Skari's story ~ Part 3: Chapter one

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

Skari's Story ~ The start

The world Skari lived in had been one of the first prototypes of it's kind. No one knew how old this world was or Skari but everyone knew of her. She has been seen, from the beginning of everyone's memories, on the river steps dancing.

Skari danced her heart out, each day, on the steps of the river. Calling to all the grey life around her, beseeching all to feel again. To feel anything. Even hatred would have started to waken the sleeping world.

Skari, reaching into her soul, pour out all the love and longing she held in her being to see color again. Praying for one plant to show the rainbow of colors she remembered. A memory now like an old dream tucked away in the recesses of her mind. Skari knew she was the last to remember.

Each day she danced in hopes the world would return back into what it was so long ago. What the world was meant to be.

Every morning, with the rise of the next planet, found Skari swirling, swirling, swirling. Ice cold water spinning from her feet to cover all grey life within her reach.

Rumor had it if you ended up with some of the sprays from Skari's wild dancing on you, your skin would turn the same shade of peach as her's. Once you turned there was no blending into the land, no blending into the crowds of people. Soon a turned person would be shunned from the villages for causing danger to all around them. They would find themselves on their own for the rest of their living days fending for survival.

No one dared touch Skari or get close to her.

Skari's Story ~ Part two

The day wore on with Skari never taking a break. If anything, she seemed to move faster, faster, faster as the next planet made it's way over the world, shedding what little light it could on the inhabitants of the place Skari called home.

The ripples in the river, caused by Skari dancing, started to glow from the light shining down over the world as the day wore on.

Water bounced through the air, shooting diamond glitter flecks of light off in all directions. Sparks shot up into the sky, colliding with each other, shooting off again to land as soft raindrops upon the grey inhabitances daring to come near the river. The foliage, found near the river beds, received the life-giving raindrops as well.

Skari, deep within her mind and soul, danced without awareness. She was now in the deepest part of her trans-like state. If someone would have tried to speak to her she would not have heard them, so far into her daily dance as she was.

In her dreamlike state, color came back into her world for only her to see.

Skari soaked into her being all the beauty she could, knowing deep inside, this dream would only last but a few short moments.


This was the one gift she had been given to be able to live on for another day. This was her hope, her renewal, bestowed upon her, in her, to help in her fight to reverse the discord that came into her world so long ago.

Evening snuck in and with it, a horse could be seen slowly making its way along the river banks. The horse, while magnificent in form, was grey from head to hoofs, blending well into the land. No one would have been able to see the horse if not for the swirling rainbow of light that radiated out from the twisted horn protruding from the middle of the noble beasts head.

In the last of the dim light being shed over the world, you could see Skari being nudged by the glorious beast. Singling her time for today was at an end. Skari's last spin ended with her arms wrapped around her one true friend left on her world.

She rested her head alongside his neck, arms circling, hands entwined in the long flowing mane. Exhausted beyond all reason. This daily ritual kept her from falling into a wasted heap to the ground.

Skari's story ~ Part Three

Pathos carefully lifted his head bringing Skari long with him. He slowly raised one hoof, swung his neck to the right, bringing Skari's feet to land gently on top of his cannon bone. Skari tightened her grip on Pathos mane, ready for the last step in achieving their goal. With one last twist of his neck, while lifting his hoof even higher, Skari was soon seated atop her noble friend.

Slowly, with great care, Pathos crossed the river while many of the inhabitants of the world watched for what they knew would be coming.

Making it to the top of the stairs, raging sea on one side, grey vegetation on the other, the two stopped. Waited. Swirls of wind started to pick up around them as Skari's arms raised above her head one last time.

Golden light shimmered down from the swirling vortex enveloping them both. Off in the distance, you could hear the deep sound of a horn being carried on the wind.


Pathos took one step forward and vanished. The world quiet once more.

Minutes passed as the inhabitants, once again, were in awe of the beauty they had just witnessed. Reality soon came in to play as a small cry from a baby woke everyone from the trance they found themselves in.

Women and men ran quickly to the river knowing this was the only chance they would have to safely fill barrels and jugs full of the clear river water. Once the barrels and jugs were full, those that needed bathing took their turns in the water. Mothers, wives, were seen washing babies, husbands, and clothes before it became too dark to see.

All to soon another horn, higher in pitch, could be heard in the distance. The villagers, as one, stopped what they were doing to gather their belongings and family close to them to start the short trek back to the village and safety.

So ended a typical day in a world that was one of the first prototypes of it's kind.

This is my Weekend Freewrite- Single Prompt: children

I am hoping, but not promising, that we, together, can find out Skari's whole story.

This Freewrite falls under the 'rules' of @mariannewest's Freewrite group. These rules are very different than the college rules of an actual pure freewrite.

If you want to know more about @mariannewest's Freewrite group click on the link above and take a gander at today's prompt. You know you want to! 😁

Share a smile today. It cannot hurt!




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I never knew you can write descriptive fiction so well @snook, this is amazing it's so detailing, I enjoyed reading.😀😀

Thank you!! and Thank you so much for taking the time to read it too!!!

I too hope that we find out together what is going to happen :)

And so ended day one, tune in tomorrow for the continuing saga of Skari's Story.
My Grandmother had to have the housework finished so she could listen to the radio every morning for more " My Husbands Love", "" Doctor Paul", and God help you if you dared to interupt.

:D my grandma used to watch 'days of our lives' soap opera. it was the only show she let herself watch but boy you didn't make a sound when it was on LOLL :D Thank you for everything!

The morning started with " Aunt Daisy", A " how to cook", and " how is the world going", talk show,
She had her own cookery book that is still prized for the recipes, including a pinch of this, and a shake of that.
The Radio Studio must have had a passageway towards the North East, she had been heard on many mornings starting with
Good Morning, Good Morning Good Morning, The sun is shining right up my back passage.
Grandma didn't think it was funny, and if I dared to laugh at her again she would wash my mouth out with soap to clean it up.
Aunt Daisy lasted for 33 years so she must have had a good following.

Aunt Daisy lasted for 33 years so she must have had a good following.

33 years is a heck of a long time!! must of had great recipes loll

soap is not very good tasting.......... I feel for you!! :D been there. had that done LOLL

At the time, her recipe book was top of the " Wedding Gift" list,
I think the Boss has her one in the bottom of a drawer somewhere, I would hate to ask.
It was mostly a chat show where she gave her idea on what was happening to the country wives,
This was many years before TV, and a lot of her following came from the war wives cooking the simplest way without any fancy extras.

Great Chapter! And great tree bitmoji! So green and colorful!!!

Thank you!! I'm so happy you liked it!! :D

Hope all is well with you. Lots of hugs.
Newest prompt - even though I know that you know where to find it LOL

Could you go to the freewrite house post - the latest punday and vote on my recommendation? I wouldn't mind winning 5 SBI :)

thanks need then lately......not sure what's going on.......hoping it get's better soon. <3

hugs, hugs, hugs and more hugs

Thank You :D I'm so happy you are liking it!!

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