The Popular Depression: Chapter 3

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

Preface: I wrote a book when I was 18. It was inspired by a cigarette pack on a coffee table that I noticed at a house party.

My eyes were drawn to the Health Canada warning on the box of smokes.

I think the statistic about tobacco-related deaths was supposed to be the scary one. But, for some reason, I was more alarmed by the fact more people died by killing themselves than by getting into car accidents.

I never did anything with the book I wrote. Looking back, some of the amateurish writing makes me cringe. But, the concept of The Popular Depression is an important theme for us to think about.

Chapter Three

Ethan sits on his bed early Sunday morning. The latter stages of Like Knives by City and Colour plays softly in the background. The first week of school has come and gone. Though the semester has just begun, it feels like school is in full swing. Ethan enjoyed his first week slightly less than he thought he would. He wishes it was still summer.

Liberty walks toward Ethan’s house early Sunday morning. A song by City and Colour is stuck in her head, but she can’t remember the name of the title, only the lyrics, “Can I have you?” The first week of school has come and gone, and though the semester has just begun, it feels like school is in full swing. Liberty enjoyed her first week more than she thought she would, but she wishes it was still summer.

Liberty rings the doorbell and is greeted by Diane Tate.

In her mid-forties, Diane has shoulder-length auburn brown hair. She is slim, and slightly taller than average. Her mannerisms are gentle and warm and her personality is very inviting.

“Hello darling,” Diane says as she embraces Liberty.

“Good morning, Diane,” replies Liberty.

“Liberty’s here!” yells Cindy Tate as she runs up the stairs.

Cindy, Ethan’s 10-year-old sister, has light brown hair, which is often done in a ponytail. Ethan and Cindy are the only children of Diane’s.

“Hey there cutie,” says Liberty as she hugs Cindy.

Cindy and Ethan have a very good relationship. Cindy looks up to her brother immensely, often mirroring what Ethan does. Ever since Ethan and Liberty began dating, Liberty has been like a sister to Cindy.

Ethan walks out of his room and down the hallway in a black dress-shirt with white pinstripes (Le Chateau) and strategically ripped jeans (also Le Chateau). His hair has various products holding it together, and the scent of Hugo Dark Blue follows him. He walks up to the group gathered around the front door and half-smiles at Liberty. Liberty smiles back.

“I never knew my boyfriend had any style,” says Liberty, trying to give a surprised expression to Ethan.

Ethan rolls his eyes then looks towards Diane.

“Should we head out, Mom?”

“I think that’s a good idea, I hate always walking in late."

Diane, Cindy, Ethan, and Liberty pile into Diane’s Chevrolet Blazer and head off to church. Ethan stares out the window of the vehicle for the remainder of the drive.

“Doesn’t my boy look handsome?”

Ron Tate walks into the kitchen holding his son’s hand. It is the first Sunday of spring and the Tate family is about to leave for church.

Ethan lets go of his fathers hand and runs over to give his mom a hug.

Diane looks over to Ron.

“A tie?” asks Diane.

“Clip-on,” says Ron, while winking.

As the Tate family leaves for church, Ethan runs back toward his dad.

“You ready to go buddy?”

Ethan makes a motion that indicates to Ron that Ethan needs to ask something that is secret. Ron bends down to listen.

“Piggy-back?” asks Ethan, whispering.

Ron makes a face that showcases deep consideration of the question at hand… then, almost conceding, Ron motions for Ethan to hop on his back.

The family goes outside to the vehicle and Ron does up Ethan’s seat-belt. He then shuts the door, walks to Diane’s door, opens it for her, watches her get in, closes the door, walks around to the driver’s side, opens the door, gets in, closes the door, buckles up, starts the ignition, and backs the vehicle out of the driveway.

Ethan stares out the window.

Diane pulls the vehicle up to the church parking lot and chooses a spot right next to Liberty’s parents who have also just arrived. The Tate family and Liberty get out of the Chevy Blazer.

“I don’t understand why Liberty walks 10 minutes just so that she can ride in the same car for 10 minutes with this guy,” says Mr. Hollingsworth as he messes up Ethan’s hair.

“Hey now, I’m sure Ethan spent all morning getting his hair just perfect for our Liberty,” says Mrs. Hollingsworth.

“Yeah Ethan, aren’t the women of the house supposed to get most of the time in front of the mirror,” says Diane.

“Yeah Ethan,” adds Cindy.

The families walk in together and sit down in the same row near the front of the chapel. Ever since Liberty and Ethan began dating, the families have always sat together during Sundays at church.

Pastor Hendrik Vandersea walks to the front of the church, welcome the congregation, gives the morning announcements and then begins a long-winded prayer.

Ethan slouches back in the pew and feels himself drifting off.

3… 2… 1…

The ball is passed around the three-point perimeter and ends up in Ethan’s hands. Number 17 of the Raymond Comets charges toward Ethan attempting to block the shot. Ethan jumps up and releases the ball, milliseconds before the buzzer goes off. The ball soars just above the fingertips of the defender and toward the basket. Swish.

Ethan stands in disbelief as every person routing for the CCH Cougars runs out on to the court yelling and cheering. The zone championship banner is brought out by the referee and handed to Ethan. Ethan’s coach whispers, “Imagine the possibilities next year.”

The Lethbridge Herald’s front page headline the next day reads, “Junior shows seniority with game-winning shot.”

Ethan is distracted from his basketball day-dream as Diane taps him on the knee and signals for him to let Cindy get by so that she can go to the washroom. He shifts his legs, lets Cindy by, and begins listening to Pastor Hendrik, whose sermon is focused on temptation.

"A husband may be tempted to look lustfully at a secretary he works with,” says Pastor Hendrik. “In the same sense, a boyfriend and girlfriend may be tempted to have sex despite the fact that they are not yet married.”

Ethan makes eye contact with the Pastor just as he says this, then quickly looks away.

After the service, Ethan and Liberty stand patiently and wait until their parents are done talking about all the church gossip that has happened over the week. The families slowly make their way to the door, shake the hand of the pastor, and then walk outside.

“Liberty, would you and your parents like to come over for lunch,” Diane asks.

“My mom and dad are going to the Smyth’s for lunch,” Liberty explains. “But I’d still love to come over if the invitation stands.”

“Of course it does,” Diane replies.

The Tate family and Liberty pile into the Blazer and head back towards Ethan’s house.

“Dad’s famous grilled-cheese coming up!”

Ethan, Diane, and Ron gather around the kitchen after church. Ron puts on an apron and begins to gather ingredients for grilled-cheese sandwiches. The windows that are open in the kitchen allow the fresh scent of spring-air to flow throughout the kitchen.

Ethan sets the table. The Tates sit down, but before anyone can take a bite, Ron insists on saying grace. He thanks God for his family who means the world to him.

This is the last time Ron will ever say grace.

Once arriving back at the house, Ethan goes straight to the kitchen and begins to get together ingredients for grilled-cheese sandwiches. Liberty helps by putting together a salad. Diane and Cindy set the table. The family sits down once the meal has been prepared. Ethan says grace.

“So Liberty, was school as bad as you were building it up to be?” Diane asks.

“Surprisingly, no,” Liberty begins.

“It obviously sucks that Ethan and I don’t have any classes together. But I got put into a lot of the same classes as Denise.”

“Well I’m sure the couple hours apart during school hours won’t be unbearable,” Diane says. “If anything, it’ll probably prevent you from getting annoyed of this guy.”

“Too late for that,” Liberty says, winking at Ethan.

Liberty and the Tate clan finish up their meals, then decide to go and rent a few movies. Ethan and Liberty hop into Ethan’s Tacoma and drive off to pick up Cindy’s request of rental: Madagascar.

Ethan brings the last of the dishes up to the kitchen sink.

“Thank-you for helping Ethan,” says Ron.

“Can we rent a movie dad?” Ethan asks eagerly.

“Oh I suppose that could work, what’ll it be?”

“Lion King?”

“Again?” Ron asks, wondering how many times he and Diane could have bought the movie for Ethan with the money they’ve spent renting it.



Ethan asks to go along for the ride, but Diane insists that he stay home and clean his room before he watches the movie.

“Mom is right, you have to clean your room before you get to watch Lion King for the 28th time, it’s only fair,” says Ron as he puts his shoes on at the front door.

“Fiinnee,” says Ethan.

Ron watches his son stomp toward his room and lets out a chuckle. He then kisses Diane on the cheek, goes outside, gets into his Ford pick-up, and then drives away.

On the way to the video store, Ron notices the beautiful weather outside. He pulls up to a red light. He turns down his radio and listens to the noises of the outside his window. The light changes. Ron steps on the gas pedal lightly and begins to roll through the intersection. For a mere second there is silence.

A vehicle coming perpendicular through a red light crashes into the driver-side door of Ron’s Ford. Ron’s vehicle rolls sideways several times before coming to a rest upside down. By the time the paramedics arrive, Ron is dead.

Liberty and Ethan get to the video store and begin to make selections. For Cindy they get, as requested, Madagascar. For everyone else, they decide on Garden State.

Ethan and Liberty get back to the house and they all watch Madagascar first. Afterward, Diane helps Cindy with her homework and Ethan and Liberty watch Garden State. Ethan puts his arm around Liberty and she leans on his shoulder.

“I should probably get home before dinner,” says Liberty at the conclusion of the movie.

“Yeah I’ve still got to do that math assignment,” Ethan replies.

Ethan offers to give Liberty a ride home. She accepts.

On the drive, a Thrice album rotates in the CD player.

“Isn’t your mom’s birthday coming up?” asks Liberty.

“On Tuesday.”

“Any plans for what you’re going to do for it?”

“Not a clue.”

Ethan pulls up to Liberty’s driveway.

“It doesn’t look like my parents are back from the Smyth’s yet.”

“Do you want me to come in and wait with you?” Ethan asks.

“How about you wait with me here?”

Liberty then leans across her seat and puts her hand on Ethan’s cheek. She lightly pulls his face towards hers and kisses him on the mouth. Ethan kisses back. As the two make-out, Ethan’s hand moves onto Liberty’s. They interlock fingers and begin to kiss at a slightly faster rate. Ethan begins to slow down the kissing, and they finally come to a stop.

“Did you listen to Pastor Hendrik’s sermon today?” Ethan asks, trying not to sound cheesy.

“Uhh Ethan, we went to church together.”

“I know, but did you, like, actually listen to what he was saying about temptation and stuff.”

“Yeah,” Liberty replies, feeling somewhat guilty.

“Do you honestly think that you could wait until marriage with something like sex?” Ethan asks.

“I don’t know. I mean, I want to, I think. But, it might not be the end of the world if I didn’t. It’s just… I want it to be with someone really special. I want it to be something that I won’t regret a few years down the road. You know?”

“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. The thing is, I don’t know if I can wait with you Liberty. I mean… I love you.”

The words flow out of Ethan’s mouth for the first time, almost unconsciously. He then looks to Liberty for a response. Without hesitation, Liberty replies.

“I love you, too.”

The two continue to make-out, but are interrupted by the Hollingsworth’s vehicle pulling in next to them. Liberty wipes her mouth off, and then kisses Ethan on the cheek.

“I’ll see you tomorrow sweetie,” Liberty says. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Follow my blog to catch future chapters, as well as my popular "20 questions" interview series!


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