those damned fanatics who never care to actually ensure the situation is actually what it is. Always using their blind sight to jump at whatever moment is convenient for their superstition is and own on that has hard as possible with no room for any a (lowercase "s") skepticism. By golly had she dared to hammer in on the poor fellow here, by gosh even if I know his money would cover his operations would I dare even chip in some to his fund. At least he had done something magnificent for Science and she had to despoil his fun of discovering that now!~

La filosofía (The philosophy): I am a firm believer that once a stage in history has happened and made impossible for something to happen again, it becomes a farce of the original tragedy. And this story, for all intents and purposes, is a farce of the Enlightenment philosophy against the superstitious religious orders at the time. Where Science makes its strides all about to demystify the world and this lassie who has bought into the mysticism of an organization has harmed a good person of Science. Has it not been the case that even when the superstitious are shown the error of their way do they leave a subtle smile and chirp away a "one-liner" to excuse such behaviour done in abhorrent circumstances? I believe it so and we still see them roaming the streets now still excusing their actions and giving a slight smile that they had gotten so far with what they did even when caught.

La forma (The form): Of which the form of the story will carry us forward to further see into this plaguing situation. By golly must I really state the self-evident fact here, anons of the internet? By and large, as aforementioned, do we see the troubling notions repeated here and in a despicable light that we are reassured when justice is served - showing yes that society can step in but has yet to fully root out the conditions that spawn them. Imagine if he had been stabbed alone, what stories can run a muck with him a dæmon to then her realizing she stabbed an innocent! I say she cares not for a religious being in the clouds but a mere justification to be cruel to anybody that poses even a slight character trait to dæmons - something her organization benefits from as seen with her smile and response back. Even when demystified, she reasserts the mysticism back because mysticism of the general form had managed to outrun and find a way to work around the mishap.

So congratulations on the @curie upvote, keep on writing and happy steeming!~

Congratulations on receiving a Curie vote for your great story!

What a terrific twist you've delivered to us. You draw us in with the carvings, seemingly ominous but then are naught but butterflies. Then you keep us within Joelle's point of view, as a girl ready to slay a monster but leaving fine details to show that her prey isn't what she thinks he is. At first I was surprised by her fervent dialogue but once reaching the reveal of her as a member of a religious organization, I have to say that it was perfectly fitting.

Luckily, the old man was saved from being staked by an overzealous young girl by the officer. Though, I'm pretty sure that "My bad!" isn't going to save her from assault charges. 😂


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