The Popular Depression (An Original Novel - Chapter 11)

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

The Popular Depression is a book I wrote in my first year of college.

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It was inspired by a cigarette pack on a coffee table that I noticed at a house party.

My eyes were drawn to the Health Canada warning on the box of cigarettes.

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I think the statistic about tobacco-related deaths was supposed to be the scary one. But, for some reason, I was more alarmed by the fact more people died by killing themselves than by getting into car accidents.

I never did anything with the book I wrote. Looking back, some of the amateurish writing makes me cringe. But, the concept behind The Popular Depression is an important theme for us to think about.

Here is the eleventh chapter from The Popular Depression.

Chapter 11

“Class, listen up. Today we have a new student. Her name is Liberty Hollingsworth and she has just moved here from Salmon Arm, British Columbia.”

Ethan can’t take his eyes off of the new student. Liberty glances at Ethan. In the moment of eye contact Ethan’s heart is out of breath. His eyes become deprived of moisture because he keeps them open for several minutes. He can’t look away. Her natural blonde hair, just past shoulder length, beautifully blows behind her every time the fan rotates in her direction. She stands in front of the classroom… shy, timid, vulnerable.

After class Ethan waits inside the classroom until Liberty is prepared to leave. Just as she does, he walks closely behind her, and then greets her once in the hallway.

“Hey, I’m Ethan,” he says as he extends a hand.

His hand is met with a hand that is more delicate.

“Liberty,” she replies.

“Nice to meet you,” simultaneously.

They both give a half-smile.

“Can you help me find my locker? I have no clue where I’m going in this school.”

“Of course,” Ethan replies.

The two walk down the hallway. Ethan points out critical landmarks essential for survival in the high school.

“It’s late in the school year to be transferring,” Ethan suggests as the two approach Liberty’s new locker.

“Well my dad just got a job offer here in Lethbridge. I was not excited to leave Salmon Arm. It’s weird to think that I won’t be graduating with the kids that I’ve known all my life.”

“Yeah I bet,” Ethan says. “Well, this one is yours.”

Ethan points to a blue locker on the east wall of the hallway.

“Thanks, it was nice meeting you, Ethan,” Liberty says sincerely.

Diane, Ethan, and Cindy walk into the Evangelical Free Church. They go to sit at their typical spot… but to Ethan’s astonishment, he notices Liberty sitting a few rows back. As soon as Liberty notices him, she smiles and waves. Ethan smiles back.

After the service concludes, Ethan scurries out to the foyer to meet Liberty.

“Wow, it’s encouraging to see that at least one other person from our school attends church,” Liberty says as Ethan approaches. “Or do they all just go to Catholic Church?”

“I think it’s pretty safe to say that we’re probably the only ones who aren’t nursing a hang-over on this Sunday morning.”

Liberty laughs.

“So you never came by my locker this week. I have to say I was looking forward to seeing you again,” she says.

Ethan considers a response. As he is about to reply, an older couple walks toward Liberty.

“Liberty, aren’t you going to introduce us to your new friend?” the woman asks.

"Ethan, this is my mom and dad; mom and dad, this is Ethan.”

“Pleasure to meet you both,” says Ethan, extending his hand.

“So Ethan, do you go to school with Liberty?” Mrs. Hollingsworth asks.

Before Ethan can respond, he finds himself joined by Diane and Cindy.

“Is this the Liberty you have been talking about?” Diane asks Ethan, not quietly enough.

Liberty smiles; Ethan turns red.

Diane breaks the silence.

“Hello there, I am Diane, Ethan’s mother. And this is my daughter Cindy.”

More handshakes and greetings are shared.

“We should really get back home," Mrs. Hollingsworth says. "I’m starving and I haven’t even thought about what to cook for lunch.”

“Well I think your family should join us for lunch," Diane says.

Ethan pulls into the Hollingsworth’s driveway. The last three weeks have flown by and he can hardly believe that he and Liberty are about to embark on their first date. He can’t even believe that he finally worked up the courage to ask her. The two have been hanging out a lot lately and Ethan is excited about this potential relationship.

Once parked, Ethan gets out of his vehicle and walks to the front door of Liberty’s house. Within a couple of seconds Liberty opens the door; within a couple of seconds Ethan’s mouth drops. Liberty looks amazing. She is wearing a black dress, past the knees, with a slit on the left side. A white pearl necklace is draped around her neck. Her hair is wavy with subtle curls. A gold ring rests on the second finger of her right hand.

“Hey Ethan,” Liberty says, smiling brightly.

Ethan can barely blink let alone compile a response.

“You look… amazing,” Ethan spits out.

They get into Ethan’s Tacoma and drive off.

“So what’s the plan for tonight?” Liberty asks.

“A night full of the unexpected,” Ethan promises.

Liberty ponders this while fiddling with her necklace.

Ethan pulls the vehicle up to what was formerly the Lethbridge Water Tower. The massive green structure was recently re-constructed into a Ric’s Bar and Grill. With the best view in the city, dinner reservations at Ric’s are not easy to come by.

“Ric’s Grill?” Liberty asks, surprised, yet impressed.

The two walk into Ric’s and take the elevator to the dining room floor. Once there, Ethan speaks to the hostess, who leads the two to their table. Liberty can't help but notice the rose placed in the center.

Dinner goes by quickly and on the way to the truck Liberty thanks Ethan for a wonderful evening.

“You are talking as if the night is over, which it most definitely is not,” Ethan replies.

Ethan opens Liberty’s door for her, then gets in himself and drives out of the parking lot.

On the ride, A Rush of Blood to the Head by Coldplay, is heard out of the Tacoma’s speakers.

The song doesn’t have time to finish before Ethan arrives at Henderson Park.

“Now I know it’s not the most creative thing in the world, but I was hoping you’d come for a walk with me. Plus it’ll give me a chance to burn off all the calories from the steak I just had,” Ethan says while holding his stomach.

Liberty laughs, slaps Ethan’s stomach playfully, and then replies, “A walk sounds perfect.”

The two walk for a while, hand-in-hand, and then Ethan motions to sit down on a park bench. The two stare at the water as the light of day fades.

“I don’t come here nearly enough,” Ethan says. “I mean, people joke about how un-scenic Lethbridge is… but every time I’m down here I am just amazed by how beautiful this place can be."

Liberty just sits there, with a half smile on her face. No response.

“But I mean, I guess it’s not as nice as growing up in Salmon Arm all of your life. This place must be kind of boring for you,” Ethan continues.

Liberty still just sits there, staring out toward the water.

“What are you thinking about?” Ethan asks.

Liberty snaps out of her trance and glances over.

“I am thinking about how great this night has been. This feels right. I’ve been waiting to meet a guy who makes me feel the way you make me feel. All of tonight, it’s been so perfect. In the short time I’ve gotten to know you, you’ve always made me feel like the most beautiful girl in the room. Now, it’s just me and you here in this gorgeous park. We’re holding hands. My heart is pounding. My breath is gone. And it’s all… perfect.”

Though darkness has blanketed the sky, Ethan and Liberty stare into each others eyes. Their faces move slowly closer together. Their eyes begin to close. Their lips meet.

Previous Chapters:

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10


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