Fools~ A Different Prespective

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Fools~ A Different Prespective

"Did they think I was made just for them?", he scoffed.

Spitting out, "Those light dwellers? Those do-gooders?"

"They walked right in. Never seeing the clues. Never reading the books! Walked right in. Claimed their space." growling deeper and deeper.

"Who ARE these fools you brought to me?" growling lower and lower, "Ones YOU let think they have taken over!"

The wind picked up, the leaves blew, the bees stopped. All holding on for dear life.

"They almost crushed me by a whale no less" wind straining to hold it together, "Not reading those books could have damaged me! Did you ever think of that?"

"What a ragtag group he has put together to guard my secrets! and YOU! YOU! You love them! You think they ARE the Ones!"

Flowers closed their petals, hiding all taking shelter within. Trees did the best they could. Pulling leaves and branches in as far they could. Hiding families inside their long aged trunks. The occupants of the house were in a very deep sleep. Shutters closed. Windows locked. Drapes were drawn. Ghost flew through tieing down all they could. Hurried back to protect their Mistress. Demons screamed from being held. Begging to go back to Hell.

Outside, once again, the storm was escalating to proportions not seen since The Making. The air withered, almost breaking, the tension was so thick.

A light, very small, wandered through it all. Not a care in the world. Glancing all around her. If you listened very close you could hear a laugh. So soft, calm, and clear it made you almost weep.

"What has you so worked up my dear friend? Do you know the grass is turning brown from fright? Tell me what worries you so about the people I love." The gentle words were spoken with confidence, love, and reason. The light waited patiently for a reply.

The wind, so shocked, forgot to twirl about. Quickly all took deep breaths, staying right where they were. Mothers kissed their children, hoping they would sleep. Still on guard, knowing it was not close to being over. All settled in to wait for the outcome while the inhabitants of the house slept.

And waited.

Was that a cough? A clearing of the throat? A hmmm? Almost a shuffling of feet?

Gruff voice, now softened and out came the pouring of reply.

This @Brisby, who is she to let <spitting sounds could be heard > squirrels run amuck in my house. A woman, any sane man, would never walk on by. <creak > Ah, if I was 1000 years younger. I would hold her close. Give her the love she deserves. She sleeps like an angel in her box. They do not know, they do not see as I do what a treasure she is.


That one beside her, <scoff > that @f3nix fellow! How will he find my books? He doesn't sit still. Mumbles in his sleep all fracking night about a 3-D f3nix something! Whatever this 3-D contraption is, this f3nix, the one you say will save us, best go about finding it soon! He is useless to me. To US! Even with a trail to the room, which you know we can not do, he will never find it!


Poor @mariannewest <shuffling could be heard > has her work cut out for her. Restarting all their brains. Get them thinking and rethinking cannot be an easy task. <creaking of a swinging chair > She wanders around, but still, even she has not found the clues. All her touching of things has been in vain. She was my best hope!

The wind picked up at that. Whirling right then left. Right then left. Then stopped. Not knowing what to do.

"Keep going you poor thing," the gently, quiet voice said. "You know it all needs to come out."


Ahhh, but the beautiful @simgirl <creak > has powers she doesn't know she posses. Why does she think she is the only one to be able to see the invisible fish? She too, with her curious brain, always learning, learning. She had my hopes high to finally find the trail. To get down to business but alas this is not the case once again.


Now @Deaconlee. <shuffling faster, faster > I need to be on watch with that one. Too much good in him to let my guard down. If he finds the trail would he do the right or wrong thing? Would be up in the air with that one. Of him, I am most worried. It's a confusing tale, all woven in circles. Would he take the time to unwind it all? Look at the broader picture? Yes, I NEED to keep my eye on him. He is the unknown.


<chuckling, giggling? >

That darn cat, @whatisnew, with her top hat always so perfect. She tickles my insides whenever she is about! I'm not sure she has even found her room yet. I made it special. All blue and airy. Never to feel trapped. She calms them all you know. Just by being in their presence. But how? <crack > I'm not yet sure. Every time that darn cat walks, I laugh. I'm ticklish! Once started, there is no stopping. I lose track of her.


Now we seem to just have gotten a tiny little dog. All white and cute enough to make the grumpiest of all fall in love. Her name is pure as a Lilly grows out in the wild. The strangest of all, I seem to be aging! I'm finding more and more white hair.......and now my mind is wandering like some feeble old man. <shuffling could be heard > Yes, that Lilly. I will watch. Get her to like me. Sneak her treats to know where she is at all times. We don't want her hurt!


<shuffling faster, faster >

Her master in life, that @Marcoriccardi fellow. He. He! turned loose Demons in me! He is strong. Makes himself stronger but beware if he keeps playing with those dark folks. A man of many is always good to have around. They come in very handy in an emergency. Knowing just enough to get by. Him, I will keep when this is all over. Him I will train to be the best.


That witch of a witch @Byn finally came. <creak > Her ghosts have been needed for a very long time. Ahhhh, ghosts once again to fill the house. It will be so good to talk about old times. I have missed the smell of pots and bowl filled with all those witchy things they brew. <creak > Now when was the last time I had a good Eye of Newt soup? Ages ago! I shall have to go to her in a dream to give her The Recipe. None other shall do. She is strong already to be able to brew what is needed. <creak >


<creaking of a swinging chair >

Bah! I forgot about that sneaky @Omra-sky!! That man is so quiet! Never makes a sound tinkering down in the dungeons. He needs to look up once and a while or put bottle caps on the soles of his shoes. His head in the clouds! Noticing everything and yet...........he also has not found it. Yet, he has been so close but lets himself get distracted writing very funny jokes. I admit, the very serious man writes a very funny joke. Made my sides hurt laughing.


But I have to admit the punniest of them all is @Improv. That man <was that an eye roll I hear? > walks around, head in the clouds, mumbling, mumbling words. Stringing together word after word to drive me to distraction. Where his thoughts will flow next is always a guess. Up and down and around and around he goes. Walking and walking all the time mumbling to himself and when the moon is full? Howling joins in. It's enough to make you want to cover yourself with trees!


<creak >

Now @Svashta comes! Aliens? I thought we got rid of those long ago! They built stone circles to cover the land. Moved on when they got bored with that. Started making permanent triangles. What's next? Quatrefoil shapes everywhere. It's bad enough they buried stone bodies on that island, Poor Ester? Easter.........what was their name? Up to their heads trying to hide all their mistakes! Him! Him! I will watch. I will NOT be made full of holes or sink into the ocean from Quatrefoil retention. No, it just will not be.


Silence. Deep, deep silence. Nothing alive or dead moved. No sound, no drip, buzz, or rustle.

Moments passed. Was all lost?

Wait! What? What was that?

If you listened very close.................

You could hear a laugh.

So soft, calm, and clear it made you almost weep.

If you listened very close this is what was said.

I built you, dear friend. Do you really think I will let you die? We followed the rules set by him so long ago. I have kept you alive through times worse than these before us and we both are still alive.

I guard you well. Checking all. Every day since we were born. Through tunnels. Up stairs. Up more stairs and some more!

I really should not have made so many floors!

Finally, The Keepers have come. The ones the books foretold. You know this to be true just as I do.

You will have to get used to people again running amuck in you. Yes, squirrels too!! You need to learn these are good, fine people we have taken in. They need you old friend. Your support. When they need a place to hide. They need your magic to keep them safe while they slumber and rejuvenate.

This Crew that has made you a Home.

I know what happened years ago but now it's time to let go. Time to learn to love again, these new people living here. They already show you much respect. You need to open your heart to hear. Once you do all will go as it should.

They will find all, in time, never fear. I am here, as I have been from the beginning. I will be until the end.


It started slow, it started low, then grew and grew and grew. The laugh that sounded for ALL to hear came from the lights soul. It made you smile. It lightened your heart. The mothers, and fathers breathed anew.

The wind did a dance and ran out to sea to tell the tale to all.

I hope you enjoyed!

Much Love,

Gif made by @omra-sky


I love how you included different members of the #freewrite community into your story! Thanks for sharing =)

I took a shot at the Day 98 (Round is a Shape) #freewrite! It was pretty difficult, and It'd be great if you checked it out =) let me know your thoughts in the comments

Thank you for stopping to read and comment. This is part of the #steemhome freewrite that people are joining in. you should check out some of the other stories!!

Hi @snook! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @marcoriccardi!

@marcoriccardi wrote lately about: Bowl - 5 Minute Freewrite Day 97 [Eng/Ita] Feel free to follow @marcoriccardi if you like it :)

Check out new tipuvote! feature :)

Pure Perfection @snook! The writing and the house you built. The crew is soooo lucky. Yay! I am a girl! And now with a lump in my throat...I can't thank you enough for the special room you made for me; it is so nice to know that I have my own special place where I will "never feel trapped." You have no idea how much this means to me. And I sure hope that I do actually calm everyone...I love that! You made the whole crew feel so special (((((snook))))).

Now I must say one thing. I wrote a story ( almost finished) using every prompt like you did. Once again, great minds think alike. LOL! Have you noticed that we do that a lot? Anyway, mine is now in the trash because I can't possibly come even a tad close to this perfect...beautiful...heart-warming story. Your story...this story MUST stand alone in all of its glory!!! Tip! Tip!

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo get it OUT of the TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees :(

ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! My story wasn't about the house or the crew. I just wrote a story using every prompt for celebrating Marianne's 100th! I will do something different...promise!!! : ) : ) : )

okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, did you find your new Gif's?U5dsPp8m58D6ycY5x27zv98zvvUQrmT.gifU5dtmfKTdS9hmCHExnsxFXxcBPrhzoe.gif

Of course not, but thanks to you I have them now. I LOVE them. THANKS SO MUCH!!! : ) : ) : )

YOU crack me up!!! I LOVE following you around and leaving you clues :D it makes me smile to know I can be helpful if I try hard enough LOLLL <3 hugs

I love the image of demons screaming, begging to go back to hell. In fact, that whole descriptive section, with the tiny light bouncing through it, was wonderful -- set up a sort of suspense and conflict that really me in as a reader.

The demons one was my favorite part too!!

😂😂👍🏾I wasn’t trying to upvote myself 😬😐

Thank YOU :D and Thank YOU so much again for the help that day!!!

I'll give you a better response later since I have to go to work now. WOW!!! ( and a lot of blushing) HUGS You are wonderful!!! tip!

Our poor house! I love that you gave it so much character (literally and figuratively)! Also, I think the house may be a wee bit drunk (angel? he forgot when brisby pulled out a gun during a play...LOL). Fantastic work creating a complex character from the beautiful home that you've built. (Oh, since the tunnels connect all of the houses, does that mean that all of the houses are the same entity? Or are they siblings or some such?)
Even if he doesn't like the squirrels, it's good that we have such a fine home with more mysteries within to discover!!

Ditto! 😁

I was worried about us all for a bit there!! :)😘

me too!!!! LOLLLL it was touch and go there for a while :D

Awwa that is so wonderful! I love the house. Poor thing. What happened to it? I feel bad for it now. We must make music for it to make it feel better. The fish will show the way!! We won't let it down! Yay! I love this.

Thank you <3 I'm SO SO happy you liked it!! and now back to bed again........ hugs

oh my dear... You spin such a wild tale! I need to read this over again because it was so much fun the first time. You have so much latent talent... I am so happy to read this story. It does feel like home! <3

Thank YOU so much for reading and for being you and always being so loving to me so that I'm not afraid to try new things and maybe fail. I know there is things 'wrong' with this story, technically speaking, but you who know that always see through all the mistakes and just enjoy the story for what it is. HUGS

I made a voice recording of this late last night and LOVE how it turned out. :D which made me happy and That too I have to thank you for. encouragement is a very strong thing if done the right way and you always do <3

What a blessing to be a little bit of wind beneath your wings. I'm so happy that you stepped out and let us see you and all of your beautiful colors. Keep it up and I will be back here cheering you on! <3 I will be listening to your audio! You are so brave!! :D

Wow @snook! You outdid yourself on this marvel of mystery and intrigue! I obviously need to return to the library on go over those maps one more time and compare them against some of those old dusty log books that you found stuck in the back behind the binders with the archetectural overlays and design changes. I knew that there must be something else at work here, there was something that was left undone that we need to complete. We shall call a group meeting, with @mariannewest's blessings of course, we need to put our heads together on this one.

YOU, my dear friend, give me courage every day. I loved your comment and YES we DO need to go to @whatisnew's Library and find some more clues :D

we will just be careful we have on the right glasses!!!! LOLLL

I could write a book on how much your support has meant to me but it would give you too big of a head so you are just going to have to imagine the pages and pages of what I all said. :D

hugs You made me laugh out loud and grin from ear to ear when I read what you wrote. Thank YOU for that also!!

Happy Friday Snook!!

Today I'm riding along in a 1954 Bentley R-Type Continental being driven by a very stylish skeleton detective. He's helping me travel through the town of Freewrite to deliver Marianne's prompt to you.

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