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RE: A trained girl. A funny story for Finish The Story Contest - Week #50

Reacción (Reaction): This is definitely a story on those damned fanatics who never care to actually ensure the situation is actually what it is. Always using their blind sight to jump at whatever moment is convenient for their superstition is and own on that has hard as possible with no room for any a (lowercase "s") skepticism. By golly had she dared to hammer in on the poor fellow here, by gosh even if I know his money would cover his operations would I dare even chip in some to his fund. At least he had done something magnificent for Science and she had to despoil his fun of discovering that now!~

La filosofía (The philosophy): I am a firm believer that once a stage in history has happened and made impossible for something to happen again, it becomes a farce of the original tragedy. And this story, for all intents and purposes, is a farce of the Enlightenment philosophy against the superstitious religious orders at the time. Where Science makes its strides all about to demystify the world and this lassie who has bought into the mysticism of an organization has harmed a good person of Science. Has it not been the case that even when the superstitious are shown the error of their way do they leave a subtle smile and chirp away a "one-liner" to excuse such behaviour done in abhorrent circumstances? I believe it so and we still see them roaming the streets now still excusing their actions and giving a slight smile that they had gotten so far with what they did even when caught.

La forma (The form): Of which the form of the story will carry us forward to further see into this plaguing situation. By golly must I really state the self-evident fact here, anons of the internet? By and large, as aforementioned, do we see the troubling notions repeated here and in a despicable light that we are reassured when justice is served - showing yes that society can step in but has yet to fully root out the conditions that spawn them. Imagine if he had been stabbed alone, what stories can run a muck with him a dæmon to then her realizing she stabbed an innocent! I say she cares not for a religious being in the clouds but a mere justification to be cruel to anybody that poses even a slight character trait to dæmons - something her organization benefits from as seen with her smile and response back. Even when demystified, she reasserts the mysticism back because mysticism of the general form had managed to outrun and find a way to work around the mishap.

So congratulations on the @curie upvote, keep on writing and happy steeming!~

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